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When the discussion was about the same, Muse also exposed the mechanical arm he was currently making to Angel.

The mechanical arm is indeed similar to Mecha, but compared to the Mecha concept that is further fully covered and automatically operated, the mechanical arm is more like a wearable outer skeleton, which makes Angel think of his phantom limb.

However, after careful comparison, it is still different from the phantom limb.

The stronger the phantom limb belongs to the Fleshy body, the stronger it is.

But with mechanical arming, the stronger the technology of Alchemy Warlock, the stronger its effect.

In terms of potential alone, Angel felt that the phantom limb might be better. But the mechanical arm is better than simple, and it can enchantment or solidify the spell … There are various ways to enhance it, and it can be replaced at any time, and it will not consume the magic source of itself.

In summary, the two are similar to some extent, but each has advantages. From Angel’s point of view, without considering the strength of Fleshy body, the mere comparison of phantom limbs and mechanical arming will definitely be better once the mechanical arming is formed.

After introducing his mechanical arm, Muse made a request to Angel:

“Can I incorporate some of the ideas you said into the mechanical armaments being made today?”

Muse Paused: “Of course, I will not take advantage of you, and I will compensate you accordingly.”

Angel was stunned for a while. What he actually said was just ideas and concepts, and there was still a long way to go before it was actually implemented. If Muse wants to implement these ideas, I’m afraid it’s a long way to go.

Moreover, what he said before was originally spoken to Midola, so Angel did not think about value one’s own old broom.

Angel nodded: “Of course, but there is no need to make up …”

“Cough.” Angel hadn’t finished speaking yet. Midola suddenly coughed and interrupted Angel’s words.

When Angel looked over suspiciously, Midola gave him a wink.

Angel seemed to understand the nodded and continued: “I am looking forward to how the mechanical armament will look after the Mecha concept is incorporated.”

Muse also noticed Midola ’s eyes. The dark light flashed under Muse ’s eyes, but his expression remained the same: “Now with the Mecha concept you said, this has kept me thinking for a long time, with new Thoughts. It is estimated that it will not be long before the finished product is released. When the time comes, I will inform you immediately. “

Angel nodded, the look of expectation also appeared in the eyes.

“Similarly, I am also looking forward to what you say Mecha.” Muse said.

Angel has no intention of refining Mecha recently, so in the face of Muse’s expectations, he can only put on a smiling expression.

While the atmosphere was still harmonious, suddenly, a pale blue human figure emerged from the ground.

“Anthony, what are you doing?” The muse looked towards the humanoid with blue light. His face was vague, and he could only see the faint rays of light.

Anthony, like Steward of a noble family, bowed gently to the muse: “Lord, excuse me, there are already a few people in the Conference Hall ready to leave. If you don’t come again, the estimated number of people is not enough. Witness the joining of new members. “

“Really?” Muse took out a mechanical pocket watch, glanced at the time, and whispered in his mouth: “We have only spoken for an hour, what is the hurry?”

Anthony Ao still said slowly: “Yes, Lord only talked with Mr. Pat for an hour, but in the hour before that, you have called them. So, on average, they have waited for more than 2 hours.”

Muse stood up foul-mouthed: “Okay, let’s talk about it today, let’s get the chores done first.”

“That’s not trivial, this is the ceremony that existed in previous generations.”

“Isn’t it just a witness, and I don’t know why it was so solemn.” Muse whispered, then turned to Angel and said: “Go, although this is just a passing scene, it always needs to be experienced again. “

Muse stepped forward, Anthony turned back, faced Angel nodded with that vague face, then disappeared.

Midola also said at this time: “To join the R & D Institute, there must be a cutout. The Muse came to you, which is actually the reason. Let’s go, the group of Alchemy Warlock waited for a few hours, it is estimated that some are impatient.

With Midola’s narrative, Angel gradually realized that this so-called transition is actually a new member. It needs to be nodded by at least ten members of the R & D institute before it can be recognized. Of course, for Muse, this is indeed a passing scene, because once he agrees, other members will not block Angel even if they don’t like Angel.

On their way to the Conference Hall, Midola whispered: “You can remember, since Muse said you will be compensated, don’t refuse ten million. He is a cheeky guy, you refuse to compensate, He must readily agree. “

“Maybe for you, this concept is nothing, but for Muse, this is a conflict of thinking. For Alchemy Warlock of his level, an inspiration is already very valuable. Even more how is direct Do a confrontation of thinking. “Midola paused:” And the compensation he gave you will never let you down. “

While they were chatting, the muse walking at the forefront had already turned out of the hall of creation.

