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At the beginning of the city, the flow of people on the streets is much thinner than before, and almost half of the cities are empty.

All the people went to the stone pillar Colosseum in Nancheng.

The stone pillar Colosseum was discovered by Angel in a remote town that inspired Continent’s central empire and pulled into a dream. It occupies a large area and is comparable to the Ocean Theatre. The whole is a bird’s nest building made of white granite, but there are many round and round stone pillars surrounded by different heights. The stone pillars are also engraved with exquisite animal statues. Shock, there is also a kind of pure white staggered beauty.

It is also called the stone pillar colosseum.

The original role of the Colosseum was to watch the Colosseum game, but there are no animals in the Heart City at the moment. Because the venue is large enough, it has become a place for some residents to resolve private grudges and use it for duels.

Today, the Colosseum has a battle situation that almost every inhabitant of the original city cares about: Sheriff Turas VS City Defense Captain Sabelle.

The Colosseum can accommodate up to 1000 people. At this time, more than 70% of the location has been occupied by crowds.

When Angel and Lyon arrived, a good position to watch the game had been seized.

Angel came to watch the battle, just to accompany the big brother Lyon, and look at Sabel Knight who was said to have killed Transcending. His curiosity about the game is not so strong, it doesn’t matter to him where to watch the game.

Even more how, he has a God’s perspective, even if he is not in the Colosseum, he can observe the details of the battle in the field.

They picked a relatively secluded, relatively quiet location, and looked down at the central ring.

The battle has not yet begun, but the atmosphere at the scene is already very warm, even if they are still far from the discussion center, but the words that have been spreading from the crowd still reach their ears.

“I support Sabel Knight more, he is more stable, he uses the most simple technology, steady and steady.” A young man wearing glasses expressed his opinion.

“But the Sheriff’s Sheriff exposed his abdominal muscles.” A little girl next to the glasses man was replied. The little girl’s eyes were upwards, and her throat seemed to swallow. Board, full of 8 abs.

“Sabel Knight also has abdominal muscles!”

“But Saber Captain usually wears armor and can’t see it.”

“This is called uniform seduction!”

“If he is young forty-fifty years old, you can form this word. They have a lot of white beards, and they are subdued by temptations!” The little fan disdain.

“The kind of people who can only show off their skills and show cool things in Turas, just to attract you women, how can a low-key Saber Knight be good!”

“But I like people who show off their skills. The most important thing is that they have abdominal muscles and they look good.”

For the average-looking and thin-fitting spectacled man, this is a crit. He covered his chest with a wounded expression.

The pair of viewers who appeared to be suspected of being “couples” were near Angel. Therefore, Angel listened to the whole process.

The reason why they are considered a couple is, after all … Which pair of men and women will choose a secluded place to watch the battle, and there are no other people around, so they sit together? Moreover, it seems to be fighting, in fact, the atmosphere brewing inside is a variety of pink bubbles.

For the conversation between the couple, Angel felt that the man was right. Turas is the kind of person who likes dazzling skills and cool, but it is wrong to say that dazzling skills are attractive to women. He is purely in the limelight and likes to show his Small Accomplishment performance.

If Turas really wins this time, he will definitely show off in his ears for half a year. The mantra that used to be bragging “spike the red beard” will be changed to “crush Sabel”.

Therefore, in order to prevent ears from being poisoned, before the war started, Angel’s bias was more biased towards the one who sounded like he had begun to show his old but more stable Sabel Knight.

Just as the atmosphere became hotter and Lyon’s eyes began to shine, Angel suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, he whispered to Lyon: “I want to leave for a while.”

After all, in Lyon’s puzzled eyes, Angel came to nowhere outside the Stone Pillar Colosseum, and his lips moved, and the sound’s fluctuation spread to the faraway wilderness by the power of nightmare.

After a while, this unmanned corner suddenly had an illusory shadow, but soon, phantom gradually condensed into an entity.

It was Sanders who was wearing a black noble gentleman suit.

Before Angel was in the Colosseum, he sensed that Sanders had entered the wilderness of dreams, but because Sanders had left the wilderness of dreams and returned to reality before, it was in the vast wilderness outside, so he logged in again Still in the wilderness.

Sanders was unable to use magic in the wilderness of dreams, and it was basically impossible to return to the original heart city from the wilderness.

Fortunately, Angel sensed that Sanders was “on the line”, and then came to nowhere, and told Sanders through subpoena to let him re-enter his dream.

When Sanders was dreaming again, Angel used the induction of Dreamscape’s Gate, which made Sanders come to the original heart city.

