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It was only now that Angel realized the terrifying of that energy.

His fleshy body collapsed again and again, and every time Angel felt that he could no longer be saved, but the energy brought him back from the abyss of death.

I don’t know how many times.

Angel is both surprised by this new blood of terrifying and shocked by the energy contained within the body.

It’s like 2 giants surpassing Angel’s innumerable energy levels, starting a shocking battle in their within the body.

After the crash, it was repaired immediately, and so repeated many times.

And every time, Angel felt as if he had suffered from the kind of Earth torture that Jon once said-Ling Chi.

They cut their own meat one by one.

After Ling Chi, it was the itching of energy repair. After the repair, continue the late.

This severe pain even made Angel have the illusion of “not as good as death”, but whenever this idea rose, many images of people appeared in his mind.

Jon, Lyon, Sanders, Toby, Nausica … many, many, including the “shadow” Diapolo, which was at first hostile to himself, and then slowly reconciled; it was lost when the purification garden opened 4 limbs, but finally Viking who still stubbornly escaped; once walked on the Yunluo, and then followed Siman to the captain Helen of Xialu Hailing …

These silhouettes may have a deep bond with Angel, or maybe they are just one side.

This World is so vast. This universe is full of mystery. Everyone is so lively … These are all things that make Angel so enchanted that those who do not want to carelessly end their lives.

Even more how, he still has a lot of Incomplete things.

Jon’s body has not yet recovered, and the promises that Moro had promised were also Incomplete. There are still many, many things he wanted to do without going through it. How can he just give up his life?

With these obsessions, Angel has experienced pain like a sword again and again.

On the ninth or tenth time, the pain of the collapse and recovery slowly decreased. At the same time, before that Angel felt that the energy of the huge Great Shore was also declining at a noticeable rate.

Up to now, Angel has finally found a trace of benefits.

The fleshy body collapse is actually an internal energy imbalance, and the gentle energy from outside has not only made up for the imbalanced energy in the repairs, but also gradually integrated some of its energy characteristics into Angel ’s within the body.

This is a transition of the essence of energy.

Because Angel is studying “Singularity Scattering Meditation technique”, the magic power of its own cultivation is already more pure than that of ordinary Meditation technique. Nowadays, this qualitative change can be said to make his magic power more refined and contains this The strange qualities of foreign energy.

The change of energy has been great, but the biggest change is his Fleshy body. This non-stop collapse and recasting is like repeated tempering in Alchemy, which removes impurities and internal injuries in the body.

And not only the recast, but also the addition of fleshy body after the fusion of bloodline.

Even, Angel himself cannot predict, if he is lucky enough to survive, how strong will his fleshy body become?

When the fleshy body collapsed again, Angel was already paralyzed by the pain, and he silently waited for the energy to repair.

With the repair of this time, Angel can clearly feel that the external energy has dried up.

Probably, this is the last time it was fixed.

And that drop of blood left only the last minute. Except accidentally, this crash is estimated to be the last.

Sure enough, when the drop of blood was fully integrated into the body, the external energy also disappeared, and the two peerless giants were just as well inserted into the sword.

It seems that it is quite wrong to say that there is only a drop of blood on this side, and the energy from terrifying to peak on the other side. Although the 2 cancels out, in essence, the projection bloodline is still better.

And when this drop of blood disappeared, Angel finally finally felt where the projection was.

Right eye.

In addition to this time, Angel has also received 2 times, and these 2 projection bloodlines have given him great changes. The first is the right hand palm when in the nightmare witch town; the second is the right forearm in the wilderness of dreams.

The first 2 times are actually in the right hand, so they can be categorized into one category in essence. According to the green pattern attribute, they have some effects similar to “autonomously release the nightmare atmosphere”.

At this time, the location has changed. And the difficulty of integration, if there is no external energy, he is estimated to have died countless times.

Angel wants to know, what will happen to his right eye this time?

Angel opened his eyes.

At the moment he opened his eyes, a green light flashed in his right eye.

There was a momentary blank in front of Angel’s eyes. I just felt that countless small green stripes were printed in my mind. Some of these green stripes are on the right hand, and some are new.

Among the new green stripes, Angel can understand the meaning of the green layer, but the deeper structure is not yet known.

The so-called surface meaning is actually the most basic effect of green stripes.

