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After obtaining the access card, the purpose of this trip was also achieved, Angel said goodbye to Midola, ready to leave.

However, before leaving, Angel also followed Anthony Aozhong to the Fantasy Machine City.

The main purpose is to select Angel’s residence in Fantasy Machine City.

“All members of the R & D Institute have their own residences in the Fantasy Machine City.” Anthony O took Angel to wander around in this city full of gears and steam, and also introduced the residences of other members.

“If your relationship with a member is not bad, you can build your residence near him, so that you can communicate. Of course, you don’t have to build it yourself. There are many ready-made houses in the city. Give me the design drawings and I will arrange for the robot to do it. “

Angel thought about it. In the R & D institute, he was only familiar with Midola, and Midola’s potion cabin was in Sky City, so he didn’t need to live in Fantasy City.

With the exception of Midola, he was less familiar with others. As for the muse and the mother-in-law who are slightly interested in him, the muse is in the creation hall, and the mother-in-law does not live in Fantasy City, so he does not need to approach them in the Fantasy City.

Finally, after weighing, Angel chose a slightly remote ready-made residence, neither close to anyone, but not too far from the center.

For Angel, he estimates that he will not live in Fantasy City for a short period of time. Even if he really lives here, it is at best a resting place. Therefore, there is no need to deliberately build, so choose a ready-made residence at will.

After the settlement was settled, Angel bid farewell to Anthony and left the fantasy city.

Just when he left Fantasy City and came to the headquarters of the R & D Institute, he found that his front foot had just come out, and Midola followed up.

“Midola Lord, do you still have something to find me?” Angel looked over suspiciously.

Midola shook her head: “It has nothing to do with you. It is Yeliya that Tujian brought me an Incomplete potions recipe. I’ll go and see.”

Although Midola was not at all, but since they ran into them, they simply left together.

“Speaking of which, Tu Zhi, this kid, since watching the last issue of” Yingdu Yingyu “, every day is noisy, saying that he will also go to the abyss to take risks, yeah, yeah … Alas. Mido La complained seemingly helpless, but there was spoiling in his eyes.

“By the way, if you change your face quickly, Brat may be even more troublesome if he sees you.”

Angel nodded, without any action, became a slightly older middle age person. Even the sharpness of the young people on the body also disappeared, but replaced by elegant and rigorous temperament.

“Your hand, Transformation Technique, is silent and difficult to see through. It is more than your mentor.” Midola, who witnessed Angel’s changes, couldn’t help but praise.

“Transformation Technique is ultimately only transfiguration, it would be nice if you could learn Transformation.” Angel exclaimed.

When it comes to metamorphosis, Midola said: “The skin of the metamorphosis soft worm, 200 years ago, the R & D Institute still has stock. But now, it is out of stock. So, I will help you pay attention to if the metamorphosis appears I will try to inform you of the skin of the worm. “

“That’s many thanks.” Although Angel has the soft Insect Queen worm, no one knows whether it can hatch a deformed soft worm, and there is one more way, which is naturally the best.

Soon, they took the “elevator” and fell all the way to the ground floor.

Just as they walked out of the gate of the R & D Institute, Angel heard a sound of hunting wind in the sky, looked up, but saw an orange leopard with a spiral sharp horn on his forehead, like an arrow from the string, dropping from the sky!

Its landing speed is very fast, like a shell dropped from a high altitude, the power is extremely amazing.

However, when its soft claws touched the ground, it didn’t make any collision sounds, and it seemed to just jump off the balcony on the first floor.

This kind of interest-free change from rapid to gentle is enough to show its grip ability, and the balance between energy and Fleshy body, which is very good.

When the One-horned Leopard landed on the ground, a Brat suddenly stood on his wide back and waved at Midola.

It is the picture.

The primitive man was dressed with feathers on his head and painted patterns on his face. The skin is basically outside, showing a slightly shiny honey color.

Similar to the pictures in Angel’s memory. The only difference is that Tu Xuan’s figure is raised a bit.

However, it still looks like a child, and the height is still not up to Angel’s waist.

“Midola grandfather!” Tu Zhi waved a note in his hand, “This is what Grandma Yeliya let me bring you!”

Tu Xuan jumped from the leopard. As he landed, the huge leopard slowly shrank, and finally became like a milk cat, slowly squatting on the side of Tu Le.

Angel also recognized that this One-horned Leopard is Tu Zhi’s “Heavenly Magic Magic Pet”.

When Angel saw Dudu, he felt a sense of threat, but at that time, he just thought Dudu was definitely not as small and ordinary as his appearance.

