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Nito Tip’s participation in the battle surprised everyone.

Not only Magus above the ice floes, but also Sanders and Angel, even the LuXi Ya, who is in charge, was puzzled.

LuXi Ya turned around, but saw a silhouette of the edge of the void giant tower slowly, Nito Tip holding an umbrella, and the huge tentacles under the gorgeous skirt climbed up the tower wall to the top of the tower. At that time, Nitotip was like an inflatable jellyfish, and fluttered to his side.

The appearance of Nito Tip and the rain clouds coming, so that the Magus who had previously besieged LuXiya had to retreat.

Now, under the cloud of rain, only LuXi Ya and Nito Tip are the only ones.

“How come you come?” Ou LuXi Ya did not go to see Nitotip, but turned directly and flew back to the top of the tower. It’s just that he asked in a low voice while passing by Nito Tip.

After LuXi Ya fell to the top of the tower, Tantin stepped forward: “Au LuXi Ya Lord, are you okay?”

LuXi Ya shook his head and patted Greve’s head: “Relax, they can’t hurt me.”

Greywood looked at Nitotip in the distance sky curiously: “Lord, why did Nitotip come?”

“It comes, there are naturally its reasons. Either for the benefit, or there are external causes of oppression.” Ao LuXi Ya finished speaking, looked up at Nito Tipu quietly.

“Xili Li Xili–“

Drizzle fell from the overcast cloud, hitting the umbrella with a clear sound, like a vibrating note, bringing a touch of fun to the dull and depressed moment.

Nito Tipp didn’t look back, but just turned his face, like a rain curtain woven by a crisp rain, which made its eyebrows become very beautiful.

But seeing Nito Tipp faintly smiled, his eyes turned to Grievous: “I will come, naturally there is a reason, as for the specific reasons … you will soon understood.”

At the same time, the chamber in the void giant tower.

Normally this is where 7 seats get together to discuss, but today, there is only one seat in Iyadasai.

The ceiling of the chamber is spire-shaped. On each side of the spire, a colorful pattern with a religious sense is drawn. The center of the spire is inlaid with a gem that looks like the sea of ​​stars.

This gem is usually used to receive the Lord’s message or Demon God’s will. However, Lord Demon seldom pays attention to Rasudran, and after Ningyuan Demon Eye leaves, no other Demon God will come to the will, so this gem has been silent for a long time.

But now, the jewel suddenly appeared abnormal.

That’s why Iyadasai will come here.

A beam of light is generated out of thin air from the center of the gem, and it slowly falls, and there seem to be endless stars floating in the light curtain. The light curtain swaying the starlight fell in the middle of the circular table below.

This light pierced the darkness of the Chamber, leaving a row of patterns on the ring table.

Iyadasai looked at the pattern quietly, and after a long time, whispered to himself: “Lord Galar is coming … It seems that the Lord of Flameless cares more about LuXi Ya than originally thought.”

After a chuckle, Iyadasai wiped away the brilliance of the gems and disappeared in this Chamber that will never work in the future.


The addition of Nito Tipp not only made Munch’s plan fall through. Moreover, its appearance also gave a lot of stimulants to the scattered Demon. Demon is attentive, and no longer avoids deliberately in the face of human attacks, because of rain clouds. Become their most solid backing.

The human Magus retreated.

Looking at this situation, Sneifa’s eyes were filled with anxiety: “Nitotip actually entered the war at this time? If we fight the consumption war like the previous one, we will lose only us.”

“Now we have to find a way to solve Nitotip’s rain cloud, otherwise the plan cannot be carried out at all.”

How can it be solved? If Nitotip’s rain cloud does not unfold, it is not difficult to deal with it, but once the rain cloud unfolds, it is a difficult problem to want to deal with Nitotip in this situation.

They had also discussed Nitotip’s umbrella before, and had some speculation about the effect of the umbrella.

That mysterious umbrella can create a rain cloud space in the medium grade range. Nito Tip is in the rain cloud space, which can be said to be almost undead. Although Nimbus Space cannot improve Nitotip’s attack power, the upper limit of its fleshy body’s tolerance will increase, even if it is seriously injured, it will recover instantly.

In this case, trying to solve the rain cloud is really a problem.

Munch was also in trouble at this time. Previously, they could follow the characteristics of the rain cloud that they were unable to move, ignoring Nitotip. But now Nito Tipp unfolds rain clouds in the giant tower of the void, and it happens to cover the position of LuXi Ya, but there is no way to avoid the war.

Munch turned his head, looked towards Lucy.

Lucky sighed and took the head, obviously there was no way out. After all, the umbrella is a mysterious thing, with the word ‘mysterious’, it will naturally interfere with the prophecy.

