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Fairytale World, Middle World.

Angel followed behind Sanders and moved towards the depths of the dark and barren mountains.

“You seem to have an opinion on Tower Roth?” Sanders suddenly asked halfway through the flight.

Angel hesitated, nodded.

Not long ago, they were still in the machinery city with a bright sky, but in an instant, they came to the fairy tale World through Transmission Array. They themselves intend to borrow Silent Hill before going to the Black Castle.

After they teleported to Silent Hill, not at all stayed here and left.

When they leave Silent Hill, they must pass through a very talkative double-sided Stone’s Spirit.

This Stone’s Spirit is the gatekeeper of Silent Hill, named Tower Roth.

“I was once killed by Isabella in Silent Hill when I fled near the tower Roth, but it didn’t all open the door and let me leave.”

As a result, Angel was forced to face Isabella without any escape.

Angel actually also knew that Isabella was completely playing with his mentality at that time. Even if Tower Roth opened the door, he would still be caught by Isabel. However, this was later realized by Angel himself, and at the moment, Angel’s only way of life is to leave from Tower Roth. However, when Angel fled near the tower Roth, the towering tower Roth, who was usually very talkative, had nothing to do, quietly like an ordinary stone.

Tower Roth also showed their attitude without opening the door. It did not stand on its own side. In other words, Angel was killed by Isabella.

Because of such an experience, before they passed the Tower of Silence through the Silent Hill, and listened to his flattering nagging at Sanders, Angel could n’t help but ridicule: “Now, you guys talk a lot . At that time, why didn’t you say a word? “

Because of this sentence, there is now a dialogue between Sanders and him.

“So that’s how it is.” After Sanders heard it, indifferently said: “In that case, even if he knew you were a Phantom Island lineage, he wouldn’t let you go.”

Angel thought Sanders would say ‘reality’ to him, and the fact is true. The first sentence of his opening point to the cruelty of reality.

However, in the next sentence, Sanders ’words changed sharply:” Although the two-sided Stone’s Spirit is also a kind of spirit like the 3 great ancestors of our barbarian cave, he was born for more than 2000 years. If it ’s not strong, the defense is barely okay, but other aspects are very common. If there is real knowledge Magus to deal with him, with no difficulty will turn it into fly ash. “

When Sanders said this, Angel didn’t understand what he meant.

I saw Sanders said again: “Silent Hill looks like a not bad Magus organization, but he is actually the worst under the jurisdiction of Fairy Tale Town. At most, it is comparable to Phantom Island. However, if If there is one more Magus in Phantom Island, the strength will crush Silent Hill. “

At this time, Angel finally realized Sanders’ crazy Suggestion.

This is to tell him that as long as you advance to Magus, you can kill Tower Roth, and even if Silent Hill finds a door to settle the bill, there will also be a magic island to help you back up!

Angel was very moved, but he really didn’t think it was necessary to make such a show.

Although he was very angry at Tower Roth’s blocking behavior, at least Tower Roth was only blocking the road at the time, not at all. He really had resentment, but in fact it was the culprit that caused his almost death at that time-Queen Shenmu, Isabella.

However, his strength is still a long way from Isabella.

Even if you really want to avenge your revenge, I’m afraid it won’t work now.

After the matter of Tower Roth was suspended, Angel did not want to continue immersing himself in the original thing. After all, what they were going to now was Black Castle. The current owner of the Black Castle is Isabella.

The more you think, the more boring, you just don’t want to.

Angel changed the subject and talked about what happened in Sky Machinery City.

“Winchester and Blufin, shouldn’t they find a mentor later?” Angel asked.

Sanders nodded: “No, you don’t have to worry about them, they don’t want to get in trouble now more than you.”

They did not find Sanders, but Sanders did find them. So he is very clear that Blu Fin ’s curse of curse has not been completely eliminated, and the last thing he wants to contact is trouble; and Winchester, after learning that Angel has a good relationship with Midola, it may even affect Midola. When he refines and improves the coagulation potions, he is even more reluctant to contaminate Angel.

So, Angel doesn’t have to worry about them continuing to struggle.

“Although they won’t trouble you, the fact that you appeared in Sky Machinery City must have been sent back to the Frost Moon Alliance. You just don’t know what action they will take on you next,” Sanders said.

