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Angel told Popota the clues.

However, not at all detailed, only that with new clues, you can basically determine the position of the sparrow, so that Popota can rest assured.

Popota ’s response, Angel not at all, paid attention, because after he said the news, he pulled the Spiritual Force out of the bracelet.

Angel wanted to ask Sanders what to do next.

Looking up, Sanders sitting on the sofa on the other side has entered the wilderness of dreams.

Angel can only return to the quiet room first for today’s routine meditation.

After 6 hours, Angel opened eyes from the deep meditation and immediately investigated the door of Dreamscape. During these 3 hours, Flode took Yada and Shanny to leave the wilderness of dreams, while Sanders remained in the wilderness of dreams without leaving.

After thinking for a while, Angel decided to go directly to the wilderness of Dreams to ask Sanders and take a look at the situation of Lyon, the big brother.

Angel’s position after entering the wilderness of dreams is in Pat Manor’s own room.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard a whisper of surprise around him, followed by a crackle of cracked porcelain.

Turning her head, she saw Ollie wearing a maid costume. She was looking at herself in surprise, her feet shattered a piece of porcelain.

“Sorry, Young Master, why are you here?” Oli just finished, and immediately found herself seeming to be wrong, and quickly covered her mouth. It took a while for a sentence in a low, muffled voice to pop out of her fingers: “I mean, didn’t expect this time, the Young Master will come back. I, I am cleaning the room …”

Oli glanced down at the cracked porcelain, and there was a pain in her eyes: “I’m sorry, I broke the Young Master’s favorite porcelain cup, please ask Young Master to punish.”

Angel sat up from the bed and waved to Ollie: “It’s okay, break it, break it.”

Anyway, here is the wilderness of dreams, even if it is all broken, it can be added again with the dream conch.

“Have Lyon been here today?” Angel stood up and asked.

Oli nodded: “I just met the Viscount Lord before I came to the Young Master’s room. He was chatting with the mana maidservant about the manor management.”

“Well, you continue to clean, I went to find him.” Angel walked to the door and opened the door to leave. But at the moment he stepped out of the door, he suddenly thought of something, and looked back towards Oli in a trance.

“Oh, are you still used to living here?” Angel asked.

Oli froze for a moment, nodded: “In fact, the main thing is the same as before, but there are more tasks in the city. So, I can adapt.”

“It’s just … Alas, forget it, in fact everything is fine now.”

Oli apparently had unfinished words, and Angel looked at her: “You have something to tell. Is it because of the task assigned to you, don’t you like it?”

Oli shook her head immediately: “No, I like it very much.”

“So what do you have in mind.” Angel looked at Oli suspiciously. “If you have something to worry about, you can tell me.”

Ollie pondered for a moment before slowly saying: “Actually everything is fine, it is my own problem …”

As Ollie said, Angel finally understood her confusion.

In fact, it is still the same as last time. Although Oli has gradually adapted to the life in the wilderness of dreams, she still has to remember the past and miss her best friend.

Oli is a sensitive and introverted person. She is very slow to build up friend relationships with other people. Basically, it is necessary for you to come and maintain a long-term relationship with me to go further. Because of her slow fever, few friends who really walked into Oli’s heart.

Her best friend, later, Steward of Turin, wanted to arrange for Angela to be her maid, Lucy. She is not in the wilderness of dreams now; therefore, she is thinking about Lucia every day now, and it is because of this kind of thought that she has seemed to be very worried these days.

“Isn’t it ridiculous, for this reason, I … I don’t actually want it, I just can’t control it, as long as I’m idle, all the past pictures are in my mind.” Oli lowered her head, some sorry, just for this reason She herself felt ridiculous, so she was reluctant to speak before.

“Not ridiculous.” In fact, everyone’s personality in this world is somewhat different. Not everyone is long sleeves help one dance beautifully, nor is everyone able to adapt to a new life in a strange land immediately.

What happens like Ollie is actually normal.

