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The shadow behind the Lord of Flameless opened the cold green pupil and looked towards the sky.

In the eyes of the Flameless Lord, the only thing He can see is the endless green stripes leaping out of the Angel pupil light. These green stripes are like a regular arrangement of creeds, turning into one after another. Shadow of Spirit!

The flameless master gritted his teeth and greeted him.

He also wanted to know what exactly Angel’s attack means!

Green’s light and shadow, and the huge Shadow, at this moment, entered the first close encounter!

The wind was strong and the light and shadow were floating.

There was no explosion or collapse caused by any concentration of energy, but at the moment when Shadow and the green stripes met, the pupil of the Flameless Master shrank suddenly.

True Spirit, which he was proud of, was quickly dispelled by the green stripes!

He had known before that every green stripe can eliminate at least twice the shadow, but now he has discovered that the previous simply means nothing.

After these green patterns have undergone a new round of unique arrangement, they will eliminate the speed and amount of Demon God True Spirit faster than before!

He now understands why he heard a sneer when he stepped forward, because the result at the moment is completely within the opponent’s expectations!

The Lord of Flameless felt the rapid loss of True Spirit Strength, and his eyes flashed with determination.

Less than a second entangled with Angel’s green stripes, the flameless master was like a strong man’s broken wrist, and both hands joined together, actively setting off a high-energy wave.

Space ripples were tilted, and the impact on Angel was almost non-existent. It was just that because the circle of ripples was too large, Angel stepped back slightly. However, it caused irreparable damage to the Flameless Lord. Not only did Demon God True Spirit lose 1%, but his face paled with the speed of naked eye.

The Flameless Lord only felt the blood in the inner chest Qi. He wanted to force it down, but instead it seemed to be fueling the fire. The churning blood energy bounced up from the chest cavity in an instant, and a large amount of blood spit out from his mouth.

After the blood spit out, the flameless Lord’s chest tightness was relieved, but the body slowly slapped at a visible speed.

This is feeding back the damage of True Spirit with fleshy body.

But this is only an insignificant Demon God clone, even if it feeds True Spirit, the benefit is very small.

Angel on the other side suspended in the sky, but it was calm as if nothing had happened, which was in sharp contrast to the severe injury of the Flameless Lord.

Seeing this scene, Popota and Greywood couldn’t believe their eyes.

To deal with Demon God clone, not only to deal with a powerful opponent with at least half a step of Legend’s strength, but also to deal with his infinite heritage and countless combat experience!

Like Popota, he forcibly raised his strength, even if to some extent, he is in the same class as the flameless master’s clone, but after the real fight, Popota still has no power to fight back Of being crushed.

This is a gap in vision and a huge gap in combat experience. It is almost impossible to make up in a short time.

For the Flameless Lord, Popota ’s various strengths are no different than those of a baby with a knife. Even if there is a sharpness weapon, the means that can be used by the user cannot be achieved, and nothing is achieved.

Therefore, Popota was even more unbelievable. When Angel was fighting with Demon God clone, the other party let Demon God True Spirit come, can he still fight? Not only did he not be injured, but also vomited blood from the main flameless?

This is a multiple crush from the perspective, experience and strength!

It is definitely not what the original Angel could do.

So, who is this “Angel”?

Popota’s cry and doubt in deep in one’s heart is also the current myth of Grievous and the Flameless Lord. However, Greewood ’s acceptance is slightly better. After all, the “owner” is actually very mysterious in his eyes before his identity is revealed, which can make a half-blood Demon making a breakthrough and wake up Pan Nasi ’s succubus. None of these things are “Ordinary person” can do it. Looking back now, it seems normal for the shop owner to have hidden strength, but this hidden strength is so high that even Demon God is really coming, he can’t restrain the owner.

The Lord of Flameless is very clear that what really fights him is not the fleshy body in front of him, but the phantom!

He did not see the face of phantom, but neither the golden long hair nor the strange pupil light was possessed by the previous human being. More importantly, the phantom came from far away in time and space, and was originally not in the human body.

Otherwise, it was absolutely impossible before, and even with a flameless hand, without even exerting the power, he pinched this human being to death.

Evolving into this situation today, the Lord of Flameless has actually resigned in his heart.

He seemed to face Angel across the sky, but Shadow, which spread to the edge, was secretly exploring the nature of the “green ring” and wanted to break through the green ring.

It’s just that the green ring looks soft, but extremely tough. Even if the energy is compressed within a tiny range, it will not cause any scars on the green stripes! If you change to a normal Space, even energy collapse or even energy storms have occurred, you can put it on the green pattern, but nothing happens, which makes the flameless master feel the shock of the green pattern again.

