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The sky is black and black, not the blackness of the night, but the lifeless blackness of death.

The earth was burning with flames in four places. These flames seemed to come out of the crevices of the lava. With the fire light, the earth could be seen as red, like red blood dyed.

On this land full of repressive atmosphere, a young white robe who had laughed wildly suddenly turned into a terrifying alien. He shouted moved towards a terrifying Shadow.

On the other side, there is a familiar silhouette, slowly standing up …

Dodoro’s eyes opened violently, his pale pupil shrunk, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

His back was cold, and there was an unspeakable depression in his heart.

At this time, the sound of da da da’s footsteps came from her ears, but a silhouette of a ricket came in from the door. She first came to the edge of the fireplace. With a snap of her fingers, most of the burning flame in the fireplace went out.

Then, she walked slowly to the bed, and the wool carpet on the floor made her footsteps soft.

“Sweat with sweat, it doesn’t look like a sleep, but it seems like a night of activity.” The old sound, said from the mouth.

Dudoro came back to his senses at this time, looked towards the old woman beside him: “Maya tutor, you are here.”

“You know I’m coming?” It was Maya, Magus, the prophecy of the Savage Cave, nicknamed “Measure Starry Sky”.

Dodolo is nodded, “I have seen some pictures before.”

Maya took a deep look at Dodoro. She knew that Dodoro should not have lied to her, and in other words, he really saw some pictures, and this picture also involves himself, but Maya has not been snooped at all. a feeling of.

This innate skill is really terrifying. Maya sighed inwardly, but there was no expression on the bright side.

Maya walked to the window and opened the curtains. The blue and black sky outside, you could still see the stars, which meant that it was only early morning.

“I feel strong fluctuations in your room.” Maya pushed open the window, and the refreshing wind from outside blew in, taking away the gloomy night that had accumulated in the house: “Speak, what happened?”

Dudoro froze for a moment, lowering his eyebrows, and said softly, “I saw that picture again.”

“That picture? You mean, what picture did you see when you were in Guanxing Church?” Maya raised her eyebrows. She always knew that Dudoro often saw some pictures of the abyss. And, after the stargazing day, Dudoro The frequency of seeing these pictures is getting higher and higher. But Dudoro is a typical boring bottle gourd. He talked a lot in front of Angel. He was willing to say anything, but changed other people, but he kept his mouth shut. He would n’t open his mouth if he did n’t ask the question thoroughly. .

Therefore, Maya knows very little.

As his own discipline, Maya also respects Dudolo’s ideas and does not use special methods to pry. After all, the technique of prophecy is very different from other techniques. Saying or not speaking is not only idealistic, but it is also likely to involve some unpredictable changes.

“Yes, this time was when I dreamed. I dreamed. And, the picture of this time is no longer static.” Dodoro recalled the previous dream, slowly said.

“Also in other words, have you seen something develop?” Maya asked.

“I saw some, especially, I saw …” Dudoro flashed the familiar silhouette in his mind, covering his fast beating heart, frowning tightly, sweat on his forehead, and beginning to ooze out again.

“What did you see?” Maya was a little surprised. Dodoro seemed to intend to put the foreseeable picture to his mouth?

“I seem to see …” Dudoro paused for a long time before slowly saying a name.

“Angel, I seem to have seen Angel.” Dodoro said at this moment, and suddenly stood up: “He should be Angel, how could I not feel it before?”

“I remember you mentioned it occasionally. The picture you see seems to be a young white robe. How can it become Angel?”

“The white robe youth is another … person.” Dodoro hesitated when he said ‘person’. In the previous picture, the white robe youth turned into a terrifying alien: “Angel, too. “

“It turned out to be 2 people, what then?” Maya continued to ask.

Dudoro became a little uneasy: “Besides Angel, I also saw a shadow with a terrifying atmosphere. I guess it might be the Demon God of the abyss.”

“Abyss Demon God?” Maya remembered that during this time, Dodoro did ask some information about the Abyss Demon God.

However, how can Angel and a certain white robe youth appear on the same screen with an abyss Demon God? Maya frowned, Angel’s strength would not be involved in the level of Demon God, unless, he became a believer of a Demon God?

Dudoro looked up towards Maya: “Angel must be in danger now, I want to save him!”

“Do you think your strength can save him?” Maya looked towards the window, here in the dense forest, the distant mountains and the near scene are all green: “If it is really a certain abyss Demon God, the entire South Territory Magus world, who Can someone save him? “

“But I …” Dudoro spoke halfway, but swallowed back again.