“Teacher, what happened again?” Angel asked immediately after seeing Sanders. “What’s the matter with Rolando?”

“Nothing happened.” Sanders shook his head. “We are on the way back, because we are too lazy to face Shuis, so let’s take a look.”

The reason is so clear … Angel can even make up the brain, Sanders and Huyce face each other, and there is no embarrassing scene to say.

“So that’s how it is.” Angel was a serious nodded.

“Where is this place, and the vocals are full of enthusiasm?” Sanders also noticed the surrounding environment at this time. Although they were in no one’s place, the sound of the sky was heard next door.

“Stone pillar Colosseum.” Angel quickly explained the scene.

“Most of the residents of Beginning City came to see this duel? It’s Interesting.”

Angel: “Is the tutor going to see it?”

Sanders doesn’t care about nodded: “There is nothing to do anyway, just go in and see.”

Angel led Sanders towards the Colosseum. At the door, he could still see a large number of people moving towards the Colosseum, which shows the appeal of this duel …. City residents really have no entertainment at all.

On the way to the auditorium, Angel whispered: “Now the dream wilderness is logged into the place, it seems that it can only be the last time to leave the place. This is a bit troublesome, if you can share the power of Dreamscape Gate to the instructor No need to worry about logging out in the wild and unable to return to the city. “

However, if you want other people to gain some power, you can only share them when they merge power. At other times, it is difficult to do.

“At present, there is only one city at the beginning of the heart. It doesn’t matter. In the future, if you can use the magic source in the wilderness of the dream, you don’t have to be far away. You can even set up Transmission Array in various places. The dream conch was sent in, but if you want to locate it, you still need Space Magus’ help, “Sanders said.

Angel nodded: “This is the only way.”

However, Angel still intends to go back and study, is there any other way to share power. Even if he can’t do it now, it is estimated that there should be a similar power in Nightmare Host’s Body?

Soon, they returned to the auditorium.

However, when Angel was about to go to Lyon, he found that he thought it was a secluded place before. At this time, he was full of people. The reason is that … He was standing next to Lyon and was talking to Lyon.

At this time, Lyon also saw Angel. As he was about to say hello, he noticed Sanders behind Angel and he froze for a moment.

Did n’t Lord Demon go to Rolando with his mentor? How did it appear here? Has the mentor returned to the manor?

While Lyon’s thoughts rolled in his head, Turas turned his head to see the comer.

His eyes lit up and hehe laughed up.

“Lord, do you also see how I defeated the scammer Knight?” Turas looked excited: “Lord cheers me up, and today I can definitely beat him!”

Angel in the heart said silently: I’m not here to cheer up, I actually hope you lose.

But the surface still said calmly: “Do you still call Saber Knight as a liar? I remember, you seem to have lost him.”

Turas’s expression was stagnant, and it took a while to haha ​​and said, “I, I, I am, that is … Let him! Yes, let him! After all, a 7-year-old and a 80-year-old, if beaten by me It ’s 2 to 1, what should I do if I ca n’t stand the blow? “

Turas’s eyes glittered, and Angel did not correct the errors, but just said lightly: “I remember, you should be dozens of times older than the so-called Sabel Knight.”

The mysterious age of Turas twitched the corner of his mouth and stopped talking.

Angel bypassed Turas, preparing to sit down first, but at this moment, Turas said: “Lord, it is too far from the ring to look up close … cough, watch my heroic, go to the front row There are referee seats there. The last two times were Lyon as referee. Since Lord came this time, must come as referee. I believe Lord will never be biased! “

Angel wanted to tell Turas that he was already biased.

Angel was originally prepared to refuse, but there were already crowds around him. He didn’t care whether he was crowded, but after all, Sanders was by his side. Thinking about this, he looked back towards Sanders: “Teacher, there are too many people here, let’s go to the referee seat?”

Sanders’ indifferent expression is nodded.

When Turas heard Angel’s words, he noticed that behind him, there was a tall man who lowered his brim.

When he saw his face clearly, Turas suddenly became stuttering and said in surprise: “Sangsang … Sanders Lord …”

Angel: “Stop shouting, take us to sit down first.”

Turas quickly nodded and motioned them to keep up.

Angel called Lyon, who was still stunned, and followed Sanders to follow Tulas moved towards the ring below the platform.

Their actions also attracted the attention of almost everyone present. Because Lyon had been a referee before and was fairly fair, everyone else knew … But Angel and Sanders knew very few people.

However, looking at what Turas respects them, it is definitely not a nobody.

Everyone guessed their identity.

Even Turas’ opponent, Saber Knight, noticed them.

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