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A bang.

With the desertification of the central statue, Demon suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious.

Angel also escaped, sitting on the floor panting.

After a while, the white smoke in the hall dispersed and the dust settled. Angel turned his gaze from Demon to the side.

Now the consciousness of the cruel scholar seems to have left, and the only thing left is the palm miniature statue.

Looking at this extremely detailed sculpture, Angel’s mood is quite complicated.

He had thought that after he agreed to the request of a cruel scholar, there would be any accidents or some uncontrollable changes, but none of them.

The strangely painted statue stayed in his palm.

It seemed as if the dust had settled, and there was no shock.

Although I don’t know if there will be any changes in the future, at least it seems quite calm now.

Temporarily putting away doubts about the cruel scholar statue, Angel struggled to stand up. The Demon not far away is just in a coma. No one knows whether this Demon will wake up soon. So, the most important thing now is to leave the underground hall.

Just when Angel was thinking so, his ears suddenly moved, and a sound came from behind,

Click, click … It’s like the sound of tap dance shoes falling on the smooth floor, but the sound is more sharp and loud.

Angel was shocked and looked back suddenly.

But I saw that a body covered with bone armor, even the pair of streamlined wings also had a tall silhouette of smooth bone texture, walked in from the gate, and stepped closer to Angel.

As it approached, a terrifying momentum came under pressure.

“Iyadasai.” Angel’s pupil shrank, and the name flashed in his heart.

Angel watched Silent as I came, and the expression on his face seemed calm, but from his slightly trembling fingers under the cuffs, it could be seen that Angel’s heart was definitely not as calm as the surface.

In particular, when Iyadasai was less than one person away from Angel, the tension in Angel’s heart had reached its extreme.

Iyadasai paused his feet, looked at Angel with unpredictable eyes, and then took the pace again, passing by Angel.

It took a while for Angel to turn his head and look, and found that Iadass was standing beside the previous Demon. Condescending to look down at the dry and thin Demon in a coma, it was surrounded by flying sand that was lifted with its pace. The dust and backlight merged together, making the picture seem to be frozen in this scene.

Although I can’t clearly see the expression of Iyadasai under the bone helmet, Angel can see that it should know the Demon lying on the ground.

Iyadasai stared at Demon for a long time before turning his head to meet Angel.

“Iyadasse Lord.” Angel was exhausted at this time, and the soul force was also consumed by 7-8. Facing a big Demon like Iyadasse, he knew that it was useless to escape, so he just stayed aside until until Only then did he whisper softly.

Iyadasai’s eyes looked at Angel in a complicated manner, his eyes slowly moved down, and finally fell to the miniature statue in his hand.

“Why did the cruel scholar give you its fall?” Iyadasai asked softly.

“Drop?” Angel looked at the statue. “What is the drop?”

Iyadasai did not answer Angel, but continued to interrogate him with his eyes.

Angel understands that it is impossible to get an answer from Iyadasai. Although he does not know the specific use of this statue, the understood name can always be found.

Thinking about this, Angel replied softly: “This is what the cruel scholar asked me to bring.”

Iyadasai is even more puzzled, what is the fall? It is the vehicle that will carry the Will and Strength of Demon God from a long distance. With the brutal scholar’s Strength, Angel can be directly imprinted on the mark, and you can come to Will. Why should you go around such a big circle and give precious drops to Angel? ?

or is, what’s on Angel’s body that makes cruel scholars dare not go to Branded’s own mark?

When Iadassé thought of this, he looked at Angel’s expression more strangely. He originally wanted to ask why the cruel scholar would let Angel bring this drop. But because he was afraid of cruel scholars, he still didn’t ask.

After all, Angel and the uninvited guest now stand behind a Demon God, and the cruel scholar’s consciousness was still in the underground hall. No one can be sure whether the cruel scholar’s gaze still stopped in this hall. After asking about it myself, he was angered.

Thinking of the uninvited guest, Iyadasai looked back at the door.

Huh? Has it left?

Before Iyadasai entered the hall, he also saw the alien presence, staring at Angel quietly, and didnt expect to leave in a blink of an eye.

Angel also noticed the sight of Iyadasai, speaking of which. When he saw Iyadasai before, he also saw that there was a blazing back at the door moving towards the stairs. The back was huge and Covered with barbs and pus, Angel thought he had not seen a similar body shape at all, but somehow he felt a little familiar.

