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After seeing Sanders wake up, Xius went straight to the cage.

Sanders looked at Rolando condescendingly, with thought in his eyes.

Rolando grinned in an arc of his mouth, even though he was facing Sanders, he still used a grinning smile and a gruesome and strange look at Sanders.

Huyes stepped forward and unfastened the cage’s forbidden sound Formation: “Demon Lord, have you found anything?”

Sanders said calmly: “When I was sleeping, I thought of a possibility. I need to verify my opinion.”

possibility? Xius was a little puzzled and didn’t know what Sanders was referring to, but he didn’t follow up, just silently watching Sanders’ movements.

I saw Sanders stretched to act, and countless Illusion technique nodes flowed out of his fingertips, just like 5 rainbow lights, and immediately surrounded Rolando.

Feeling the fluctuation of the familiar Illusion technique, Huyce was frowned: “Is this … Illusion technique hypnosis?”

They have tried many times before, using the Illusion technique to perform Spirit intervention on Roland, but not at all any effect, Xius is a little puzzled, why Sanders has to try again?

After a few minutes, the Illusion technique hypnosis did as expected by Huyce, and had no effect.

Rolando also raised his head with a sneered smile and said, “I thought that if you use the same Illusion technique repeatedly, you can find a weak spot? It’s useless, even if you really know Magus, that’s all.

A series of sneers echoed in his ears.

Sanders didn’t have the slightest anger, but instead raised his lips and seemed to confirm something.

He stepped out of the cage and walked back to the edge of the geometric lock.

“Lord Magic Lord?” Xius wanted to ask what Sanders’ behavior meant, but he didn’t say it when he spoke. As Rolando said, they have interfered with Rolando Spirit many times before and wanted to find a weak spot, but none of them found that Sanders might just be a whim test?

“I found something, let me think about it.” Sanders said indifferently.

Having said that, before Hughes responded, he sat sideways and set up an isolation barrier around his body, which seemed to fall into a false sleep.

Hughes didn’t think Sanders had really discovered it, but thought he was talking casually. But Sanders showed a gesture of not disturbing, it seemed to be really thinking.

Xius looked back, looking towards a cold Roland in the cage, he was deeply sighed.

Hope Sanders can really find out …

The wilderness of dreams, the original heart city.

The silhouette of Sanders seemed to be drilled out of the mirror image. From scratch, without being blocked by the door of Dreamscape, he directly traversed the Dream Bridge and returned to where he left before.

It was still the noble-style mansion. The exquisite tea set in front of him, the black tea in the tea cup, and the white smoke was blowing.

Angel sat on the other side of the table and looked at him with curious eyes: “Teacher, did you find anything?”

“I tried again, and when I intervened with Spirit on Roland, I really felt something wrong.” Sanders dull light flashed under his eyes, recalling the strange strength he had felt before, trying to interpret it in words: ” It is indeed mysterious strength. These mysterious Strength and Rolando ’s Spirit consciousness are entrenched and wrapped with a lot of negative energy. It is like a polymer of negative energy, but it is located in the Spirit Sea … “

“… I suspect that it is because of this that a second personality composed entirely of negative energy is formed.”

The meaning of Sanders is similar to the result he had guessed before: this second personality is most likely composed of mysterious Strength.

But even if his second personality appeared because of mysterious things, Angel still didn’t understand the meaning of Sanders. What’s the point of determining this?

“What’s the point?” Sanders smiled: “Since we speculate that his second personality is due to mysterious strength, then his Number One Person personality, we can basically tentatively be the main personality.”

paused, Sanders said softly: “Do you think his Number One Person is affected by mysterious Strength?”

Angel froze for a moment, assuming that the second personality was caused by mysterious Strength, then its specific performance is just like Sanders highly praised before-perfect and leak-free.

Rolando’s Number One Person grid, even if Angel hasn’t actually touched it, can basically judge that his Number One Person grid must be some kind of defect. Of course, this defect is not unique to Roland, but is born to be human, it is difficult to avoid certain weaknesses, or deficiencies in human nature.

If there is no defect, the second personality will not be so anxious to replace the Number One Person personality.

Because he is very clear, Number One Person will definitely reveal something in the face of Spirit interference and the exploration of Spirit Thorn, otherwise he cannot be anti-guest.

So Sanders ’question already has an answer: since the Number One Person still has deficiencies, the possibility of being affected by mysterious Strength is very low.