Perhaps these confusions will be smoothed out by time one after another in the distant future, or even forgotten. But now, it is indeed the most distressing thing for Ollie.

“After I said it, I felt much more relaxed.” Ollie sighed in relief and said with some embarrassment: “I, I continue to work.”

At this moment, Angel suddenly said: “You remember, I said before that although they are still alive, they actually have a chance to come to Chuxin City.”

Oli nodded, what she thought most in her mind at this time was actually what Angel said to her at the time.

“Actually, it’s not far from the time they came in. All you have to do is wait.”

Oli was stunned. What Angel said before was just “there is a chance”, but now Angel is determined, and not far from the time they came in!

This means that she can see Lucia soon?

A surprise flashed in Oli’s eyes: “Is this … really?”

“Yes, when she comes to Chuxin City, she may need you to take care of her.”

Oli was suddenly nodded, and what she was most afraid of was never seeing Lucia, but Angel clearly told her that Lucia would also come in. The shadow hovering over her head for many days, finally slowly disappear .

As long as he has more power, Angel will open the wilderness of dreams to a small extent, the first of which is probably the servant of Pat Manor. This is both an experiment and his selfishness, so it is indeed not far from meeting Oli and Lucia.

Saying goodbye to the excited Ollie, Angel came to the hall.

The maid maid was arranging the servants of the manor to renovate the damaged area. When Angel appeared, she greeted him immediately.

“Pat Young Master, good afternoon.” The mana maid greeted with a smile.

Angel glanced at the grey misty sky outside: “Can you tell the time?”

“The master of the city of Monroe has set a time table, which is still a cycle of the day, according to the time, it is now noon.” The mana maidservant read out the time rules set by Monroe like the book.

The nodded of Angel indifferent expression skipped the question of time and asked: “Maid Oli said just now, why the big brother is here, why didn’t you see him?”

“Viscount Lord has just left Chu Xinxin City. It is said that what kind of training is it going to be?” Mana maid said long.

Angel estimated that Nausicaa was training Lyon. Originally, I also asked about Lyon’s previous situation, it seems that I can only say it next time.

Angel asked Jon again.

The answer is still not there.

Jon did not return to the manor these days, but stayed in the library and sorted the books with other scholars.

Angel did not intend to disturb Jon, so he said goodbye to the maidservant, and decided to go directly to Sanders.

Angel opened the “God’s Perspective” and observed that Sanders was now at the top of the sky tower in Frode’s office.

When Angel passed, there was only Sanders. He was sitting at the table and was carefully looking at a piece of information.

Angel took a closer look and noticed that the information Sanders looked at was all the records that Frode had carried out on all the residents of Chuxin City.

This is what Angel asked Frode to do before, mainly to worry about the problem of Jon’s body in the wilderness of dreams, the control record constructed.

“Teacher, is there any problem with these materials?” Angel curiously asked.

“No problem, I just want to record the situation of the dream wilderness in all directions.” Sanders replied, “I’m going to collaborate with Flode on the details of the dream wilderness.”

This is why Sanders often enters the wilderness of dreams? Angel suddenly felt a little blush, and he should have done these things.

Sanders seemed to see Angel’s thoughts, lightly said with a smile: “Of course, to sort it out will definitely require your assistance, but it is not needed at the moment. So, you are still mainly focusing on improving strength. Other things, do n’t use worry.”

Angel sorry’s nodded: “Oh, why hasn’t Flord returned yet?”

“It seems to be the outside world, someone from a Magus organization wants to participate in the innate skill test.” Sanders replied.

It turned out to be the test of innate skill. No wonder Angel previously felt that neither Flod nor Shannie and Yada were here.

Sanders: “This innate skill test, I have heard Flode explain it, but it is a not bad idea, if someone takes the guidance task next time, you can let them take it and try it.”

After talking about these unrelated topics, Angel finally got to the point.

“What’s next?” Sanders put down the material in his hand and looked towards Angel. After a while, he said: “Just wait.”

Angel just told Ollie, let her wait, didn’t expect heard familiar words from Sanders again.

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