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“What is it doing?” Angel wondered.

Favner’s eyes flashed, and he seemed to think of something, in the heart whispering silently: “Is it because the fire is born?”

Komodo’s impact is non-stop, at first it just uses fleshy body to hit hard, but after many collisions, it finds that the light pattern surrounding the giant tower of the void just shakes at most, not at all any loss .

So Komodo changed his method. It manipulated flames and smashed the light pattern intermittently.

This time, I finally saw some effects.

A large number of flame bombs impacted on the light pattern, and the color of the light pattern was obviously dimmed, but when the impact of the flame bomb disappeared, the light pattern returned to bright again.

Seeing this scene, Komodo immediately understood that it was not enough energy for the instantaneous burst.

This inscription is obviously a durable defense. If you want to destroy it, you must attack it with an equivalent of more than the defense limit and destroy it at once. Any attack within the threshold will not cause damage to this inscription, and it will automatically recover.

After thinking about it, Komodo responded immediately.

However, Komodo exhausted his explosive power and still did not reach the limit of destroying the inscription. Komodo thought about it. If the quality was not enough, he would use the amount to fill it.

This one-time attack is not just an attack, but a one-time breakthrough within the duration of the current attack.

Komodo cast a flame meteor, and fell through the meteor without gaps, trying to break the defense of the inscription.

“Sir Monge, Komodo seems to be ready to break through the light pattern. Shall we help it?” Said Samantha flying from the other side.

Samantha thought to herself, no matter what Komodo wanted to do to break the light pattern, helping it to break the light pattern is also beneficial to him. After all, LuXi Ya is still hiding behind the light pattern.

Monge shook his head slowly: “Not busy first, just look at the situation and talk about it.”

While waiting for Komodo to break the light pattern, the battlefield on the other side changed. The first was Iyada Se, who was trapped in the night. After Kant was forced to lift the night, he ignored Sanders’ defense and flew to Nitotip.

Nito Tipp took back the umbrella floating in the sky and stood side by side with Iyadasai, facing the dry Magus surrounded by them.

Sanders and Kanter also flew over, plus Sinaif and the others who had been besieging Nitotip, and for a time, Demon and the human camp seemed to enter the confrontation stage again.

Just when everyone thought the war was about to rise, and humans and Demon would hedge again, Nitotip suddenly stretched to act and closed the open umbrella.

Following Nito Tip’s movements, the rain clouds that had been besieging the crowds slowly disappeared.

Nito Tip’s movement surprised everyone.

The reason why Nito Tip is difficult to beat is because of the umbrella, why is it suddenly put away? If you do n’t have that umbrella and no rain clouds, you might be able to leave Nitotip!

Sneifa and Essek glanced at each other, and fighting intent ignited in their eyes, which meant that they wanted to take this opportunity to leave Nitotip. But others seemed not at all interested, especially Nereus. He glanced at Sanders with cold and vicious eyes, without a word, he turned and flew directly to where Munch was.

Sinaif was a little helpless, because she and Essek were two people, it was difficult to leave Nito Tipp, even more how now I also add an Iyadasai. She can only look at Sanders, hoping that he and Kanter can participate in the siege.

However, before Sanders could answer, Nitotip suddenly burst out laughing.

“I know you you think you can kill me, but, not to mention if you can kill me, even if you really kill me. Do you think you can face the next incident unscathed?” Nitotip said In saying this, it is clear that their previous interactions were taken into account.

“It’s changed? I really want to know what will happen.” A low, hoarse voice came from Sanders’ throat: “I don’t know, can you tell me?”

Following the sound, Nitotip looked at beautiful eyes looked towards Sanders. Just like Iyada, when he saw Sanders, Nitotip passed a trace of dread in his eyes.

“Do you think that La Sudran’s accident will not be noticed by others?”

“Now, we are just bird cages in flames. We can’t see what is outside the bird cage, but people outside the bird cage can see us clearly. And, don’t forget, under La Sudran, it’s just The gate connecting the inner layers of the abyss. “

Nito Tip’s words caused a silence in the scene.

It is not at all wrong. First of all, if there is no help from Monge, they want to deal with Nito Tipp, which is very expensive. When you think about Minotaur before, you can know that there were not a few people who died at that time. In the end, Minotaur was not killed by humans. Moreover, Minotaur is a muscular brain, and it is already so difficult to deal with. Nito Tipp is a sensible and calm type of presence in the 7 seats, and his strength is not lower than that of Minotaur. It is not simpler than Minotaur. Even more how, Oiadase is still in the vicinity.

