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Not long ago, Anthony O brought news from Gusiro.

Gusiro is also willing to accept the task of refining, but he is a blending party, so refining any work is relatively slow, he only intends to undertake one of the refining tasks.

Also in other words, the remaining 2 refining tasks become Angel’s tasks.

Gusiro probably also felt that pushing the two refining tasks into the hands of the “newcomer” in the research and development institute of Angel was somewhat sorry. Therefore, he asked Angel to choose which two tasks to refine first, and leave the rest to him.

Gusiro’s meaning is obvious. These three Alchemy claims, because he only refines one, so it is no problem to leave him the most difficult.

However, it depends on Angel’s choice which specific one to leave for Gusiro refining.

Angel the past few days, are studying the requirements of these three people for customization. With his own simulation refining and the Alchemy pattern drawn, he already has a bias in his mind.


As the communicator lit up again, Anthony’s light blue light appeared in front of Angel.

“Mr. Pat, good afternoon.” Anthony Ao is as elegant and polite as usual. “What’s the matter with me, sir?”

Angel did not speak, but pointed to act and pointed to the desktop.

Anthony Ou looked down, but saw three manuscript papers on the bench in front of Angel.

These three manuscripts are not strange to Anthony. Because this is what he handed to Angel, the manuscript paper comes from the top three of the Nova Sprint. Each manuscript paper represents their customized request for Alchemy.

Anthony’s eyes flashed: “Mr. has already determined, which two refining tasks to choose?”

Angel nodded, put the left-most manuscript paper in front of Anthony: “This is given to Gusiro Master, and the other 2 refining tasks are for me.”

Anthony Au bowed his head and wanted to see Angel’s choice.

“Trom’s customization?” When he saw the refining task to be handed to Gusiro, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes: “Sir, are you sure you want to give this refining task to the Moon Master?”

Angel nodded: “Yes … you look surprised?”

Anthony Ao shook his head: “I’m not surprised if I choose which one to refine. It’s Mr. Freedom. I just feel that’s all.”

“Why do you feel emotion?”

“Because when I asked about Trom’s refining requirements at the time, he was very eager to tell me, hoping to make Mr. refining for him.” Anthony Ou’s face flashed with regret: “Unfortunately, what you did not choose is he.”

Anthony Paused: “Since Mr. has confirmed the choice, then I will tell the Moon Master now.”

After all, Anthony made a special gift, and the silhouette slowly disappeared.

After Anthony left, Angel put his eyes back on the three manuscript papers in front of him. From left to right, they correspond to the customized requirements of Trom, Oner Xerxes and Shireu.

In fact, comparing these three people’s claims, Trom’s request is relatively simple.

Why is it simple, because Trom’s request is to refine a piece of clothing armor. Even, he actively provided the fur of Sisomi as the main material … If all the Alchemy customization is like Trom, even the main material is provided by himself, it is estimated that all Alchemy Warlock will feel more relaxed.

However, Angel still did not choose Trom, the reason is also very simple: not suitable.

Angel is best at enchantment. Enchantment uses external force to make the magic material play a better effect. In addition, the corresponding magic patterns and magic energy arrays also need to match the properties of the corresponding materials. It is not that you can characterize and so on what you want to characterize. There are very large restrictions.

Cassomi’s fur was born with Absolute Defense’s special capabilities. When Trom was in the game, he also used Cassimi’s fur to avoid the deadly attack many times.

Also in other words, even if it is not refined, the coat of Cassimi is already a semifinished product.

This kind of semifinished product, it is difficult to find a matching magic array in the book. Unless, to actively debug the texture structure of the magic energy array, it is possible to get in touch with it.

He the past few days on the manuscript paper, filled with all kinds of magic energy data, texture structure, just to see if you can refine the props needed by Trom.

The answer is: it can be refined.

However, it may take several months or even longer to adjust the structure of the magic pattern.

The energy and time spent is really disproportionate.

Of course, Angel does not have to debug the magic texture structure, and can also forcefully refine it. But in the end, the enchantment’s magic energy array and the defensive ability of Cassiso’s fur are complementary. In the end, they complement each other. It’s hard to say.

After thinking about it for a few days, Angel finally decided to abandon the customization of refining Trom.

Angel summoned a small flame and burned the leftmost manuscript to ashes. Now, before him, only the manuscript paper that belongs to the customized claims of Shirley and Ona Xerxes.

There are three customization directions proposed by Shiliu: First, he hopes to refine a potions that will permanently protect him from drowsiness. This customization direction has been rejected by Midola and Regina.

In the second direction of customization, Shiliu hopes to refine an item that has a positive effect on her sleepiness. Also in other words, no matter what is refined, as long as it has a positive effect. Because the scope is very vague, the Space played is also very large, but in the end, can you let Xi Liu be satisfied, it is not easy to say, after all, the “positive effect” she proposed is just a personal subjective feeling, and it is difficult for outsiders to know. What kind of positive effect do you want?

The third customization direction is a weapon.

In order to establish a system for Xiliu’s refining, in fact, Angel already has a final decision in mind. So he just looked at it and made sure that there were no missing requirements, so he put it aside and looked towards the refining requirements of Ona Xerxes.

Ona Xerxes has 2 customized directions, the first customized direction is also a weapon.

However, Ona Xerxes made many requirements for this weapon, which are strangely complex and full of contradictions, such as “condensation in water, burst in fire”, “projection starlight, shine in the sun”, etc …

Angel looked very big, reminding him of some allusions such as “5 colorful black” Jon told him.

Anthony said: “For this kind of customization, just choose one of the requirements and refine it. For example, refine an Ice Attribute weapon that can condense in water, or a Fire that bursts out of a bath fire. Attribute weapons. “

It doesn’t matter if the other party is unsatisfied after refining. Anyway, Alchemy Warlock is the biggest, love it or not.

Ona Xerxes’s first customized direction was too complicated and required a full page to be written, which was very annoying. However, his second requirement is very concise, only one sentence:

Any props, as long as they are related to philosophy.

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