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Popota will not destroy the inscription hub for no reason.

He did such a horrible thing, and Popota must have his own claims.

However, Angel couldn’t imagine that a person who was Apprentice not long ago would come to La Sudran to complete this task because of what kind of request. Even if it is handed to the official Magus, or really know Magus, this may not be completed, even more how is Apprentice.

So Popota’s request must be very urgent, so he had to do so. For such an urgent matter, what Angel can think of in a short period of time is ‘Night Hall Master Promotion’ and ‘Ao LuXi Ya arrived in the outer layer’.

Maybe Popota is for one, or both.

But these two things, no matter which one need not destroy the inscription hub? or is, his speculation is actually wrong, maybe the purpose of Popota is something else?

Angel recalled Popota ’s nonsense before, he remembered that Popota seemed to be clamoring: “No one can stop the fire of our people from reigniting, no one can!”

The fire of my people rekindled.

When Angel saw Popota through the probing puppet last time, he also whispered a similar word in his mouth: “Become the rebirth of the Wu nationality.”

This sentence seems to reveal some information, which may be related to the purpose of Popo Tower … However, Angel does not understand Popo Tower, so no further analysis is possible.

Angel has another unintelligible thing. Popota did this series of things. He would never have predicted it. There must be a source of his information … So, Angel tends to have people behind Popota. Point him.

But who is this person?

When Popota was on the side of the lava pool, he once said to the Demon killed by the chain Devour: “I want to be reborn by the greedy Old Guy Devour!”

Judging from the situation at that time, Angel thought that Popota said that ‘Old Guy’ should be a chain; but the chain was refined by Angel not long ago. It is obviously inconsistent with the insatiable Old Guy in his mouth. Now I think of it, maybe This Old Guy in his mouth is the person behind it?

Angel is full of thoughts, but basically speculation. Moreover, the more you think about it, the greater the amount of this messy information, the easier it is to conceal and hide the truth.

Angel can only force herself not to think more, but to sort out the facts established in the existing information.

As Angel combed, suddenly, the sound of fighting outside disappeared.

He froze for a moment: the battle ended so quickly?

Angel opened the door quietly, and as the door opened, he saw a tall Lord standing outside the door.

It was Sanders.

The fire of the palm fire statue outlined the contour shadow of Sanders’ face very deeply. Angel could clearly see that Sanders seemed to be thinking about something, and his eyebrows crept high. When the door slit was pushed open, Sanders’ eye pupils turned and looked towards Angel behind the door slit, raising his eyebrows and saying, “It’s time to leave.”


After a few minutes, Angel could already see the gate of the giant tower of the void.

Sanders did not immediately take Angel out, but said: “Favner and Komodo are still in a fight outside. Now it is dangerous to go out. It is safer to stay here instead of leaving.”

Angel nodded, anyway, the exit was already in front of him, and after seeing Sanders, the string that had been tight in his heart finally finally loosened.

They found a nearby resting place and sat down.

Until then, Angel had time to ask, “How is he doing now, Popota?”

Speaking of Popota, Sanders frowned again: “His current strength level is almost comparable to the void giant tower 7 seats, but he has reached such a high energy level in a short time, using his own energy It’s still very poor. So it’s easy to win if you fight, but his fleshy body is very hard, and it is not easy to solve him in a short time. If he wants to run, it is difficult to stay. “

The implication is that Popota was run away.

Sanders looked towards Angel: “I remember you mentioned it with Kanter before and saw Popota in La Sudran?”

Angel nodded, tell the scene that the puppet was seen in the lava pool.

“… I thought Popota was your eyeliner.”

“La Sudran is in the sky, and there are 7 Demon seats in town, but it is not as good as other Demon cities. The official Magus is easy to become a cannon fodder here, so no one will send a Magus Apprentice to be a sight.”

After Sanders finished, thinking about what Angel said before, Popota blended into La Sudran under the identity of Purgatory Flame Slave, and then killed a large number of Purgatory Flame Slaves, and the puppets also saw Popota suspect Have you chained Devour to the bodies of these purgatory flame slaves?

This series of operations, no one can believe, is done by a Magus Apprentice.

