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Dark Bottomless Abyss.

A huge and deep shadow suddenly flew over in the sky, and quickly flew away in the direction of moving towards unknown.

I don’t know how long it took, the shadow finally reached its destination-Touch of the Abyss.

Touch of the abyss is a place where all abyss creatures are afraid of, because this is the most unstable place in the abyss, Space natural law, Space-Time Crack will appear at any time, it is very likely that you were still alive a second ago , Torn in half by Space crack in the next second.

After reaching the touch of the abyss, this shadow suddenly exhaled.

There was a trace of joy and fluke in the sound, but then, Wrath and violent emotions were conveyed.

Emotions are changeable and extreme.

This shadow is the flameless master sneaking away from his own site.

The joy is because he escaped smoothly before the other Demon God did not know that True Spirit of death was himself. Although the touch of the abyss is very dangerous, but with the true body of the flameless master, it can still survive the Space-Time Crack. But if he stays in his own territory, the Flameless Lord knows clearly that those Greed Demon Gods will certainly attack him by taking advantage of their True Spirit death.

After all, after losing True Spirit, his strength has dropped greatly, but his rank has not changed. Those Demon God who pretend to be in his position will definitely move.

As long as it can last for a while, let other Demon God’s attention not to be placed on himself, he will have the opportunity to temporarily leave the barren side and go to some unformed small world to avoid the wind.

Wrath after the joy is because the Lord of Flameless thought of his own situation.

Not long ago, He was the deity of Supreme, but now, not only did he drop the dust from the altar, his strength was also cut to the Thai half. The contrast is large, making it difficult for the flameless master to accept this strong contrast.

It was already very miserable. In order not to be touched by other Demon God plot against his position, or even to hide from the abyss of crisis, he had to temporarily disconnect himself from 10000 1000 believers … because of the believers ’ Faith also reveals his position.

It is equivalent to say that he has lost all his eyes and can only survive in the touch of the dangerous dark abyss. How can he not wrath?

Even more how, His True Spirit death not only weakened his strength, but also made a near-destructive blow to his proud self-confidence.

“Everything is because of you! Everything is caused by you!” You Green’s huge eyes suddenly filled with bloodshot eyes, and Wrath’s shout spread across the dark abyss.

The Lord of Flameless thought of the person who killed his True Spirit, and his heart was filled with resentment.

Suddenly, the Flameless Lord counseled again.

Although he did not know how his True Spirit died, he could perceive that the other party solved True Spirit in just an instant. Before that, the opponent used only a moment to kill his Demon God clone.

Die instantly!

Such a fast speed, even the Peerless Great Demonic God can’t do this.

“A miracle must be a miraculous existence!” Thinking of this, although the Flameless Lord could hardly hide his hatred, he felt a little more fear in his eyes.

The Flameless Lord knew very well that if that person really reappeared before him, he would have no idea of ​​rebellion.

Because this is the gap between energy levels, is an insurmountable huge gap!

The flameless master sighed deeply after his emotions changed, and finally one silhouette appeared in his mind.

Now this happens because of this person.

He now finally understands why the cruel scholar had secretly left the drop on him, but he dared not imprint him. Perhaps because the cruel scholar already knew that there was something strange in that man.

He remembered that man seemed to be called “Angel”.

The flameless master whispered the name in the heart, and the hate and violence in his eyes became more and more intense.


In the sky on the surface of the abyss, a group of humans are flying towards the sky island.

This group of humans is a Magus headed by Monge.

Because the target was intercepted halfway through the mission, the defeat was completed. The low-pressure vortex of Munch enveloped the entire team.

Moreover, there are too many Magus dead at this time, but there is no gain! It can be said that this is the biggest injury since Monge became Magus. Not only was the failure of personal will, but the credibility of the entire Frost Moon Alliance also suffered a huge blow.

Although they managed to escape, this was not what Munch wanted at all.

The abominable alien that finally dragged Ao LuXi Ya into the Space Passage flashed in his mind, and his eyes couldn’t stop the hate. Obviously only the last step! He was not planted in the hands of the Great Demon, nor in the hands of the lord, but in the hands of the same human being!

How can he feel good?

Because of Monge’s resentment, the atmosphere of the entire returning team was very depressed.

However, because the “floating ice” had already evaporated in La Sudran before, they used their own flying vehicles when returning, and some flying vehicles were all-inclusive, but they did not have to endure the external suppression.

For example, in a huge steam globe room, the atmosphere is relatively gentle.

The owner of this steam room around the world is Tung Witch from the Forest of Nightspeaker. As the official Official Magus of Mori, she came with Li Vita this time, basically a crowd of people without any achievements.