Seeing it again now, Angel noticed that Dudu’s blood energy is almost as powerful as himself!

No wonder the shadow always wanted to secretly coax to sign the master-servant contract with him.

After Tu Yun handed over his notebook to Midola, he looked towards Angel with curious eyes.

Although Tu Jian could not enter the R & D Institute, he spent a long time in the Sky Machinery City after all, and he knew the people of the R & D Institute. This middle-aged man has never seen him before. Who would he be?

Moreover, what puzzles Tu Yun is that Dudu seems to care about this person?

He stepped forward and wanted to talk to Angel.

However, before waiting for Tu Zhi to speak, Angel said to Midola: “Midola Lord, this matter, I will go first.”

Midola nodded to Angel: “Go.”

Angel turned around, and in Tu Yun’s doubtful eyes, the dark night under his feet flew into the glimmering glory, and soon disappeared in place.

“Dudu, do you know who he is?” Tu Zhi held out the lotus-like fatty hand and hugged Dudu, who was coquettish at his feet, and asked in a low voice.

The sound of beeping milk chuckles.

Tu Xuan stunned and turned his head suddenly towards Midola: “Midola grandfather, he … is he Angel big brother?”


Angel didn’t know what happened behind him, but when he left, he heard Midola’s voice.

Midola said in his voice that it was related to Tu Zhi, but not to Tu Zhi itself, but to Tu Zhi’s mentor-‘Magic Master’ Bogula.

“Bogula has not stepped into the 10000 Lai Moyuan so far. I thought he might have suffered a change. However, not long ago, Muse told me that there were ripples and fluctuations in the 10000 Lai Moyuan. The pheromone outgoing was It belongs to Bogula. I guess that Bogula may not be far from breaking through the Demon Abyss. “

10000 Lai Mo Yuan is a mysterious thing in the Sky Machinery City. Its effect is said to assist the human clear comprehension, and has a chance to see himself clearly and step into the true knowledge. However, going into Devil Abyss is an extremely dangerous thing, and both death and still alive are good.

Midola said this, in fact, to tell Angel that if Bogula really came out of Demon Abyss, it is likely that he will advance into the real knowledge in a short time.

Although Angel and Bogula’s two Apprentice relations are not bad, but Bogula himself is not very harmonious. Moreover, Bogula finally desperately chose to go to Demon Abyss and lost to Sanders for a certain reason.

Therefore, if Bogula really becomes real knowledge, there is a certain possibility that people who will go to the Magic Island lineage will be in trouble.

And Angel’s “blonde blue eyes” is Bogula’s obsession. Therefore, Midola also reminded Angel.

Angel took this news seriously in his heart, even if he thought it was unlikely.

Although Bogula had some perverted obsession, he was not a fool.

Even if he is promoted, his strength is still far away from Sanders, even if there is real hatred, it also needs to hide a little. Even more how, his enmity with Sanders hasn’t reached the point where life and death are fighting together.

However, it is difficult to say whether Bogula will come to deal with himself, so Angel still took a serious note.

Leaving from the opposite side of Sky Machinery City, Angel came to the front with normal gravity.

Because he promised Nausicaa before, he did not go back to the manor first, but moved towards Champagne Road.

When stepping back into the crowded and prosperous neighborhood, Angel can occasionally hear people around him talking about what happened before at Manshi Mocai Street, and his own name is mentioned frequently.

Listening to other people’s vivid description of what happened before, Angel is actually a bit subtle.

Speaking of which, he still feels a little weird even now, even if it becomes the new blood of the research institute, he is still confused.

Until now, he has a feeling of returning to reality after hearing others talk about it.

“I heard that” Sky of Truth “,” Golden Age “,” Magus Secret “, etc., several magazines will write overnight today, just to report on the incident of Manshi Mocai Street!”

“Yes, after all, an Apprentice can actually compete with the official Magus, which is really amazing! I don’t know if it’s too greasy?”

“What’s this? It’s really worth reporting. It’s a new member of the R & D Institute! I have a friend at the scene who heard the crazy bear Saab say that Angel is a new member of the R & D Institute! This is the big event. what!”

“One wave after another, this Angel is really too troublesome.”

“Everything? You are the one who is not qualified to do anything.”

The report of Manshi Mocai Street has not yet come out, but this atmosphere has been spreading like a contagious disease. I can’t imagine what happens when the magazine comes out.

But Angel was thankful that fortunately he was about to leave Sky Machinery City …

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