But Sanders recalled Popotas carefully. His strength before the month was indeed just an Apprentice. Because Kanter often asks Popota to help him beat the game, Sanders’ impression of him is actually quite impressive by comparison.

But it is such an Apprentice, according to Angel, he is actually the one who destroyed La Sudran? !

“What do you know about Popota?” Sanders asked. “Also, how did you meet him before?”

“My knowledge of Popota is very limited. I have only had a few reasons. When I was in a savage cave …” Angel told Sanders all about what happened after he met Popota. Including, the strange things that Popota said before, he also said his analysis.

After listening to Sanders, he fell into contemplation.

Angel is also thinking about Popota. He has repeatedly emphasized that “No one can stop the reignition of the fire of our people.” This information is obviously very important. It is estimated that Popota came to La Sudran to do this series of things. The ultimate goal.

However, to understand the clues behind this information, one must first know the background of Popota.

However, Angel didn’t know much about Popota’s background, and the only information he knew was that Popota had said voluntarily. For example, their customs place great value on the long-term circulation of the name, so for this reason they clansman also made a strange move to get the name, just to let people remember them.

Popota’s name is already weird, and his younger sister is even weirder, and he is directly named Finch.

Angel recalled that at this moment, he suddenly thought of something and looked up like Sanders: “Teacher, do you know which country’s national bird is a sparrow?”

He still remembers that Popota said that his younger sister’s name is the national bird of their country! If you can take this opportunity to know which country they come from, maybe you can infer his ethnic group!

“Flower sparrow? Sounds familiar.” Sanders thought for a moment, and suddenly stretched to act to draw a small circle in the air, immediately generating an illusion: “Do you mean this kind of bird?”

I saw a very bright bird in the air.

Emerald green feathers, pigeon blood red lines, sea-blue color eyes … This little bird looks colorful, but the peculiar pattern of this bird is like the eyes, like the peacock after opening the screen Ling feather.

The bird fluttered happily in the air, and finally fell slowly on Sanders’ fingertips, crying out a crisp and pleasant sound.

“I have seen this kind of bird in the Kashmar Plateau. I heard the locals say that its name is a sparrow. This is a kind of vertebrate bird. It is not special. “Paused, Sanders looked at Angel with suspicious eyes:” Why did you suddenly ask about it? “

Angel did not answer Sanders’ question, but his thoughts were now in a trance.

The reason is the illusion of this sparrow in front of you!

Because of this sparrow, he has really seen it before!

In front of Angel, it seemed that she saw a little girl wearing a goose yellow dress. She looked at herself with sparkling eyes, and her ears seemed to echo her name with soft waxy and tender voice: “Pat big brother “.

Angel took a necklace from the bracelet. The pendant of the necklace was a heart-shaped ruby. The gem crystal clear and near-transparent, cut by the jewelry craftsman 16th rhomboid, under the fire of the palm fire statue, the smooth diamond surface reflects the bright light.

Sanders looked at his movement questioningly.

After Angel took out the necklace, he rubbed the edge of the ruby ​​lightly, and only heard a click. It seemed that he had encountered some mechanism, and a small dark grid was opened.

Sanders noticed that it’s empty, nothing. But Angel looked at the dark grid, but there was a strange emotion in his eyes.

After a while, Angel looked up and whispered:

“I seem to know where Popota came from.”


“I used to think that Popota gave me a very weird sense of sight, and I always felt a little familiar. Later, when I learned that Popota was a pseudonym by the lava pool, a flash of light flashed in my mind , But not at all thought of something at the time. “Angel paused,” I didn’t remember something until I saw the illusion of the mentor just now. “

Angel talked about the matter.

In fact, it all starts with the heart-shaped necklace.

Angel used to go to the black castle in the fairy tale World. At that time, in the cemetery outside the black castle, he found the bone of a child. This necklace was near the bone. At that time, the dark grid inside the necklace was not it’s empty. There was also a silk on it. There was a picture on the silk: a smiling little girl with curly hair, and a teenager with her arms around her, but the teenager ‘S face was broken and he couldn’t see clearly. The girl’s right hand was raised high, and a bird with a pattern like eyes and peacock feathers was spreading on the back of her hand.

The owner of the corpse is the little girl in the painting.

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