Sanders: “The second personality is difficult to deal with due to the mysterious power bonus, then our Target is placed on the Number One Person grid.”

Angel still doesn’t understand what is relevant here, because things are back to the beginning now, how to find the Number One Person cell hidden deep in Roland’s consciousness?

“The things I said before are preconditions.” Sanders suddenly stood up and walked to the edge of the room, where a faint butter lamp with a luxurious carving was placed.

Sanders turned off the oil lamp and poured out the oil inside.

This is a bottle of plain oil, which is still liquid.

In Angel’s puzzled expression, Sanders poured the lamp oil into a glass filled with water. The yellow lamp oil and water naturally formed two different levels.

“Just like water and oil, even if they coexist together, they are totally different.” Sanders: “His Number One Person and the second personality are also totally different, and they are completely different. As long as they are found why not the same, there will be May find its Number One Person cell. “

“And the things I said before have already indicated a difference?”

Sanders’ words made Angel clear comprehension. The second personality of Rolando has the mysterious character, and the Number One Person cell should not be infected by mysterious, this is the difference!

So now the consideration is: from this different point of view, how to find the Number One Person cell?

“One is mysterious intervention, the other is ordinary person, without mysterious strength.” Angel whispered softly, suddenly, he thought of a possibility: “The wilderness of dream?”

In reality, it is really difficult to separate Rolando’s two personalities. But what about the wilderness of dreams?

Angel tried before to drag the servants from the wine cellar into the wilderness of dreams, but because of their mysterious energy engulfed by the bloody king in their Spirit sea, because of this characteristic, they could not enter the wilderness of dreams.

This is very similar to the second personality of Rolando, because his second personality is full of mysterious power and will definitely be rejected by the wilderness of dreams. However, will it be rejected if it is replaced by the ordinary Number One Person consciousness?

Angel thinks the answer is probably: No.

If you can really separate 2 personalities through the wilderness of dreams, then the subsequent operational space will be much larger!

“Yes, you can use the characteristics of the dream wilderness that cannot accommodate mysterious to separate the two personalities of Rolando.” Sanders nodded and said, “but now there is a problem, does the dream wilderness really accommodate?”

From a certain perspective, the so-called personality is the synthesis of self-awareness. The wilderness of dreams contains aura of consciousness. It sounds like it can be accommodated, but the specific situation is still unknown.

“Regardless of whether it can be accommodated, just test it directly. If what comes in is not what we want, I can pass the double power of Dreamscape Gate and the gatekeeper and just kick him out.” Angel paused: “Just test it. , Can the tutor pull people into the wilderness of dreams. “

Since Sanders himself can enter the dream wilderness through nightmare dreams, basically Angel has determined that Sanders can also pull others into the dream wilderness.

However, the lack of sample data is only a brain-filling conjecture, and it still needs to be tested to know.

Sanders was nodded, his figure gradually became blurred, and soon disappeared from the room.

After returning to reality, Sanders eyes opened from “false sleep”.

Xius didn’t ask Sanders if he had any income, fearing that he would get a negative answer, so Sanders could not step down.

However, what Suez didn’t expect is that Sanders came towards him: “I have an idea, but I need to test it.”

Sanders stopped when he said this, and Hughes originally wanted to ask if he would like to help him, but seeing Sanders’ posture, he understood.

“I’m going to wait outside the lock of geometry.” Xius saw that Sanders wanted a private Space, and nodded left.

In the mind of Huyz, Sandster intended to drive him out. Perhaps there is something that ca n’t be said about the trump card … Although he is curious, he will not take the initiative to spy on someone else ’s trump card. He was rather thankful in his heart, if Sanders really used a trump card that he didn’t want to be humane, maybe it would be really useful.

In the lock of geometry, only Sanders and Roland in the cage remain.

Rolando also heard what Sanders said, but he didn’t believe Sanders’ “ideas”, just like watching a clown performance, facing Sanders with a playful expression.

At this moment, Sanders whispered: “Are you a personality created by mysterious things?”

Roland’s expression did not change, but his eyes seemed to flash a slightly unpredictable rays of light.

Sanders caught this detail, he laughed in the corner of his mouth, said nothing more, stretched to act to face Rolando. A strange energy suddenly wrapped Rolando.

“Dream tricks?” Rolando laughed suddenly: “This is what you said, unfortunately, it’s useless to me?”

Sanders looked at Rolando calmly: “Is it really useless?”

Roland froze for a moment, as if he realized something, his expression suddenly changed.

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