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They are not far from the cemetery where the sparrows are. Angel is also to let Popota have a preparation in advance, so he came in specially to remind him.

Popota thanked the nodded: “I am understood, and … thank you.”

Whether it was the news that brought her sparrow, or some help from Angel during this period, as well as the soul material that he specially bought for him, Popota remembered this series of things.

Angel is an indifferent expression: “You don’t have to thank, this is my promise to you before, naturally it will not be broken.”

be that as it may, but Popota still appreciates Angel, not only because of Angel’s trustworthiness, but also for his help to the sparrow.

Popota also wanted to express his gratitude, but at this moment, he suddenly stretched out both hands to cover his mouth, squatted down, curled up in a ball, and kept coughing.

After a series of coughs, the glaring Yin Hong filled his palm.

All blood coughed up.

As a result, Popota made his already disappointed face a little more morbidly pale.

Popota seemed to be okay. He wiped blood from his hands, drank a bottle of potions, and said to Angel: “No matter what, I sincerely thank you. At least let me see you before I die. One side sparrow. “

Angel looked at Popota silently. His current situation was irreversible. Although this was sought by Popota, after all, he accepted the temptation of Demon God and consumed the Fleshy body arbitrarily. This kind of end is inevitable.

The previous judgment was to survive for a year or two. But now it seems that the collapse of Popota’s body has begun to accelerate.

Angel’s eyes slowly moved to the other side, where there was a table and chairs, a still oil lamp still burning, an insect nest, and a note book full of text.

“Based on your current situation, I advise you to suspend research on soft-state worms for at least one more year.” Angel said, now that Bobota’s body collapse is accelerating, probably because Bobota will All Heart Forces are placed on studying soft bugs. Consumption of a lot of energy, and there is almost no magic left, which leads to the backlash.

Popota shook his head: “I can repay you very little, this is what I want to do, and that is what I want to do.”

Angel looked at Popota quietly, his eyes firm.

“Whatever you want.” Angel indifferently said: “After that, your complexion looks bad now. Are you sure you want to see your younger sister with the current image? Can I use Transformation Technique to help you change your appearance, such as You. “

Popota took the mirror, and his face was reflected in the delicate round mirror.

Because the fleshy body once became alien and collapsed, causing his appearance to be ruined and become extremely ugly. In addition to the morbid paleness, it looks even more gloomy.

I used to be?

Looking at the ugly face in the mirror, Popota had even forgotten what he looked like.

Should n’t it be bad?

Should we use the face at that time to see the sparrow? In this way, you can also leave her the best memory before her fleshy body collapses and soul dissipates.

Popota opened his mouth and wanted to agree with Angel’s words, but in the end he shook his head.

“No matter how I become, it’s me.” Popota: “I will honestly tell Sparrow, the misinterpreted self, crazy obsessions, paranoid dreams, how ugly I will be. I can no longer As a positive example, but at least, I can use myself as a negative example to show caution. “

Popota’s choice was obviously to prepare to face his former self and make a reconciliation with himself.

Angel could see that Popota’s heart was decided, and did not dissuade him. Good or bad, Popota can dominate his own decision.

After informing Popota of their location, Angel was ready to evacuate.

However, at this moment, Popota suddenly asked: “Since I have reached the Black Castle, can I go out now?”

“Not yet, the Black Castle seems to have some trouble. I will take you out when I see the sparrow.”

“Abrupt change?” Popota suddenly felt a little nervous, afraid of the established facts, and hurriedly asked, “What happened?”

Angel thought about it, and simply said the situation of the Black Castle.

“Did the undead near the Black Castle disappear?” Popota frowned. “The younger sister is not an undead, but it is also a type of undead. Will it also affect my younger sister?”

Angel couldn’t give an accurate answer either. Only after he arrived in the cemetery could he know the specific situation.

Popota was originally anxious about seeing a sparrow, and Angel’s words suddenly became worried and uneasy. When Popota experienced emotional ups and downs, Angel pulled the Spiritual Force away from the bracelet.

Because, Sanders, who has sensed the situation of the Black Castle, has opened his eyes at this time.

