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On a piece of dark and barren ground, a magnificent library stood alone.

Inside the library, the petite Demon suddenly raised his head, looking towards the boundless void.

“Looking at the chaotic time and space at a glance, the thoughts come and go instantly, so terrifying!” The low sound, with obvious trembling: “Sure enough, it was correct to leave no mark on him.”

This petite Demon is a cruel scholar.

When his statue descended and was blooded by Angel’s blood, the brutal scholar already felt it. It was originally thought that Angel intended to use the falling object, so he first attached the mind to the falling object.

Later, he secretly lured Popota and asked him to persuade Angel to use the descent.

However, in the end, Angel still didn’t have any thoughts about falling objects, let alone open.

When the cruel scholar regrets, Angel and the flameless master’s clone meet.

Immediately afterwards, the cruel scholar felt the terrifying look, even if the other party was still far away in space and time, that huge thought had already arrived!

His thoughts attached to the falling object were not even discovered by the Flameless Lord. As a result, the eyes looked directly at him.

Brought the cruel scholar’s heart back from the descendant alive.

This kind of feeling is like living in your own home, but forced out by outsiders. And he did not dare to have any objections, even now … He wants to set his sights on that World, which is covered by a seemingly invisible barrier.

“This level of energy is indeed a” miracle “. The cruel scholar groaned, with fear on his face, but fortunately he did not forcibly pressure the man.

The cruel scholar looked at the hazy World behind the void and waited for the moment when it lifted its veil.

He wants to know what will happen to the clone of the Flameless Lord in the end?

This will involve the future, how cruel scholars will reassess the value of Angel.

The cruel scholar looked at the World covered by the barrier, while his tail was swaying rapidly, looking for information about the World from a bundle of books.

It’s a World where even cruel scholars can’t get a certain position when they attach their minds to the past.

He always felt a little weird.


The Lord of Flameless, only felt like he was dragged into a chaotic and dark infinite space.

Chaos Void is all around.

The only thing He could feel was the distant space-time distance, those eyes with endless cruelty and coldness.

Those eyes stared straight at the Flameless Lord. There was no trace of calmness, but the coldness conveyed in his eyes made a lot of cold sweat behind him.

Just being watched, the Flameless Lord felt Spirit was strongly oppressed.

“What’s going on? Was it the man who made it out?” Although the Flameless Lord had already raised a bit of solemnity to Angel, he absolutely didn’t believe that a person who didn’t even reach the official Magus could reach humanity and could do so to himself Strong oppression.

Is it something mysterious?

What the Flameless Lord can think of is that this human being is putting pressure on him through mysterious things.

If the answer is true, then the only way now is to kill that human first!

Thinking of this, He carried the terrifying oppression brought by the pupil light and flicked the flameless fire at the tip of his finger.

Although he now feels that he is in Chaos Void, he guesses that this may be a special illusion, so he thought of the flameless fire that had wrapped around his fingertips before, without the slightest hesitation.

When He did this, for some reason, the Flameless Lord heard a sneer from his ears.

Not waiting for him to distinguish carefully, suddenly saw one of the eyes in the depths of darkness, as if turned into a star, shining countless in the world.

In the strong rays of light, a silhouette leaped out of the stars, traversing the endless space and time, and instantly reaching the front of the flameless master.

The Lord of Flameless did not see the specific appearance of this silhouette, only felt a slender blonde hair brushed, and then a sharp white light erupted in front of him.

After white light, the dark Chaos Void is like the curtain of a stage play, slowly receding.

The Lord of Flameless was stunned for a moment, and then his tense mind relaxed a little. In his thoughts, it must be the flameless flame hair that was ejected by him before.

However, when He looked up towards the opposite side, his eyes suddenly froze.

The flameless fire not at all, as he imagined, had begun to erode the human being; instead, it just hovered in front of the human being.

Nor was it a real hover. The Flameless Lord saw behind the mankind a lot of weird green stripes. These green stripes were like vines, blocking his flameless fire.

“These green stripes are the strength of the mysterious thing?” The flameless master murmured: “But not at all feel the breath of the mysterious thing, or is this human being actually the bearer of the mysterious thing?”

When the Lord of Flameless went to Gluttony’s face, he encountered a mud demon killed by the unknown fog. The spine of this muddy demon is mysterious.

The birth of mysterious things sometimes does not follow the laws of nature, even the creature itself may become a hotbed for the birth of mysterious.