This simply does not seem to be what the general energy level can do.

Even the Lord of Flameless suspected that even if the Peerless Great Demonic God arrived, it would be impossible to break the mystery of this green pattern.

“Who the hell are you?” This is the second inquiry from the Flameless Lord, although I have heard the shouting of Popota and Demon, calling this human being the “owner” and “Angel”. But what he wanted to ask was not this, but the phantom that had not yet been able to see clearly.

The response was indifferent.

The flameless master sank, and the green pattern strongly restrained Demon God True Spirit. In this case, he could not see the sign of victory for the time being.

And the green ring cannot break through.

At this time, if you use the real body lurking in Bottomless Abyss, the return of summon Demon God True Spirit is the best choice.

But the Flameless Lord is a little unwilling. Once he recalls True Spirit, it means that he completely gave up this clone. Although he has many clones, the clones that can reach half-step Legend are still a few, and the abandonment of clone also means that he also gave up the soul and fire relics of LuXia.

Austria LuXi Ya hopes to go to the birthplace and find his way. The Flameless Lord also wants to go to the birthplace of God and find the key to the Great Demonic God.

This is why He sent clone and Galar.

Continue to fight, may cause irreparable damage to Demon God True Spirit, and quit means to give up the “future”.

The flameless master considers it again.

Perhaps, like Austria LuXi Ya, it will be desperate for the so-called future, and even run counter to its own “father”, or even strike back.

But the Lord of Flamelessness has reached its peak. Compared with illusory’s future, He thinks he should choose restraint.

A decision has been made in the flameless Lord’s heart, but when he was ready to implement this decision, he suddenly paused, because his afterglow found a detail in Angel’s body.

A crack appeared in his arm, and a little blood oozed out of the crack.

There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of the flameless master. When he was in contact before, he didn’t hurt the other party at all, but what happened to this sudden burst of wound?

An answer emerged from the heart: even if phantom came, his fleshy body was too weak.

Thinking of this, the Lord of Flameless recalled his previous actions. When he knew he was invincible, he used high-energy waves and wanted to reduce losses.

In his thoughts, high-energy waves are only a means of escape, but think about it, maybe he was completely unprepared and hurt because of this?

Perhaps his method is very difficult to deal with, but the weak body is the restriction!

Thinking of this, the flameless Lord began to calculate the gains and losses, and made a balance between leaving or staying. When the ripples of the high-energy waves subsided, the Flameless Lord had already made his own choice.

10000 1000 Shining, endless Raging Flames, rising from behind the flameless lord.

With the advent of the law, Shadow and flame are like the fusion of light and darkness, and the rhythm is like the sound of the world, rushing to Angel with unprecedented momentum!

In Angel’s pupil light, there is a new green pattern!

Between light and shadow, Shadow and green stripes are canceling at a very fast speed, and the flame is also blocked by green stripes, but these all are flameless masters floating on the surface to attack.

What he really wants to do is–

When there is no green pattern guardian, Angel’s weak fleshy body is his target!

Fighting the rapid loss of True Spirit Strength, the Flameless Lord awaits the opportunity.

At a certain moment, He saw a gap, his eyes lit up, and the torrent of energy that had been prepared was poured out from his palm!

Compared with the slow ripples of high-energy waves, the flameless master chose the most basic energy application method-energy torrent. Although this energy application method is very basic, the energy torrent has a larger coverage and the impact speed can exceed natural law Upper limit!

When the torrent of energy appeared, the Flameless Lord clearly saw that Angel’s pupil light flashed a little dark.

The torrent of energy was extremely fast, and when Angel’s eyes glittered, he had already rushed to the front.

I saw Angel stretched to act, and with the green light flashed, the energy torrent was briefly blocked.

The Lord of Flameless took a moment to find out that Angel’s right hand itself had some green stripes. These green stripes can be used for short-term defense. Although it was only a moment, at this moment, it gave the pupil light time to let It jumped out of the new green pattern again, blocking the energy torrent.

However, even though the energy torrent is prevented, Angel’s body is still subject to the physical impact carried by the energy torrent.

But I saw a cracking sound in Angel’s hand, flesh and blood flying, and bones deep in the wound!

The Lord of Flameless knew that he had found the right way.

When Angel’s blood splattered, the Flameless Lord casually dropped a Demon God whispering curse on the blood, trying to directly harm Angel’s fleshy body.

However, as the Flameless Lord guessed, the Demon God raving was blocked by a green streak.

But the flameless master’s original intention was just harassment, but the real attack came afterwards.

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