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“You’re in courting death.” Isabella’s eyes have completely changed to scarlet, with her black gauze, and white to shiny skin, it looks full of paradox.

Although her sound did not improve, the coldness implied in the tone reached the highest.

Kimberly frowned, she can feel that Isabella has reached a state of irritability.

Although Kimberly feels that Angel’s words are somewhat overdone, it is not a good time to choose to be completely hostile to Phantom Island now.

Although she was lucky enough to step into true knowledge, she still has self-knowledge. With her current strength, she still misses Sanders a lot.

even more how Sanders has a gravity garden.

In this case, there is absolutely no good fruit to be antagonized by the forces of Illusory Island. Moreover, it is very likely that the other party will be able to retreat.

Thinking of this, Kimberly decided to dissuade Isabella.

However, Kimberly didn’t speak that’s all, but when she spoke, she seemed to be Isabella’s combustion stone.

Isabella coldly glanced at Kimberly: “You are indeed on their side, do you actually think so? Think I am asking for it?”

Kimberly was about to speak, but Isabella was sneaked, slowly floating high.

The humming sound came from all directions.

A large amount of blood drilled from some place began to gather. Isabella was surrounded by scarlet. The blood Hydro Phase exuded violent energy for her wings, weapons, and tattoos!

Seeing this scene, Kimberly sighed, she took a step back and stood on the side of Isabella.

No matter how much she dislikes Isabella, but at this time, she must be on the same line as Isabella.

Sanders and Angel also stood up at this time, with the two sides taking sides.

Seeing that the war is about to erupt.


But at this moment, a soft sigh reached everyone’s ears.

When the sigh came, Isabella’s original arrogance suddenly seemed to be drowned with a bucket of ice water. The black hair, which seemed to be poisonous snake baring fangs and brandishing claws, also slowly fell.

“Angel is right. The Black Castle came to this step, isn’t it your fault?” The cold sound echoed in the hall, “And, now you have to be hostile to the Barbaric Caves, which is also yours to the Black Castle. One-step arrangement? “

Isabella raised her head, looked towards unknown void, with an expression of forbearance, nana said: “Teacher …”

As Isabella’s words fell, in the sky was suddenly pushed open a door.

A woman with white hair in a round bun and ice-colored eyes, wearing a silver white magic robe, came out from behind the door. As she stepped out of thin air, a winding phantom step appeared in the air.

Among the people present, only Sanders saw her for the first time, but needless to say, Sanders can also guess who he is.

1000 years ago, the genius witch, “King of Twilight” Isabel!

Although the appearance has changed, but the aura that seems to stand at the tip of Throne, but it is unpretentious to cover the whole audience.

Isabel appeared suddenly, completely unprepared by everyone.

What made them feel unprepared was that, after Isabel arrived, she did not stand on the position of her former student, Isabella, but from her tone, she stood on the side of Angel.

This surprised Kimberly.

After Isabelle stood still, instead of looking at Isabella, who had no arrogance, she looked towards Angel and walked slowly.

“It’s not far away from the last meeting. Didn’t expect in a short time, your progress will be so great, it seems that your gains from the abyss trip are much more than the outside world speculated.” Isabelle’s eyes flickered, Softly.

Angel and Sanders understood her words. Instead, Kimberly and Isabella, the misty water.

Kimberly only knows that Angel is an Alchemy Warlock, what is Isabel’s “trip of the abyss”? It sounds very important, otherwise Isabel will not specifically mention it.

Moreover, Kimberly was also puzzled by Isabel ’s previous words. Earlier Isabel said-“Are you going to be hostile to the Savage Cave”, this sentence Kimberly always feels that it means something, because the hostile is not the Phantom Island, how to rise to the point of being hostile to the large Magus organization?

Angel and Sanders glanced at each other. Although they did n’t understand why Isabel suddenly stood on their side to condemn Isabella, but what is certain is that Rosen did not lie, Isabel did indeed with Sky Machinery City in the near future. There is a connection, otherwise she will not know that Angel has been to the abyss.

“Fortunately, some gains.” Angel faced Isabel, but his attitude was much more convergent.

“It’s not just a fluke.” Isabel indifferently said, her eyes floating indifferently to Angel’s earlobe: “A friendship with Odekras means that in some ways, you can at least get into Odekras’ eyes . “

“Isabel Lord has also seen Odekras?” Angel said strangely, because listening to her tone seemed quite familiar.