While the Flameless Lord guessed this way, the green streak that resisted the Flameless Fire suddenly shattered.


Greewood had previously thought that the shop mainly used falling objects, otherwise how dare he distribute fighting intent to the flameless master? But what made it didn’t expect is that the shop owner did not mean to use falling objects at all, but instead produced strange green stripes from his back, blocking the flames released by the flameless master.

In Grevu’s perspective, the flameless fire is a casual attack by the flameless master. But it did not know that the flameless lord’s consciousness had been dragged into the world of nothingness by the light from the outside of the sky before, and the flameless fire was released by his compulsion.

When the green streak broke, Greywood secretly said in one’s heart: finished!

But the flameless master on the other side frowned. Because at the moment when the green stripes broke, he suddenly could not feel the flameless fire?

“Shopkeeper, be careful!” Greywood shouted.

At the moment when the voice fell, Greewood only saw that he saw a blur … it seemed to vaguely see a light and shadow coming from the broken green stripes?

Greywood looks at the head, looking at it again, not at all seeing light and shadow. But the owner himself was still motionless at this time.

“Could it be that the flame has eroded into the store’s Host’s Body?”

While Grievous was worried, the flameless Lord opposite suddenly launched an attack!

Greywood thought that the light and shadow were an illusion, but it did not know that the Lord of Flameless clearly saw the light and shadow falling to the human being within the body.

What the light and shadow is, the Flameless Lord did not know, but He saw a strand of golden hair.

As the light and shadow fall, the flameless fire will end without disease.

Angel stayed in place, burying his head in silence, and it seemed all right. But the flamebeater’s heartbeat suddenly began to accelerate, which was probably the first time he had felt this situation in 1000 years.

The Lord of Flameless has not felt palpitations for a long time, but at this time, it suddenly appeared.

Moreover, facing a human like a ants!

This made him a little irritated. Under the guidance of a certain emotion, the Flameless Lord took the lead in attacking. At this time, he had not realized that the long-running emotion that dominated his behavior was called restlessness.

In other words, the creature’s instinctive fear of natural enemies.

Greywood was shocked to see the flameless master attack the shopkeeper, and at the same time a sour feeling spread from his heart to the nasal cavity. In its consciousness, the owner of this time must be hard to avoid calamity.

However, Greywood didn’t think about it. As the flameless master, how could he take the initiative to deal with a human who can be said to be different from him?

The Flameless Lord ’s attack uses 3 steps at the same time: coercion, energy, and fleshy body.

Deterred by terrifying coercion, burned with flameless fire, and finally judged with powerful Fleshy body Strength.

The Flameless Lord himself did not realize that He took such a solemn attack as a gesture style to a human being who would never put his eyes at all.

Even the attacked humans are still in a state of stillness that is completely undefended.

However, the Lord of Flameless felt that the ten-nine 9 steady attack had some deviation.

The effect of coercion does not at all cause any discomfort to the opposite human being. He doubts whether there is a problem, but seeing the young Demon behind that human, he can be sure that coercion should be fine.

Because the young fire Demon’s face had begun to redden with terrifying coercion, the forehead was covered with sweat, blood vessels and blue muscles burst.

Why is this person class not at all affected?

The effect of coercion was minimal. The 2nd Layer attack, the flameless fire, also reached the human first step, but when the flame touched the opposite side, the flameless master’s eyes suddenly changed.

He could not feel the flameless fire again!

It may be accidental once, but once again, it means that the opposite human has absolutely mastered the way to deal with the flameless fire!

The masterpiece of the flameless master.

However, since it has been acted, He has no reason to retreat.

However, the Flameless Lord is more cautious than before.

When He rushed to Angel’s side with his powerful Fleshy body, Angel, who had kept his head silent, finally raised his head.

At the moment Angel looked up, the Flameless Lord felt an unprecedented horror!

The human in front of him … No, the Lord of Flameless can no longer feel the human breath.

His face also seemed to have changed, covered with a shadow, and he could not see anything. The only thing that made the Flameless Lord feel familiar was the brilliant blond hair.

However, his blond hair was originally a short layer.

But at this moment, behind this layer of short hair, a phantom of long hair appeared faintly.

The Lord of Flameless forcibly suppressed the sudden throbbing feeling, and stretched his hand like a blade, trying to split from the middle of his head, one and a half!

However, at this moment, the face that was originally covered with shadows and unable to see the face suddenly lit up.

Bright and dazzling, but full of icy cold light!

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