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Moreover, Angel also remembered one thing. When Tulas hit the white light bullet, she changed into a semi-dead state instantly like her.

After being shot, Turas and Guman are obviously different from other souls. What do they have in common?

“Is it really just because it is special soul?”

Before Turas has not recovered from the undead to the ordinary soul, he is actually a soul with a special strength, which can be teleported at will.

Therefore, what Angel can find at present seems to have only the “special soul” point.

While Angel was muttering, Sanders replied through the ligation of his mind: “There may be other reasons, but now no one can tell.”

Can anyone tell? Angel frowned whispered softly: “No, someone can still make it clear.”



Sanders did not expect that Angel would suddenly pop out of this ridiculous answer, raising his eyebrows: “Are you planning to bring her out of the sinking abyss?”

Angel nodded, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes: “Isn’t this a very special case?”

Many years ago, she became a semi-dead. Can she continue to change her status from a semi-dead to a normal undead?

Regardless of whether the final result is good or bad, such a special case can definitely enrich the “Experimental Report of Reincarnation Overture”.

The color of excitement revealed in Angel’s eyes has already shown his determination, and Sanders has not blocked it, but Sanders thinks that Angel’s plan can actually be done. In fact, it is still an unknown number. Experiment, the Black Castle also needs an explanation.

They did n’t wait long. About 2 or 3 minutes later, a silhouette of Isabel appeared in the hall.

Not only Isabel appeared, but Isabella also came, but she just floated quietly behind Isabel, neither stepped forward nor intended to speak.

Isabel first nodded to Angel and then looked towards the others in the hall.

Ice-colored eyes swept across the crowd, when anyone looked directly at her, there would be a feeling of soul freezing. Therefore, everyone was glanced down, lowering his head subconsciously, not daring to look directly at Isabel.

After watching it for a week, Isabel indifferently said: “The people in the first row will follow us out to help Mr. Pat solve the problem of the undead, while others stay in the Soul Realm, and … reflect.”

Isabel’s statement actually shows two attitudes.

First of all, her name for Angel is obviously honourable, which surprised all the people present, even those who were already official Magus.

Isabel’s title is indicative of everyone at the top and bottom of the Black Castle.

Even she expressed respect for Angel, and others must not disrespect it.

This is what Isabel wanted to express, which actually surprised Angel, and he noticed that neither Kimberly nor Isabella had any opinions. It seems that they have communicated privately and reached an agreement.

The second key to this sentence is “the people in the first row” and “reflection”.

Angel may not understand what this means, but all Transcending people in Black Castle understand what it means.

There are actually fewer than ten people sitting in the first row. These people are all official Magus. What is different from other official Magus is that these people are not at all complaining.

Also in other words, they have never participated in Isabella’s “mu blood” ceremony.

Isabel deliberately let these people go out, and let others reflect, in fact, secretly admonish everyone, her attitude towards blood ceremony. At the same time remind others that the past strategy of Black Castle should be overturned.

Because Angel and Sanders are here, Isabel did not specifically point out, but just told everyone present in this obscure way.

It’s time to change.

Isabella still didn’t express her opinion. The people under him looked down at each other before bowing their heads and not talking.

“Let’s go, Chen Wei is also time to uncover the scars.” Isabel indifferently said, only when the carrion was cut and the tumor was gone, the Black Castle had a new day.

As Isabel’s voice fell, the person responsible for the scheduling of the Space node immediately started Space transmission.

Everyone penetrated into the Space node and disappeared.


When Angel stepped out of the Black Forest node, he had prepared a defensive technique according to Kimberly’s reminder, but what he didn’t expect was that the situation outside was even more amazing than he thought.

Even if Angel is well prepared, as soon as he steps out of the node, he finds that he has almost reached zero distance contact with a greasy face!

Angel is about to pick up the reincarnation overture to shoot, but before he can shoot, Kimberly’s cry comes from his ear: “Be careful!”

Angel hadn’t responded yet. The undead almost face-to-face with him showed a terrifying expression, followed by a 180-degree head reversal. To Angel’s horror, a mouth suddenly appeared in the densely packed hair behind the head of the undead, and a malicious smile aroused.

A stinky wind blew through, the hair of the undead was lifted, and Angel’s pupil shrank.