Monkey secretly sighed, even Nito Tip has mysterious umbrella, how could mysterious things in the Frost Moon Alliance be less. Not to mention some mysterious things hidden in Magus, Monge alone has a few trump cards left, and even he has a certain degree of confidence, forcibly letting a given Space collapse. But now he can’t do this, forcibly erasing is easy, but it is very difficult to take away the LuXi Asia inside while erasing.

In this case, Monch thought for a moment, and suddenly the eyes opened: “Strike!”

storm? Magus all looked towards the monks with surprised eyes.

“A strong attack is indeed a way, but an unsuccessful attack will not only consume battle strength, but also cause great harm to our momentum.” Nereus raised his eyebrows, “Lord Monge, are you sure this can work?”

Samantha hesitated for a moment and said, “I think that the meaning of Lord Munch should be, let us go deep into the rain cloud, on the one hand to contain Nitotip, and on the other hand, to hunt for LuXia.”

Mond nodded: “Yes, Samantha and Kant have also fought with Nitotip before. In the rain cloud, it is really difficult to deal with, but it is also difficult to kill you. So, May wish to try a strong attack. I will personally deal with LuXi Ya, Samantha continues to map through the ghosts to guard against the Demon in the rain cloud, and you will contain Nitotip. “

“As long as you succeed, you can enable Reverse Space and leave here directly!”

Munch’s plan is desperate, but if you think about it, it seems to be really feasible.

It has been inferred before that Nito Tip is in Yuyun Space and can only recover from his injuries. Other Demon’s injuries are still ineffective. At first, Blood Cocoon and Komodo spent a long time in Yuyun Space, and their injuries were not at all recovered, so we can see the clues.

In Nimbus Space, Nito Tip can indeed be said to be almost invincible, but this only means that its fleshy body is leak-free. With so much Magus to contain it, even if Nito Tip can recover infinitely, it is difficult to reach out to help LuXi Ya.

In this way, the real problem is the confrontation between Munch and LuXi Ya.

However, the confrontation between Munch and Austria LuXi Ya will happen eventually, whether it is now, or in the near future.

Moreover, Munch has prepared for this for many years, and has joined forces with various Grand Magus organizations, with all kinds of secret methods on his body, so everyone thinks that in this battle, Munch’s chance of winning is far greater than his defeat.

Once it succeeds, you can use the Space-like mysterious thing to leave directly.

Nowadays there are too many variables in La Sudran, and it is also a good thing to be able to leave earlier.

With this in mind, there was some deviation in the mind of everyone.

At this time, Nereus suddenly said: “However, the specific characteristics of the umbrella, we just made speculations before. No one can guarantee that the umbrella has no other effects.”

Seeing everyone watching, Nereus shrugged: “After all, we want all to enter the rain cloud, and we must take all aspects into account.”

Samantha: “You’re right, maybe the umbrella does have some mysterious effects that are unknown. But before, Kanter and I fought Nitotip in the rain cloud for a long time, If there are other mysterious effects, I believe that it is not the effect of attacking death, otherwise Nitotip was used already, and Kanter and I cannot live now. “

Samantha’s words dispelled some doubts in everyone’s mind. Nereus is also nodded and will no longer continue to lift bars.

Meng Qi’s eyes slowly swept across the crowd and asked his attitude with his eyes. Magus, who was staring at him, either did not express an opinion, or agreed to the attack, but when Munch looked towards Kanter, he found that he frowned and seemed to be thinking about something.

“Canter, do you have any opinions?”

Kanter hesitated for a moment, then shook his head after hesitating for a moment: “No opinion, I agree to attack.”

Kanter frowned because he was worried about Sanders and Angel. However, if it was a strong attack, it would inevitably enter the rain cloud. At that time, he could take the opportunity to take a look at the bottom of the void giant tower. I do n’t know that Sanders has Did not successfully enter the tower.

Everyone agreed with Munch’s proposal, and Munch waved his scepter without any hindrance.

Suddenly, the wind moved and the clouds surged.

With the loud noise of hong long long, the stagnant ice floes were turned on again. And moved towards the rain cloud, step by step!


Humans do not retreat and advance, even the ice floes are pushed in force, so that Nito Tipp who witnessed this scene has a moment of solidification in his expression.

Nitotip, suspended in mid-air, turned his head and looked towards Au LuXi Ya at the top of the tower.

“It seems that they are going to desperately want to attack. Humans, really can not be underestimated. Under the attack, with my own strength, it is difficult to want to hold them down.” Nito Tip said softly: “You have to be careful.”

LuXi Ya didn’t respond, just quietly looked at the painting in front of her.

The dark paintings represent the night.

The night will not last forever, and the dawn will come.

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