Seeing Dudolo’s hesitant look, Maya thought for a moment: “Let’s go back to the barbaric cave tomorrow. After I go back, I will tell you what you said to the Rhine. Your Rhine should have a decision. And, when the time comes, I You can also use the Star Tower to help you anticipate Angel’s fortunes. “

Speaking of this, Maya in the heart sighed softly. If Angel had props to shield her prophecy, how could she use the power of the star tower to even assert her luck.

Dudoro has also been in the Magus world for a while now, and gradually became familiar with the natural law between Magus. Many things can be done not just what he wants to do.

It was like saving Angel, even if he was in a hurry, how could he save it? Facing a great and indescribable existence, even if he went, what can he do?

Therefore, the only way at present seems to be to go back to the Barbaric Cave and ask other Magus for help.

“Although I’m leaving tomorrow, today’s lesson can’t be dropped.” Maya raised his cane and lightly pointed out the window. A starlight crossed the sky and fell somewhere in the lush forest.

“Using astrology, find the place where starlight is sleeping.”

After Maya finished talking about today’s teaching tasks, Dudolo froze for a moment and immediately fell to the window.

Now Venus has appeared, not far from dawn. He basically masters the midnight starry sky, and he basically has no way to do daylight astrology, so he wants to complete today’s Target. He can only complete the astrology deduction during the short time when the sky is not bright, otherwise today’s Target will definitely fail!

Watching Dodoro’s anxious deduction, Maya was satisfied with the nodded. But when she thought of what Dudoro said before, she still felt weird in her heart. After thinking about it, she went back to her room and began to play silently. Since Angel cannot be predicted, try the people around him, such as his tutor Sanders.

One day later, Dudoro came back from the forest, exhausted.

Fortunately, before the moon star was rare, he found the place where starlight was sleeping in a canyon.

As soon as I returned to the Magus Tower, Maya ’s sound transmission came to my ear: “Although the mission is completed, when you initially used the astrology technique to find the Target, you just recorded the location of the Target, not at all. Which way is the most convenient, you need to be flexible at all times, not just recognize a Target. “

Dudoro’s clothes are already a bit tattered. Indeed, in the process of searching for Target, he encountered a very difficult road.

“Go rest and be ready to leave here tomorrow.” Maya ordered to the end.

After a long while, Dodoro lay on the bed, thinking again of the picture he dreamed of last night, the dead dark sky, and the ground burned by flames and red by the blood dyed.

Will you still dream tonight?

Dudoro closed his eyes.


Angel suddenly opened her eyes.

He gasped for breath, and his body was wet with sweat. Anyone who experienced such a road of escape would be like him.

It took a while for Angel to find his reason and his eyes slowly focused.

The sky is black, this kind of black is a kind of lifeless darkness. Even more so than the black of the void, there is even more depression.

Angel could feel like she was lying on a hard ground, but the touch behind was a bit hot, like the ground was being burnt.

Hey, right, the earth? Is there earth here? ! Has he escaped from inside the Void full of crisis?

As soon as this thought flashed in Angel’s mind, he heard a murky sound coming from his ear.

“The shopkeeper, are you okay?” Xiao Zheng, who has a double-horned frontal, leaned in front of Angel.

Angel froze for a moment before reacting: “Greywood, I’m fine … have we escaped from the gap between the void? What about Toby?”

Greywood was nodded, and his expression was a little weird: “Escape is escape, but it doesn’t seem to be so safe here, and I always feel a little panicked.”

Greywood was paused and took Toby out of his arms: “Its name is Toby? Is it here.”

Angel nodded, to act to take Toby, and Toby is still sleeping.

After confirming Toby’s safety, Angel reacted violently, and the chain tied to him was gone!

He stretched to act to support the ground and sat up.

The burning sensation from his hands made Angel frown.

He looked at all around, and the ground could see cracks faintly in the distance. It seemed to have the unique scarlet light of lava, and a lot of flames were burning nearby.

This is a lava field? No wonder the earth feels so hot.

“Do you know where this is?” Angel asked Greve.

Greywood shook his head: “I don’t know. I passed out before. I didn’t remember the coordinates here … Alas, even if I didn’t pass out, I can’t lock the coordinates. After all, we changed that many times.”

Greywood’s words also reminded Angel of what happened before the coma—

Under the threat of various terrifying disasters, the collapse of the void, the collapse of Space, and the monster between the cracks, he experienced the most exciting and dangerous journey.

Popota kept changing routes, and at the end, maybe Popota didn’t even know where he was going.

The reason why Angel was in a coma was that he had a Space distortion during the last diversion … Later, his memory was gone. When he woke up, he had arrived in this land.

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