He originally thought there was still a face on the back of this undead, but it was n’t. There were all kinds of crooked five organs under the hairline. There were more than one mouth, several mouths in a chaotic arrangement, and eyes and nose. !

Seeing this scene, Angel immediately remembered what Kimberly had said to him before: “Necromancer!”

Multiple undeads are specially combined together to form a special compound soul form.

This soul form has one characteristic: extremely unstable!

When Angel was alert to her identity, she originally exuded a cold light soul, and suddenly the rays of light masterpiece!


The speed is very fast, Angel hasn’t even reacted yet, the roaring of terrifying, the violent energy spillover and the intense white light happen in front of him.

The defensive technique that Angel had tinkered with had no effect at all and was directly destroyed.

There was a bang.

Angel was in an arc and flew out, falling heavily beyond ten several meters.

“Are you okay?” Sanders’ sound came from the soul band.

“It’s okay, just hit by inertia, not at all injured.” Angel sat up from the dry grass, and several long strips of white fog gradually disappeared. It was the phantom limb that just helped Angel resist the explosion.

Although the defense did not work, the phantom limb resisted the explosion.

However, Angel’s expression is still a little serious, because at the moment just now, the energy of the phantom limb has been consumed by nearly 90%. It can be seen that this self-destructive explosion is very terrifying.

If there are a few more, Angel is not necessarily safe.

When Angel responded to Sanders’ words, he suddenly felt a cold wind coming from his back, and when he looked back, he saw a gruesome undead that emerged out of nowhere and appeared behind him.

Angel picked up the reincarnation overture and prepared to shoot at the undead.

However, before she could shoot, the undead seemed to realize something and suddenly backed away suddenly, disappearing into the darkness.

“Strange undead.” Angel murmured, and since he had run away, he didn’t bother to bother.

Angel thought he was already very bad luck, and he encountered an explosion of the polymer as soon as he stepped out of the node, but compared to others, he was already very good. Because, just after the strange undead disappeared, Angel suddenly heard a series of loud and roaring sounds behind him.

He looked back, but saw the Black Forest node, which had been completely transformed into a blazing white light!

I don’t know where it came from, nearly 100 undead aggregates, and at the same time self-destruct!

A terrifying energy to the extreme, radiating from the center to the outside, intense hot air assaults the senses!

A lot of soil on the ground was emptied, the dry trees were uprooted, and then the energy that was hit was instantly turned into dust to dissipate. Everything is gone.

In Angel’s eyes, only pure white is reflected. In this white light, a few humanoid shadows can be seen faintly. It is Magus who came out of the node with him.

This roar lasted a long time.

at first is just the explosion of the Necromancer, but then Angel clearly felt that the explosion was mixed with Space energy, and it was estimated that even the Black Forest Space node was also destroyed.

Various energies are intertwined, and the huge light ball extends outward.

While Angel was still shocked, Sanders sound came from his ear: “Far away from here!”

With Sanders’ reminder, he swiftly retreated out of several hundred meters.

When the light ball gradually dissipated, Angel could clearly see that the previous Black Forest node had disappeared, leaving behind a huge circular pit with a radius of more than 20 meters.

Near the round pit, several witches did not escape in time, lying on the ground covered with blood.

Seeing this scene, Angel suddenly felt lucky now that he stepped out of the node and encountered the Necropolymer, and immediately blasted him out, so he was still some distance away from the core of the explosion .

If he falls at the core at this time, even if there is a powerful fleshy body as the background, it is estimated that he will have to shed his skin.

When Angel was shocked by the scene in front of him, there were a few broken sounds behind him, and when he looked back, Isabel and the others appeared beside him.

Sanders also wandered: “Your luck is not bad.”

Sanders’ words made others agree.

After they leave the node, they are actually paying attention to Angel, fearing that he will have an accident, but what didn’t expect is that Angel first encountered the Necromancer, and it was the weakest one. The situation, but just escaped the strongest explosion, it can indeed be said that luck is good.

Angel touched his nose, not responding to Sanders’ jokes.

Looking at the miserable appearance in the distance, I was afraid afterwards, rising from deep in one’s heart.

Originally, Angel also said that he could solve this by holding the reincarnation overture alone, without the help of others. But now, seeing this scene, this confidence is disappeared.

The undead are terrifying, and the undead standing behind the military division is more terrifying.

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