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It was more than a month before they returned from the abyss.

Although Popota hadn’t said it, he was actually full of anxiety.

Popota also knew that it was not easy to go to another Magus organization and still be a black castle that rarely communicated with the outside world. He is not saying that he is going to go immediately. If he really wants to go, including himself, he actually needs to do a psychological building.

Because he doesn’t know how to tell her past after seeing the sparrow.

The reason why Popota asked this question is that he hopes that Angel will give him a rough time to prepare him.

“It shouldn’t be too long.” Angel pondered for a moment and said a vague time.

In fact, like Popota, he also wanted to go to the Black Castle as soon as possible. After all, Toby’s situation, Angel is completely helpless at present, can only hope to get help from Greia.

And Greia was called by Apprentice of the Black Castle when she was on the Magic Island, so it is very likely that Greia is now in the Black Castle.

Now that Jon’s situation is temporarily stable, Angel had planned to go to the Black Castle during this period.

However, he went to the Black Castle alone, and in his current identity as Alchemy Warlock, he might not be rejected. But who knows that Isabella ’s old witch will go crazy like Silent Hill last time.

Therefore, we can only wait for Sanders to return from Punk Theme Park. And Sanders also told him about the arrangements for the Black Castle before leaving Pat Manor.

Not too long? Popota heard this answer, although Angel still did not give a specific time, but at least it means Angel not at all forgot.

Popota nodded, and did not continue to question, temporarily put this topic down.


Gondola flew above the sea for a little half a day, and now he came to the windless zone near the center of Whale Sea.

Because there is little wind all year round, there are no ships passing by. Even Sea Beast is less than other places, which is where Angel is coming.

In the boundless sea, found a remote uninhabited island, Angel decided to try to build his first Spell position here.

However, before building the Spell bit, Angel also needs to construct the last few stripes of the door model.

The mind is immersed in thinking Space.

The model of the door exuding a singular glory just stood in chaos.

Nowadays, the more than 2700 streak roads of the door model have basically been formed, and only a closer look through the 10000 elephant axis will reveal that there are still a few streak roads missing.

The pattern of the door model has different energy distributions. Of the more than 1300 Angels built by themselves, 2 10% contain the Space attribute.

The lines that contain the Space attribute, Angel originally thought he would be difficult to build, but in fact it is slower than ordinary lines, but the magic of consumption is many times more than ordinary lines.

Therefore, every time the texture of the Space attribute is played, the meditation must be re-run, and the new texture can be continued only after the magic source is restored.

It is precisely because of the existence of these Space attribute lines that Angel’s construction progress has been so slow, and it has not been basically completed until today.

None of the remaining stripes are related to the nature of Space. Angel himself estimated that now his magic source is full. After building all the lines, the magic of consumption is very little, less than 3 10%. The remaining magic power should be sufficient to support the consumption of the Spell position.

Thinking about this, Angel took a deep breath and began to build the remaining few stripes.

Perhaps it is already familiar to build these months, Angel still has time to distract from other issues when building-

For example, what effect will this door model have?

This question, in fact, when Angel started building, basically already had a general direction.

It should be the role of Space displacement.

Not to mention the effect of the final formation is short-distance teleportation or long-distance shifting. Any Space displacement skill is very useful for Magus.

The short distance can be used in actual combat and evasion, and the long distance can be used in escape and rush.

You must know that even the extremely rare Space Department Magus must at least reach the formal stage to learn the corresponding Space displacement technique.

So, Angel’s first Spell position, got a Space displacement trick, too much for him!

However, Angel actually has some doubts.

Is the effect of the door model really a simple Space displacement?

He had this doubt because only half of the door model was built by himself, and the other half was composed of a “special energy”.

It is difficult for Angel to understand the composition of this special energy.

Because it comes from the strange Different World that is closely related to the “eye of heaven”, the world is the energy of the plane fusion that was eaten by the eye of heaven and then pulled Angel into it.

In the odd Different World, Angel removed the emotion module and did a lot of things rationally.

Among them, it includes following a certain energy core in Different World and learning the “Building Blocks Building Lesson”, which is the model of the door.

Since it is a “lesson”, then at the beginning of the construction, the “Teacher” will naturally teach the demonstration.

The “Teacher” half-door model built at that time was made of special energy.

