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Underground hall.

The oil lamps on the walls were overturned in the previous chase, and the black oil was spilled on the ground. The fire star burned slowly along the ground and gradually spread outward.

Angel approached the exit door when the fire was about to burn.

Standing at the door, looking back towards the hall.

Today, the underground hall is empty, and even the statues of cruel scholars are broken into powder. Coupled with this blaze, the inscription of the pinnacle that stayed here at the pinnacle was burned.

This is the source of La Sudran’s ancient existence. Similarly, this is also the end of La Sudran’s destruction.

Everything is going to die.

And here is just the beginning.

Angel thought about 10000 1000 in the end, only a sigh in the end, and then turned towards the spiral stairs moved towards.


In the deep aisle, there was a slight walking sound.

This is a corridor without windows, the carpet is blood red, and terrifying monster head specimens are hanging on the two walls. There are even human ones, and the expressions are frightened and scared.

On the middle-stage of the promenade, occasionally, we can see the palm-fire statues with monstrous faces and weird faces.

A tall blond young man. She has a tall posture and a beautiful face, but looks pale only, with a strange fatigue.

He is exactly Angel.

After leaving the underground hall, Angel came to the first floor of the void giant tower.

He thought he could find the way to leave quickly, but what he didn’t think was that the tower was a maze. He walked for a long time and couldn’t find it. He didn’t even see a window to the balcony.

The materials used to build the walls are not ordinary, and they have a weakening and shielding effect on any energy. For the class of the Big Demon, it will not be an obstacle, but Angel ’s current strength is not able to use Spiritual Force. Explore the road behind the wall.

After walking in this corridor for a while, Angel not only did not see the window, not even a door.

Feeling the gloomy black silence in front, Angel even had the illusion that he had entered a monster’s leak-free corridor, or came to an endless loop corridor.

After another walk, Angel came to a resting place in the middle-stage of the corridor.

The Space at the rest area is wider than the corridor and can accommodate long tables and sofas. There are still statues of palm fire beside it.

The tables were full of plates, but these plates now look very messy. Angel is here, smelling Jupiter’s stench.

It is estimated that Jupiter had eaten here before going to the basement.

Angel thought for a while, instead of continuing to walk forward aimlessly, but temporarily stopped at the resting place, then took out the puppet puppet and released it into the darkness.

When the scout puppet was looking for a route, Angel took out a statue of a cruel scholar and placed it on the table.

“Falling things.” Angel whispered softly. This was what Iyadasai said, obviously the name of the statue. But what effect does this drop have?

It can be heard from the words of the cruel scholars before, this statue seems to be usable, how can it be used? And what are the effects and consequences of use? It is still a mystery.

Angel looked at the statue. At this time, the statue was the same as the one originally seen in the underground hall, with its wings closed and wrapped around the body. Although I can’t see its appearance, I don’t know why, Angel always has a hairy feeling, always feels a pair of eyes, staring at himself in the distant darkness.

Angel thought for a moment, and took off the right hand gloves.

The green stripes surrounding the right hand instantly jumped in front of my eyes.

These green stripes are constantly changing and moving around the right hand. Angel soon locked one of the green stripes, which was the new green stripes he had only got before.

Although he not at all, like other green stripes, deeply analyzed its internal data, but when he got the moment of the green stripes, he understood the meaning of the green stripes-“shielding”.

However, in terms of the meaning of other green stripes, this shielding estimate is only the most superficial meaning, and it should have other meanings in its inside. It can only be idle in the future and then go into in-depth analysis.

He looked at the green pattern representing the meaning of “shield” for a long time. Finally, he put out a breath for a long time, and the right hand slowly poured out the nightmare breath as the power source to start the green pattern. Angel tried to activate this Green stripes.

There is no light and shadow, and there is no energy fluctuation. The green pattern that represents the meaning of “shield” is so plainly melted. In other words, when you look at it with naked eye, it disappears; but Angel can clearly feel that this green pattern is turned into a thin film, which wraps itself in all directions.

With the appearance of this film, Angel looked again towards the statue on the table, but it didn’t have the palpitations that appeared before.