Angel originally thought that Conference Hall was in the creation hall, but in the end, the muse took them along the path outside the hall and kept walking down the cliff-like wall.

The “Zigzag” route kept going down, without crossing the ground, without crossing the abyss, and then through a bright door. Angel noticed that there was an overhanging sky behind it.

A closer look reveals that it is already outside the tower of the R & D institute.

Through a mechanical arch bridge made of steel, they arrived at a fortress floating in mid-air.

Inside the fortress is a rotunda. In the center of the hall is a long table, illuminated by the lights above.

On the periphery of the long table, there are many seats like the auditorium of the court. But at this time, there was no one in the seat.

“Actually, according to the ceremony process, there will be Alchemy Warlock to observe the ceremony, but this time it is sudden for you to join the R & D institute. Therefore, this step is saved.” Midola explained: “Just Even the ten witnessed members were actually made up together. “

Muse sat directly on the main table of the long table, while Angel was placed in the main table and guest opposite to him.

Midola pats Angel on the shoulder, and then finds his place to sit.

After Angel took his seat, he noticed that there were more than 30 positions on this long table, but one third was empty.

But the people who took the seats actually looked carefully and found that they are basically not True Masters.

It’s all an illusion.

“This is not aimed at you. In fact, most of the members of the R & D Institute are lazy. Basically, every time they witness the ceremony, they appear in this way. Even more how, this time Because the incident happened suddenly, the Headmaster suddenly wants to witness the ceremony, so many Even if members want to rush over, there is no way. “

The speaker is a middle-aged woman. She is also not a True Master, but an illusion.

She was closest to Angel and sat on his right.

Seeing Angel, she smiled and said, “My name is Portia, and I am now in the hills of Kongsha, Alchemy Warlock of potions.”

Angel is a little nodded: “My name is …”

“Angel. Pat. Your name, but I am very familiar.” Portia smiled and said: “I also read Yingdu Yeyu.”

Portia smiled and talked to Angel. Angel was thinking while listening. He always felt as if he had heard of Portia’s name …

“Although for special reasons, this time witnessed that there were not many members of the ceremony who came back, but there was an exception.” Portia looked towards a seat on the table, glancing at the rays of light that people could not see clearly: ” It ’s the mother-in-law ’s first real-life participation in 1000 years. It seems that she is very optimistic about you. ”

Angel stared at Portia’s eyes with a stunned look.

Angel doesn’t know how to rank here, but Angel estimates that the closer to the main position, the higher the status.

At this time, it was Midola sitting on the left side of the muse; on his right side was also the “mother-in-law” in Portia’s mouth, and speaking of which Angel was no stranger.

It was the mother-in-law of the nail that Angel had only seen a while ago.

The owner of the nail Alchemy house!

Perhaps it was Angel ’s gaze that was noticed. The mother-in-law ’s mother looked back at Angel and gently nodded him, saying hello.

“Mother Nail is also a member of the R & D Institute?”

Portia nodded: “Yes, my mother-in-law is not only a formal member, but also a member of the veteran level. Many glorious works were created 1000 years ago, but then it fell silent because of some things.”

Angel seems to be nodded. He still remembers when he first saw his mother-in-law, she said, “My name? It’s been too long, I have forgotten.”

When her mother-in-law said these words, her eyes were nostalgic.

Angel did n’t know what the mother-in-law ’s story was, and silenced her, making her unwilling to mention the past, including her own name. However, Angel felt a little relieved to see this fairly familiar person in the R & D institute.

After seeing her mother-in-law, Angel was also watching the others on the table.

The people inside, Angel basically look familiar, all are famous Alchemy Master of South Territory. However, their attitude is not as obvious as that of the mother-in-law of nails, or Midola and the others, and the expression is ambiguous, and occasionally glancing at Angel is also a little more curious and curious.

Angel couldn’t see whether they were good or evil for themselves.

Portia seemed to see what Angel was thinking, and explained to him with a smile: “Actually, it will come from Headmaster. Basically, the position has been preset, and it will not be much. Really uncomfortable members, this time It didn’t appear at all. “

Portia said at this point, her eyes looked towards an empty place in the middle-stage of the long table.

“Do you know whose position is that?” Portia did not expect Angel to answer, and continued: “Have you heard of it, grafting madness?”

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