For example, Angel right hand has a green pattern that looks like ten to 60% notes. Its surface consciousness is “release”, and its function is to release the atmosphere of the nightmare continuously. But if you continue to study deeply, you will find that this green pattern has a deeper structure-in addition to “release”, there are “channel” and “gate”.

With these new green stripes, Angel can only understand the meaning of the outermost layer. If you want to know the deeper meaning, it takes a lot of time to study and analyze.

“It seems that these green stripes are the effects brought by the right eye?”

Angel was about to examine it first. When there were more new green lines, a message suddenly entered his mind.

The message this time is not a green streak, but a long memory.

These memories are not Angel’s, but … that person’s. He came here from the Nightmare Realm, battled with the Flameless Lord, and later left from Angel within the body. With just one blow, the memory of the Demon God True Spirit was killed in seconds, all of which poured into Angel’s mind.

Angel stared dumbly at the memory picture emerging in her mind.

He had seen the man and pushed the terrifying giant beast in the wilderness of dreams back. Angel already knew that his strength was very strong. But now I found out that it is not only strong, it is so strong that there is no margin, beyond Angel’s imagination!

In these memories, Angel still doesn’t know who the other party is, and can only tentatively designate him as “Shawa”, the Angel’s projection in the nightmare world.

Although his identity is unknown, Angel understood one thing. He came from the nightmare world, which is not a real body, but a clone.

With just a clone, Demon God True Spirit can be destroyed. Such strength, Angel can hardly imagine.

Maybe … have reached some level of invisibility?

After reading the whole memory, Angel also clarified this series of things with these memories.

At the beginning, Popota persuaded him to open the descent. However, Angel does not want to be subject to Demon God when he hits the heart, but what should he do if he does not open the descent, facing the flameless master?

Angel thought of the “off desk” thing he had done in Daredevil City.

Anyway, here is the abyss, even if the nightmare queen comes, it will not destroy the Magus world.

Angel wanted to replicate the incident. If she could lift the table, there might be a chance.

However, there was actually a certain coincidence in the Night Demon City, and the time and place that turned into a nightmare, which contributed to the opportunity.

Angel wanted to reproduce it, but it was not easy.

Moreover, Angel has thought about it himself. From the attitude of the nightmare queen, it seems that he is harboring malicious intentions to himself. Even if the table was really lifted, it was estimated that he would not escape.

What if this move doesn’t work?

Then, he thought about what was happening when the wind language was low.

At the time when the wind was low, Favner was very afraid of the green vines that appeared behind him, and Angel himself felt that if he continued to let the green vines grow, he might eventually become a person who let the person cross Come to the “door”.

Angel knows who the man is behind the door.

At the time when the wind was low, Angel restrained the growth of green stripes because he didn’t know the consequences of the person’s arrival, and Sanders reminded him more than once, be careful of Shawa.

It is impossible for the other party to give for no reason, and at a certain stage, it will inevitably demand return.

At this time, Angel did not exercise restraint. As a result, a series of events followed.

Although Angel had fallen into a coma while fighting the Flameless Lord, these memories told Angel what happened at that time.

After reading these memories, Angel was silent for a long time, both shocked by the power of “Shawa”, but at the same time, he also raised a fear.

He stretched to act slowly, covering his right eye.

The right hand has changed, so has the right eye.

Perhaps one day, his whole body no longer belongs to himself, but to another person. By then, will Angel’s self-consciousness disappear?

Angel stayed silent for a long time, and slowly came back to his senses until Greywood’s tentative shout came from his ear.

“The owner, you …” Greywood originally wanted to ask, did the owner know what happened?

But when Angel looked over, a glint of terror flashed in Greave’s eyes.

That cold pupil light is exactly the same as that person! Even the kind of chilling oppression is exactly the same!

Could it be said that the blonde silhouette did not disappear, but entered the owner ’s body and replaced the owner?

When Grievous was in doubt, Angel stood up.

He could feel that his fleshy body became extremely powerful, and even so powerful that he could not control it.

He could also feel the change in his right eye.

Because when he looked towards Greywood, Greywood scared his cheeks pale and lowered his head shiver coldly.

However, Angel does not at all explore at this time.

Because he must do another thing.

The memory left by the man was almost all pictures of memory, and the only thing with subjective opinions was this matter.

Thinking of this, Angel turned his head and looked towards the green tree that was swayed by the wind.

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