Angel noticed that after Sanders opened his eyes, there were some subtle emotions in his eyes. Mixing Shen Ning, doubts, and surprises, but instead of seeing the relief after seeing the truth, the brows are more tight.

“Teacher, what is the situation with the Black Castle now?”

Sanders pondered for a moment: “It is very complicated, and there are some doubts, some are difficult to understand. The specific situation is difficult to describe, you can see for yourself.”

Sanders stretched to act to point out of thin air and immediately set off a circle of Space ripples. As the ripples spread to Angel, his eyes showed the illusion of one after another—

The black cloud was drooping and changing. In the clouds, there is a lightning snake from time to time showing a greasy head.

Under the black clouds, there are stretches of mountains. Among these rolling hills, there are a lot of weird mountains standing like terrifying hell in mortal conjecture. These weird and sharp mountains are the demons trapped in the hell array.

At the top of these mountain and stone arch guards, there is a large, strange atmosphere of the castle, standing alone.

It ’s like a fairy tale in which the grotesque Earl ’s house lives.

Angel once went to the Black Castle, and naturally recognized this castle as the Black Castle.

However, unlike the last time he went there, today’s black castle is surrounded by a large number of light spots. The densely packed ones are like stars, reflecting the endless lightning snake in the background.

If you look at it from a distance, it still has an alternative beauty.

But when the illusion moved closer, Angel discovered that these densely scattered in the black castle, almost layer upon layer without any missing light spots, all exuding this faint light … Undead!

The undead they could not find before, all gathered near the Black Castle!

At a glance, it is impossible to count. 10000, 20000 … hundred thousand, or more? !

Moreover, Angel can also see that there are non-stop spirits coming up from the ground.

This completely rounded the black castle, from the sky to the ground, and even to the underground!

“This is the truth of the Black Castle’s transformation?” Angel’s eyes flashed with shock. Even if he only looked at it from the illusion, he could feel the kind of have one’s hair stand on end surrounded by countless undead.

“Maybe.” Sanders saw more than these seemingly undead: “There should also be a problem in the black castle. There are so many undead, and no one has come out to clean up.”

These undeads are indeed terrifying. With such a terrifying number, even Sanders might not dare to challenge him. However, these undeads cannot be cleaned up instantly, but they can be expelled in a small scale. But nobody in Black Castle did this. If you look closely, Black Castle is like a real dead castle, without any popularity.

“It’s true, and it’s strange that all the undead gather here.” Angel pointed to a place in the illusion: “Although it’s not very clear, but what is certain is that the black castle shielding the undead’s magic array is still working. According to common sense, the undead dare not go to the Black Castle. “

“The situation today is obviously not right. Against the rules of the undead itself, let them gather together, I can only think of a possibility.” Angel said slowly: “Perhaps someone controls these undead.”

Sanders is nodded, he also thought of this layer: “It is possible to control so many undeads at least half a step Legend.”

Moreover, it must be the soul department.

However, Isabel the “King of Twilight” is actually Magus of the soul department.

Therefore, in the face of these almost siege undead, she could not let go.

“Or, are these undeads themselves controlled by Isabel?” Angel suggested another possibility.

Maybe Isabelle is experimenting with her spells, or maybe she needs a lot of undead to do the experiment?

“These all are meaningless guesses. Understood in the past.” Sanders cast a nightmare technique, which enveloped him and Angel.

Angel sensed the surrounding Illusion technique a little bit and immediately understood the role of this nightmare technique.

A strange force field was set up around them, and Illusion technique was used to cover all the information emitted by the body, including smell, body temperature, sound, energy, external hormones, etc …

The means for the undead to detect humans are generally judged by means of body temperature, light perception, sound, dynamics and energy. Now this Illusion technique directly covers all this.

It can be said that it is the pinnacle of the illusion technique seen by Angel.

With this technique, it is possible to avoid being discovered by the undead.

After casting this spell, Sanders flew directly into the sky. Since the Black Castle is now clearly out of shape, they don’t have to obey the unexpected etiquette. Simply, moved directly towards the direction of the Black Castle.

It only took a while to fly around a tall shrubbery hill, and Angel saw the black castle full of little “starlight” from afar.

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