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When the body of the whale hunting sea monster, along with the sailor, was pulled into the cargo ship. Everyone swarmed in, and the friends of Hupeng raised the sailor above their heads and threw them into the sky, using this method to express their excitement.

When the sailor was thrown into the sky again and again, he couldn’t help looking up.

The dreamy “moon boat” he had seen before disappeared at this time … Is that true, or is it just a dream?

The sailor didn’t think about it anymore, laughed: “It’s up to him! At least, I survived!”

His heart is still beating in peng ~ peng ~ peng ~. The excitement of killing the whale sea monster before was unsettled. He wanted to enjoy this moment more than to pursue illusory.

Feeling surrounded by everyone!

The cooperation of the sailors made everyone more excited. Despite the heavy losses this time, as a boy at sea, he had already made plans to bury the bottom of the sea. Compared with those who lost, the one who survived was the most important!

While excited on one side, the captain on the other side glanced at the old navigator: “I just thought it was all over. Didn’t expect, this will be the end … The feeling of avoiding a catastrophe is really too Cool. “

Old navigator nodded: “He is a hero.”

The captain also said: “Yes, he is a hero! Now, it is time to celebrate the hero.”

The captain said nothing but left the restraint and laughed and joined the crowd.

The old navigator laughed at this scene. Finally, he looked up towards the sky. Although there was nothing in the sky, he clearly saw a small boat with the moonlight glow before.

It was also the white tentacles protruding from the ship that picked up the slipped scimitar from the sea and handed it back to the sailor.

“What he said is true.” The old navigator was faintly sighed.

The old navigator didn’t know what was on the ship, but it could be full of starlight and moonlight, which already showed their extraordinary.

As for why they are not willing to show up, the old navigator does not go to investigate.

After all, at a critical moment, they also helped the sailors, and there should be no disgust.

As long as you know this, it is enough.


When the situation at sea subsided, Gondola flew towards the direction of Continent.

For Angel and the others, the encounter with the cargo ship is just a trivial episode.

However, what Angel didn’t expect was that he had already made plans to help them kill the sea monster, but in the end he did not come in handy. A brave sailor, relying on his own strength, not only succeeded in saving himself, It also saved the entire cargo ship.

Although Angel also gave some help, overall, it was the sailor who completed the critical situation himself.

“When everything is cut out, the intelligence and strength of the ordinary person are also of great weight.” Popota also witnessed the heroic record of the sailor and couldn’t help admiring. If you were to be the ordinary person yourself, you might not be as good as a sailor.

“So, don’t underestimate human potential.” Angel interfaced.

Popota nodded: “It’s just a pity that you didn’t experiment with tricks.”

Angel: “Actually I have experimented.”

Popota was shocked: “You mean that … white tentacle?”

The nodded of Angel indifferent expression, the knuckles lightly tapped on the table, accompanied by a clear sound, his back stretched out from the sky with 2 slender white tentacles, looking somewhat illusory.

Under the direction of Angel, White tentacles took out a set of porcelain tea set painted with enamel pattern from somewhere. He picked up flint and cooked the tea to pour. After a while, 2 cups of hot black tea were poured out.

Angel picked up the black tea and took a sip. There was no expression on the face, but there was a cry in my heart: Sure enough, black tea without milk was heresy.

Popota froze for a moment, and also took a sip of black tea as Angel moved. However, his gaze kept staring at the two white tentacles swaying in the wind behind Angel.

When the sailor’s scimitar fell off, Angel used the white tentacle and stretched 100 meters to the sea.

At that time, when Popota saw the white tentacle, he didn’t find it strange at all, because it looked too ordinary and did ordinary things.

Taking things out of thin air, the magic hand can do it too.

Even remote control is no problem, the maximum control range of the middle grade magic hand reaches 100 meters, and it is precise control. You can use the magic hand to do the detailed Alchemy experiment. If you just get the knife, this kind of technology-free thing, the magic hand is as easy as a palm.

Even without magic hands, Spiritual Force can do it. Therefore, at first Popota really did not regard the white tentacle as a great trick.

But since Angel said that the trick he wanted to experiment was the white tentacle, Popota naturally observed it seriously.

Popota’s strength is now seriously retrogressive, and he may not even be able to match Lyon, but after all, he has been immersed in the Magus world for so many years, but his eyesight has accumulated.

This observation really shows the difference.