If Munch has already met Odekras, then they will definitely reduce Angel’s attention a lot. But if you haven’t seen it yet, I will try my best to find Angel.

It depends on the fortune.

However, no matter what action Frost Moon takes, Sanders is now confident to protect Angel. Even if Monarch is close, Sanders is not really afraid.

After all, there is another news that was spread at the same time as the news of “Angel in Sky Machinery City”.

Angel has become a member of the R & D institute.

Even if Lord Munch would disregard the authority of the R & D Institute and start working on Angel, the Savage Cave would not sit idly by. Barbaric caves have been Alchemy Desert for a long time, and now Angel has become a member of the R & D institute, which is equivalent to being a clear spring for the Desert, which is an opportunity to grow an oasis in the future.

In this case, the barbarian cave will go up and down, and will not sit back and watch Angel go wrong.

You know, just before Sanders left the Sky Machinery City, His Excellency Rhein contacted Angel through the barbarian cave at the Machinery City, in order to confirm the research institute.

After confirming the facts, Rhine has regarded Angel as a core strategy for the future development of the Savage Cave, how could he be allowed to miss.

“I was thinking that when you become the official Magus, the organization’s resources will be more focused. But it was unexpected, and it has already begun.” Sanders couldn’t help feeling slightly.

Angel is unknown so: “Ah?”

“When you return to the Savage Cave one day, you are understood.”


As they traversed the dark mountains and reached a plain, Sandston stopped: “This is it.”

right here? Angel looked at the surroundings suspiciously. There was nothing but nothing. And according to his own estimation, there should be some distance from the Black Castle here?

“Let’s go.” Sanders didn’t explain much, and stretched to act with a slight wave, tearing a Space crack.

After they crossed the Space crack, Angel was surprised to find that Sanders brought him to the inner World.

Because the three layers of World in the table are actually the same in landform, the only difference is the concentration of the original Primordial Demon force. Therefore, the area they are in is still the barren plain before.

While Angel was observing the surroundings, there was a sudden shock under his feet.


In addition to vibration, it is accompanied by a lot of wind-absorbing sound.

Whether it is an earthquake source or a sound source, all come from behind them-

Angel looked back, but he saw that between the mountains and the mountains behind him, it seemed that something was happening.

At the same time, the already dim sky suddenly gathered a thick black cloud, the lightning snake spread in the cloud, and there was more than thunder.

Through the flash of white light generated when the lightning fell, Angel found that between the heavy mountains, a large amount of gravel seemed to violate gravity and slowly rose into the sky.

When Angel was suspicious of this scene, a giant hand comparable to a mountain suddenly crossed the top of a mountain.

Immediately afterwards, a head of unknown size slowly rose from between the mountains.

“Don’t read it, let’s go first.” Sanders said nothing, took Angel’s toes to the ground, and moved towards the other side of the wasteland: “There are many very primitive ancient monsters in the inner layer of the fairy tale World. The reason why I have been rushing in the middle world and not entering the inner world is because there is this guy in the mountains. “

“This guy was originally the fairy tale World’s original genus Weishan Giant, but for many years under the immersion of rich magic, mutation has occurred, belonging to a giant monster that is skin is rough, flesh is thick difficult to deal with. Its territory is that mountain , Try not to provoke it, its strength is very strong. “

Sanders’s expression does not seem to be false, even he feels a powerful monster, and his strength may not be lower than the true knowledge level.

When they flew all the way to see the mountain, they slowed down a little.

In the process of running, Sanders also briefed Angel on the danger of Giant.

This was a native monster that remained when the fairy tale World and South Territory merged. However, when the plane merged, Weishan Giant was still a trivial little monster. Become so powerful.

Although the energy intensity has not reached the Magus of True Knowledge, his destructive power and defense power are far beyond the limit of Level 1 Magus of True Knowledge!

However, the main reason why Weishan Giant can break through the upper limit of blood source and grow into this look is the strong magic of the inner world. Also because it benefits from the special magic conditions here, it can only maintain a strong appearance here, it cannot break through the barrier to go to the middle world, or the surface world.

Therefore, Weishan Giant is actually not very threatening to the fairy tale World, as long as it avoids entering the World in that mountain, it will be safe and sound.

“Because of the special magical environment here, there are not many monsters in the inner World. None of the monsters that may appear here are good.”

Fortunately, on their way to the Black Castle, there is only such a monster that can threaten their safety.

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