At that time, Angel could completely let the special energy disappear and use his own magic power to reconstruct this model in Thinking Space. However, this special energy is too peculiar and looks plain, but it is like a reef exposed on the sea. The exposed part is very small, but the body hidden on the bottom of the sea is huge and unimaginable.

Angel even speculates that this special energy may be unique to the Eye of Heaven, beyond the existence of cognition.

Therefore, Angel analyzed the pros and cons at that time and decided to continue to build along the model of the door that has been half built by the special energy.

Once the build is completed, it is permanently fixed in the Spell position. Then, the model of the door with special energy can be kept.

His choice can be said to be very bold.

Because he doesn’t know at all, what advantages and disadvantages does the special energy have, will it cause harm to himself?

But he still did this, the main reason is that in the odd Different World, Angel did not have an emotion module, and belonged to an absolutely sensible state. After analysis in that situation, he thought that special energy should not harm him at all.

At the same time, Angel deliberately took Jon back to Earth, so he did not dare to miss anything related to the “Eye of Heaven”, including this special energy.

It is precisely because half of the model of the door he built is constructed of special energy, so Angel is actually not sure, the final effect will be a simple Space displacement?

Will those special energies cause other effects? This is also an unknown matter.

Moreover, Angel builds the model of the door, using his own magic, his magic has the nature of Illusion technique, will it also affect the final effect?

The answers can only be known after the model of Today’s Gate is fixed.


Time is slowly passing.

Popota suddenly felt something strange, and he looked up suspiciously.

He first looked towards the distance, at this time the sun was already tilted, the afterglow shone on the distant sea surface, sprinkled with the glowing lines of the rosy red water. Look closely, it seems not at all anything is wrong.

He looked back again, Angel sitting at the top of the cliff not far away, he still closed his eyes, no action.

Popota hesitated for a moment and couldn’t help but in the heart secretly said: “Is it that I feel wrong? And … Angel is not talking about experimental tricks, why hasn’t there been no movement?”

Bobota did not dare to disturb Angel, shook his head, and continued to pick up the insect nest of the soft state, and observed the changes of Insect Queen.


At this time, near the coast of the old soil Continent, a silhouette with light blue water stood on the edge of a green and calm lake.

If you look closely at this pale blue water silhouette, you will find that his body is almost transparent, just like it is composed of liquid.

However, its five officials are very clear.

If Angel is here, it is estimated that it will immediately recognize that this look is exactly the same as the “son of the ocean” Jetway.

The only difference is that this silhouette of water is not at all the scales of the eyebrows.

And this silhouette is indeed related to Jetway, because it is the water incarnation sent by Jetway this time.

Before Jetway, several water incarnations were installed, in the Sea Territory of the vicinity different. This water incarnation is always an incarnation hidden in the whale sea.

“Taking this lake’s underground waterway, you should be able to directly reach Jin’s location.” Jetway muttered softly.

Since you are looking for Angel, you can only start with the “Silver Star” who may know Angel’s trail.

When Jiebo thought about it, she frowned, turned back suddenly, and looked towards the whale sea in the distance.

The Haitian line, whether it is the sky or the sea, was dyed shyly orange-red by the sunset.

“It’s a weird feeling.” Jiebo frowned, apparently there was nothing wrong with it. Why did he make him feel strange?

“It’s a pity that it’s just a clone, and it’s impossible to analyze the specific feeling.” Jiebo sighed: “It would be nice if it was the body.”

As time went by, Jiebo felt that the strange feeling in his heart was getting worse.

He looked at the lake at his feet and the ocean in the distance.

“Would you like to check the situation?”

Jetway 2 weighed for a while, but turned around, turned away from the lake, and moved towards the sea.

Now that you know that Angel is in Continent, you can always find it. But the strange feeling that shocked him was rarely seen.

Jetway is still going to see the situation.

Not only Jetway, at this time the farm outside Conya, Silver Star also suddenly frowned, looked at all around in doubt, not at all found abnormal, and did not care.

In the underground laboratory, locked in the quiet room, Jin also opened his eyes.

Although Kim found something strange, he didn’t think much, or he didn’t dare to think much now. He was at a critical moment, but he didn’t dare to relax.

Jin continued to close his eyes and fell into his own thinking.

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