Even if you can really deal with Nito Tip, it will cost a lot, and you may even lose your life. Coupled with the suggestion in Nito Tip’s words, they are likely to face the Demon outside the “birdcage”, at this time the consumption energy does not outweigh the consumption.

They are here to help Lord Monge hunt the descendants of Demon God, not to be entangled with these big Demon.

Thinking of this, even Sinaifa’s eyes were relaxed a little: as long as Nito Tipu did not affect His plan, then it only needed to be blocked.

“What you said makes sense.” Sanders’ indifferent expression’s nodded: “However, I want to know more than this, why did you put the umbrella away?”

Nito Tip: “If you don’t accept it, my umbrella will be broken.”

“What do you mean?”

Nito Tipp laughed, with a deep smile: “In a moment, you will understood.”

Let’s just say, Nito Tip and Iyada Se are not at all close to the void giant tower, but instead retreat sharply and come to the rear where the “black cloud” is located, surrounded by densely packed Demon in the middle.

“That man is very strong.” After standing, Iyadasai touched the blood on his neck. When he was trapped by the night, he almost separated his head.

Nito Tip shrugged: “No matter how strong, when the Flame Bird cage is opened from the outside, it will be the end of everything.”

Yiada Sai’s nod should be: “Yeah, after all, the people who come are … Lord Gallar.”

On the other side, Sanders pondered what Nitotip said before leaving, and it sounded like he was making a false statement–

Understood in a while? Does this mean that something will happen soon?

When Sanders was thinking this way, he felt a terrifying breath, coming from not far!

This is a terrifying idea that Sanders has never experienced, as if Heaven and Earth are shaking … No, Heaven and Earth are really shaking, Sanders clearly sees the sky covered by flames, It was originally dead and quiet, but suddenly, like pouring oil, it instantly boiled and became active.

A large number of skyfires, in the ups and downs, jumped out of the shackles, just like the ash falling from the mottled walls, these skyfires also fell from the sky walls!

This is just a change in the natural sky. What really surprised Sanders was the inexplicable terrifying idea.

It doesn’t seem to come from any creature, it just represents a kind of Will!

Will’s Flame! Will of the abyss!

When Sanders first built the Spell Garden on Phantom Island, he once felt Will of World. The kind of pressure given by Will is already terrifying anomaly, but now this kind of Will is more profound.

It’s like facing an entire abyss!

This feeling is not limited to Sanders. All the creatures present felt this Will.

Huanghuang Tianwei, full of dignity, makes one want to bow down.

And the source of this Will … everyone ’s eyes looked towards the top of the void giant tower, to be precise, it was the area under the inscription circle used by Austrian LuXi Asia!

peng peng ——

The loud sound awakened the human who almost acknowledged allegiance in the previous terrifying Will.

Looking closer, it was Komodo who continued to command the Fire Meteor with a mad expression, smashing the light pattern!

At this moment, Munch looked at the top of the void giant tower, and seemed to think of something, and said to Sinaif and the others who gathered around him: “Help him smash it! Hurry up! Must smash the light pattern before it comes. ! “

The cheering of the monkey puzzled everyone, but no one asked much, but moved directly.

Sina’s method turned into complete form, on the back grows a pair of wings, half white and half black. The body is bursting with completely contradictory gravity and repulsion, terrifying entangled strength, rushed to the light lines.

Essek’s fist was blazing with black flames, and there seemed to be a Black Dragon phantom rising slowly. With the sound of the dragon’s roar, Essek moved towards the light pattern and waved his fist.

Samantha’s glass paradise and phantom mapping also rushed in the past …

Everyone used the strongest attack, and together with Komodo’s flame meteorite, bombarded the light pattern!

Above the ice floes in the distance, Magus hadn’t figured out what was happening in front of him. Where did this sudden terrifying idea come from? In addition, before Lord Monkey not at all attacked the light pattern, why now he gathers others to work on the light pattern?

Livita looked puzzled towards the person standing next to her: “Mr. Luqi, do you know why?”

Lu Qi said nothing, but just called a ray of wind.

The breeze blew through Livetta’s hand for recording, the densely packed pages of the book were turned, and when the breeze disappeared, the page stopped.

Livita looked down.

This handbook is the news and secrets she recorded after she came to La Sudran, just waiting to return to the Magus world and publish it in “Yingdu Yeyu”.

Today, the page where the handbook was turned is exactly what Kant and Samantha got when they went to Angel.

“Hall Master at the Quarry Hall, named Night. Soon, it will be at Throne.”

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