Although Angel feels that this is a bit too delusional, but this drop is after all from the Great Demonic God. Demon God’s things can’t be overstated.

Moreover, after activating the shielding green pattern, Angel does not actually have to worry about it disappearing, because right hand has been releasing the atmosphere of the nightmare, which is currently enough to maintain the existence of the green pattern.

Unless he uses the right hand to release the nightmare technique, otherwise for this green pattern, there will be no impact in a short time.

After Angel let go of her mind, her eyes naturally turned to the side of the puppet.

However, when Angel looked at it, he noticed that the detective puppet was stopping in front of a broken door.

This door is exactly the one Angel used to come from the underground hall.

It is equivalent to say that the detection puppet walked around the corridor and found nothing at last. The only door I saw was the one that led to the underground hall.

There is only one door in the entire cloister, which is obviously impossible.

“Either you are in a maze, or the road is hidden.”

If it is a maze, Angel estimates that with his own ability, it is definitely unbreakable. Moreover, according to his speculation, the void giant tower itself has inscription means, and the possibility of setting up a maze is very low.

That in other words, the road is hidden?

Angel put away the statue on the table and moved towards the dark corridor. As he walked, he was looking around, but he didn’t find any clue until he walked to the door of the underground hall again.

If you think about it carefully, if the puzzles are impossible, then hiding the road seems to be somewhat inconsistent with speculation.

Moreover, according to Angel’s observation during this period, most of the other Demon do not like trouble except for the Demon which mainly affects Spirit. There are many things to kill and play with strange things, but the situation of hiding and wiping around rarely happens.

“Could it be said that the road has not been hidden, but I just ignored it?”

Angel followed the way and walked again, this time he walked slowly. Except for the occasional skull specimens on the wall, there are no surprises along the way.

When Angel was at a loss, a faint light gleamed in the darkness ahead.

Looking up, it was a statue of palm fire that appeared from time to time in the corridor. These statues, terrifying, lay across the wall, stretched out their long arms, and there were lights on their palms.

Angel looked at the palm fire statue and suddenly seemed to remember something.

For the troublesome Demon, if it is the road, there must be a clear sign. And in the dark corridor with 5 fingers out of reach, the most obvious are these fire-burning statues.

Could it be that these statues are the road?

Angel stretched to act suspiciously and touched the statue’s long arm.

Then he didn’t use any force at all, he heard the sound of “ka ka ——”, the palm fire statue and the wall behind it turned directly over, and a gate appeared.

Angel: “…” It was really the way.

Angel was talking about this design while moving towards the door.

Behind the door is a narrow room. Fang Yi came in, Angel immediately smelled a strong bloody smell. When I looked closely, I saw that the small room was covered with rotting flesh and blood, which seemed to be the flesh of some monsters, and some had begun to grow white maggots.

In the middle of the room, there is an oblique passageway, which looks like a slide. But on this slide, there are dark blood stains on the old age, as well as bright and fresh blood stains.

Angel asked the detective puppet to look down the slide, but saw a bloody basement below.

A fat Demon with chains around his neck and four limbs, holding a machete and chopping a monster … speaking of which, the monster is also hung with the number of the prey, it seems to be derived from the prey of.

Obese Demon all around is minced meat and rotten meat, as well as various dishes that look disgusting.

Detecting the movement of the puppet, it seemed to be shocked by this fat Demon. It turned around and snorted, holding a kitchen knife moved towards the puppet and rushed over.

But only halfway through, he was dragged by the chain.

After seeing this scene, Angel silently retreated from the room. The style of the dinner plate is basically the same as that of the resting place. Maybe the chef Jupiter caught?

There are many palm fire statues in the cloister, and Angel soon found a new room.

However, this is still a kitchen, and a fat Demon is also held under the kitchen.

All these ingredients used by Chef Demon are abyssal monsters, and for Angel, they are all good magic materials. But if you want to get it, you must go down and face these terrifying chefs.

Angel doesn’t think he can win, he can only retreat with regret.

Along the way, Angel entered the room behind many palm fire statues, but ten-nine are all “kitchens”. From this point of view, I know how much Jupiter can eat.

The remaining rooms are basically empty.

It ’s not that there is nothing at all, such as this one.

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