Iyadasai did not care about the uninvited guest, anyway, Rasudran had reached the end, and it did not care about the uninvited guest.

Even for Angel, it doesn’t really care much, just a little curious.

Iyadasai took a deep look at Angel, stretched to act palms, countless bone chains were instantly generated, wrapped Jupiter in it, and then Iyadasai slowly moved towards the gate.

When passing by Angel, Iyadasai said indifferently: “Jupiter I will take it away, as for you, you can do it yourself.”

In the smoke, Iyadasai’s silhouette disappeared at the gate.

Angel’s Spirit, which he fought up, also deflated as Iyadasai left. Before seeing Iyadasai, he thought he had just left Longtan and entered the tiger’s den, but didn’t expect Iyadasai didn’t seem to care about himself?

Angel Matsushita’s tense heart, that’s fine. At present, it seems that he should be completely safe. Even the Demon was taken away by Iyadasai … By the way, Iyadasai said what is the name of Demon? ? Jupiter?

Why does it sound familiar?

After a while, Angel suddenly froze.

Jupiter? ! He remembered that Canaan seemed to say that Jupiter was a big Demon? He actually entangled with a big Demon for a little while!

This kind of thing, even if it is said that no one believes! Even Angel thinks about it now, and is a bit dazed.


Sanders was now suspended in midair, his brow furrowed, and he kept sensing his blood position.

Earlier, he said that he would wait for Fafner and Komodo to finish looking for Angel.

However, what didn’t expect is that the bigger the fight between Fafner and Komodo, the wider the range of turbulent energy. It used to be a small area. Now almost half of La Sudran has turbulent energy The closer it is to the center, the denser this turbulent energy.

This terrifying battle is not over yet, and it seems to be getting worse.

As they fought, they even accelerated the collapse of La Sudran.

Sanders looked down at La Sudran, the original collapse was slowly spreading from the periphery to the center, but now, there have been many dark and deep large holes in the center zone. At first glance, it looks like it was born out of thin air After leaking the vortex, the surrounding buildings and sand were all sucked in.

Moreover, this collapse also affected where Angel fell before.

Originally Sanders wanted to find Angel, but now, there has been a large hole through the void.

The only good news is that Sanders can feel that his seminal blood has not changed at all. Although it is difficult to judge Angel’s current situation with seminal blood, at least the seminal blood has not been impacted by external forces, so Angel’s high probability should be safe.

But where Angel is now, Sanders is very difficult to grasp.

According to the current situation in the core area of ​​La Sudland, the only safe place underground may be the void giant tower. But the defense of the Void giant tower is too strong to be penetrated by any external force. Favner and Komodo are also fighting outside the Void giant tower, even more how now there are several terrifying existences in the Void giant tower, even Ni Totip is now in the giant tower of the void.

“Hope you … better all right.” Sanders murmured secretly in the heart.

At this moment, a stream of light flashed suddenly not far away. Sanders looked back, but saw glittering glazed colors, passing by the fire star flying in the sky, Target pointed directly at the ice in the sky.

And halfway through the streamer, a Shadow was suddenly separated, and moved towards Sanders.

Soon, Shadow came to Sanders’ side.

“I heard Maher just said that something happened to Angel. What is the situation now?” The person is an old man with a thin figure, white eyebrow dragged to his chest, wearing a blue black embroidered orchid flower 3 angle Magus cap.

“I don’t know, I feel my blood is still intact. Angel’s condition should be okay, but his current position … I suspect it is in the void giant tower.”

“In the giant tower of the void, this is not easy to handle.”

For a moment, they all knew that the situation of the Void Giant Tower is very special. At least, when the collapse of La Sudran has not really spread to the Void Giant Tower, it is still in an absolute restricted zone.

“Canter, what’s the situation on your side?” Sanders asked in silence.

3 The corner cap old man is Kanter. He sighed: “The prey hall has now collapsed, and LuXi Ya has come to the center. Samantha and Sinaif are now going back to the Lord Monge, it is estimated to be ready . “

The Target of Monchi is itself LuXi Ya, and it is not uncommon to do it. Sanders was more curious: “Wh … what about the night Hall Master?”

“I haven’t seen it, but looking at the flames in the sky now, it shouldn’t be far from it.”

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