“It seems to have the nature of Illusion technique, illusory, but not at all see the Illusion technique node. But at the same time of illusion, it can interfere with the physical world. Unreal and real Strength, obviously contradicted, but harmoniously merged together.” Popota said when it was paused, there was a trace of condensate in his eyes: “But I always feel a little familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere.”

Is it true magic Sect’s trick? But Popota hasn’t seen a few real magic tricks for so many years, so let’s not talk about ‘familiarity’.

Popota could not help raising his head, but he saw Angel’s faint smile.

He froze for a moment, a sudden flash of light flashed in his mind: “Phantom limb soft state bug ?!”

Angel gave Bobota the cultivation of soft bugs, so Bobota naturally knew this amazingly harmful insect species. A closer comparison shows that the phantom limb on the soft bug is really similar to the white tentacle behind Angel.

All are illusory, but they can all interfere in the material world.

And even the shape is very similar.

“Is this really a phantom limb?” Popota pointed to the white tentacle that was still swinging, not looking closely, much like Angel had two furry white tails.

“Yes.” Angel didn’t conceal, because Popota was often in contact with soft bugs. Even if he didn’t say it, he would see it in the end.

Popota was in a trance, because his knowledge of phantom limbs was too clear, and even the tiny soft bug could cause such powerful damage after possessing phantom limbs. What amazing strength would Angel have with phantom limbs?

“Is this … your original creation?” Popota asked with difficulty.

For this problem, Angel is still silent.

The phantom limb is actually a kind of creative method, but not at all is “certified” by the World Consciousness. In other words, on the contrary, this is the award that World consciousness gave Angel.

Earlier, after she sensed the natural phenomenon of creation, Angel won the award of World Consciousness.

This award gave Angel a variety of auras in his mind within a short period of time. Inspiration was like a spring. He was completely immersed in the ocean of knowledge integration, and finally even peeped into the road of true knowledge!

In the process of continuous inspiration, Angel had a comprehensive understanding of his own knowledge. He knew that bite off more than one can chew, so he chose a problem he was most interested in at the time and conducted in-depth research.

What he studied was phantom limbs.

Under the circumstances at that time, all kinds of wonderful ideas constantly added bricks to the study of phantom limbs.

Almost instantly, Angel supplemented the basic understanding of phantom limbs, but it took a while to understand. However, Angel itself is Illusion, and the phantom limb is based on the powerful fleshy body, so he can apply the phantom limb in such a short time.

However, although the phantom limb has appeared, he can only release 2 phantom limbs because he is not yet skilled.

But this is very nice, at least Angel is very satisfied.

Moreover, compared to the model of the door, the phantom limbs brought him more surprises.

Because of the model of the door in the Spell position, Angel has always known that his effect is Space displacement, but he does not know what variables the “special energy” will bring.

Leaving aside the model variables of the yet unknown door, the reason why Angel is more surprised by the phantom limb is that the phantom limb’s promotion of him is visible to the naked eye.

Although the phantom limb looks like an “Illusion technique”, its foundation is actually Fleshy body.

To give a simple example, Angel’s Fleshy body is soil, Illusion technique energy is nutrients, and Phantom limbs are flowers blooming on this soil. If the phantom limb leaves the soil of fleshy body, it is equal to the rootless duckweed, even if the energy of the Illusion technique cannot make the flower more vivid.

Most importantly, since the foundation of the phantom limb is the fleshy body, then the stronger the fleshy body, the more amazing the strength to the phantom limb.

It can be said that the phantom limb is basically equivalent to the outer skeleton of the human body, and the strength of the Fleshy body can be extended farther, and it can also be used more.

For example, suppose the eyes are the weakness of fleshy body. But if there is a phantom limb, the phantom limb acts as an outer skeleton and can gather the most powerful defense in the fleshy body near the eyes, then the weakness will become a strength.

This is just a simple application method, of course, this is biased towards fleshy body Strength. After all, there is an “Illusion” character in the phantom limb. He also has an application method similar to the Illusion technique, so it can actually be more flexible.

However, this still needs to wait for Angel to develop it himself.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, Angel is very happy, because his fleshy body has gone through the battle of the abyss, and it is comparable to the Magus on the bloodline side. Therefore, the phantom limb’s improvement of his battle strength is beyond imagination.

It is even possible to treat the phantom limb as a formal “skill” rather than the “joke” used by Apprentice.

Compared to the purely mobile and strategic “gate model”, the phantom limb is indeed a clear improvement that can be seen with the naked eye, and the Illusion technique Strength of the phantom limb consumption can be ignored, and the consumption itself has more blood energy. . And Angel is not lacking now is blood energy consumption.

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