“I was fortunate to have seen it, but at that time it was not at all succumbing to the ice valley, but traveling with another frost dragon on all sides.” Isabelle’s eyes flashed nostalgic.

“Bina Jones?”

Isabel raised her eyebrows, nodded and said: “Yes, it is indeed Bina Jones. It seems that the rumors outside are not false, you know a lot.”

Angel smiled and did not answer.

The conversation between Isabel and Angel even filled Kimberly’s head with question marks: What are they talking about? Who are Odekras and Bina Jones?

At this time, no one would explain to Kimberly.

Isabelle looked relaxed on the sofa, and as she sat down, the silent Isabella and the suspicion of Kimberly sat down.

The previous battle was relatively instantaneous, and Sanders and Angel also sat down.

“I am very interested in the trip to the abyss, but it is not the right time to think about it now.” Isabelle glanced at Isabella, and then said: “I know about you and Isabella. Now. “

Kimberly raised her ears, and she also wanted to know what happened to Angel and Isabella in Silent Hill, but Isabel not at all said it, but only brought it in one sentence.

“I’m not right or wrong in the past. I don’t have any disputes between you and Isabella in the future, and I won’t care. That’s what you two want to solve.” Isabel decided in a word, and then the words changed. However, regarding Isabella asking you to borrow that undead gun today, I think you still need to think about it. “

When Isabel mentioned the reincarnation of the reincarnation, her mood was a bit subtle. If it had not been for her to cut off a Demi God secret spirit, maybe this was a mysterious thing.

Isabel actually felt a little guilty about Angel in her heart, but she didn’t take it in vain, and it was a kind of compensation to give the secret soul murmur to Angel.

Angel didn’t reply, but there was obvious resistance in his expression.

Isabel said again: “The reason why I let you think about it is because of the change of the Black Castle, and speaking of which is also related to you.”

“Related to me?” Angel frowned.

Not only Angel was confused, Kimberly and Sanders both showed a look of surprise. How could the accident of the Black Castle be related to Angel?

Isabel said nothing, just a little void.

An illusion appeared out of thin air.

Although the illusion is a bit clumsy, it is not as good as Angel’s Illusion technique, but Isabel’s message through the illusion is very clear.

What appears in the illusion is a peculiar soul.

The reason is strange because she has both the characteristics of an undead and the appearance of ordinary soul.

It was like someone used a knife to cut her from the top of her head into two and a half.

Half resentful and grim, half indifferent and calm. The cruel side is still in the state of undead, with white eyes like fog, blood vessels protruding like roots, full of cruelty and maliciousness; but on the calm side, there is the delicate appearance of noble lady.

“Do you know her?” Isabel looked towards Angel.

Kimberly also looked towards Angel, as long as the person in the Black Castle is very clear about the face of this undead, because it is she who has disrupted the calm of the Black Castle.

According to Kimberly’s understanding, Angel should have no intersection with this undead. Why did Isabelle ask him?

When Kimberly was puzzled, Angel’s expression suddenly became a little weird. After a while, he said: “The accident of the Black Castle is related to her?”

Although Angel did not answer in the affirmative, his tone already explained that he really seemed to know the undead.

Is Angel really related to the change of the Black Castle?

At this time, not only Kimberly, but Isabella and Sanders looked at Angel with a puzzled expression, waiting for his words.

Angel’s expression was confused, rubbing the rubbed the temple, and whispered in her mouth: “Impossible? She just hit a bullet, how could it not disappear?”

Sanders listened to Angel’s whisper, combined with soul in the illusion, and seemed to understand something.

“She was the first test subject of the reincarnation overture?” Sanders asked.

Angel helpless nodded: “Yes, she was the object of the first white light bullet when I was experimenting in the Black Castle.”

After many experiments on the reincarnation of reincarnation, Angel basically came to a conclusion that once shot by a white light bullet, it would enter an irreversible transformation stage.

During this transition period, must is hit by all 6 bullets in the full box, in order to eliminate the negative energy in the dead Spirit Body and change from the undead to the ordinary soul.

If it is not full, just hit one or two times, and finally the undead will die due to the negative energy imbalance within the body.

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