Although the battle started with magnificence, but ended with a fleeing flight, the Witch Tong was not too disappointed, but instead opened his eyes because of the experience of having ups and downs.

At this time, she was sitting in front of the bar counter in the steam room, whispering with Li Vita across the road, communicating all the way.

Because of the embellishment of liquor, the steam in the Universal House is much easier than the outside atmosphere.

Li Vita took a sip of Yin red wine, her cheeks were slightly red, and by the rise of the wine, she glanced at the two figures standing in front of the window not far away, and asked the witch Tong: “Oh, why did you put Do they bring it too? “

Her question made a rickety silhouette in front of the window look over.

With the faint candlelight on the bar, it can be clearly seen that this rickety Little Old Man, white eyebrow has been dragged to the chest, wearing the iconic Magus hat with black embroidered orchid flowers.

It is from the house of Lilith, Kant of ‘Night’.

Kanter smiled at the Tong witch nodded.

Witch Tong also politely smiled back, but her eyes unconsciously moved to the silhouette on Kanter’s side.

The black gentleman’s suit set the silhouette of the man very tall.

Suddenly, 5 commanders appeared in front of her eyes, and the witch Tong froze for a moment, and found that Li Weita was staring at her with full of interest.

“I understand a little bit why you asked them to come to the steam room.”

Li Vita spoke ridiculously. Witch Tong had a red face and quickly waved her hand: “You misunderstood, I invited Lord Ruye and Lord Demon to come in, just because I have a good relationship with Lianna and have no other meaning.”

‘Rose Crown’ Lianna, level 1 Magus of the Savage Cave, proficient in Alchemy potions, is a master of fragrance production.

“You have a good relationship with Lianna, is it related to them?” Li Vita asked.

“I heard Lianna said a lot about Lord Apparition, that is, it is … worshiping Apprentice Appreciation.” Witch Tong secretly glanced at Canter side Sanders, but unfortunately, Sanders did not look back at her.

“I don’t believe there is only worship.” Livita shrugged her shoulders with a playful look. Although she was a little afraid of Sanders, she had to say that Sanders’ mature and handsome skin was very powerful, and was very popular among some witches Sought after.

Often at tea talks or fragrance meetings where witches gather, Sanders has always been mentioned one of the highest male Magus.

When Li Vita thought of this, she was suddenly paused. She remembered the next tea party, as if it was Li Anna? By that time, the group of witches would gather in the barbaric cave, and then Sanders was estimated to be the theme center again.

“There is nothing else, really only worship!” Witch Kiryu said anxiously, and at the end, even her own sound became extremely light.

Li Vita is no longer joking, she knows that Tung Witch has just been promoted to official Magus not long after, and the skin is still thin. Continue to ask, maybe it will be embarrassing.

Li Vita turned the subject around, and she flipped up the notebook in her hand, which was all the highlights recorded along the way. There was a name in it, which appeared most frequently.

“Speaking of which, the disciple of Lord Illusion, this time really shines.” Li Vita sighed: “From the beginning of the record, his name has been mentioned constantly, and every time it is a news. vortex center. “

Li Vita turned around and saw a previous record of her: “… The above evidence shows that Angel is the owner of the mysterious shop that disrupted La Sudland.”

Tong Witch also followed the topic: “It is true.”

Although Angel looks like her, she belongs to the “surrounding the masses”, but basically all the big events in Rasudran can’t bypass him. Even, many important things are provided to Angel by Angel.

“Everything here is enough to push his reputation to a very high position.” Li Vita knows that even if “Yingdu Yeyu” does not deliberately report, just the Magus propaganda that survived today, Angel Will become more famous.

“Yeah, the only pity is that he may have …” Although the witch Tong spoke only half of the words, everyone understood the meaning.

Being dragged into the void by the monster, there is no hope of survival.

It’s not just the Witch Tong and Li Vita who think so, including Kanter. Angel’s living surface is already very small. After all, whether Angel meets Popota or Demon God who is chasing behind, it is difficult for him to survive.

It’s a pity that Kante originally thought of bringing Angel and Qili together …

When Kanter felt emotionally, a low, hoarse sound suddenly passed into everyone’s ears.

“Angel, not dead.”

This sound attracted everyone’s attention.

Li Vita looked towards the window, flashes through a bright light: “Lord Lord, why do you say that?”

It was Sanders who spoke before.

Sanders looked quietly at the transparent glass windows. Outside the window was a dark void, and the window surface reflected the image inside.

After a while, Sanders said: “I can feel that he is not dead.”

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