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Angel’s first question now: where is it?

It looks like an underground tunnel.

Angel looked at the two ends of the tunnel. Except where he was, there was some light. Both ends were dark.

Although he was curious, where did the two ends of this tunnel go, but he did not at all thought to explore. Stay here, at least you can see the exit, and when the battle outside is over, maybe you can leave from here.

But if you go to explore, no one knows if there will be danger in the depth of the tunnel.

After all, this is La Sudran, the city of Demon. Even if a Demon jumps out of nowhere, even if the strength is weak, Angel may not be able to win.

For Angel, La Sudran has few places of relative safety. This is why Angel has been in La Sudran for so long before, but has never been out.

So in this case, Angel chose to wait in place.

However, Angel also not at all put all hope in a basket. After all, staying in place and waiting is almost a matter of luck, and maybe you will sit still and have to prepare with 2 hands.

He took out two detective puppets from the bracelet, one after the other, moved towards each side of the tunnel and cast one.

Scouting puppets are Alchemy creations, energy fluctuations are minimal, and relatively concealed. Using it to probe the surroundings is obviously the best option at present.

As the detective puppet flew away, the situation in this tunnel was gradually taken into account by Angel.

The 2 puppets were very slow to fly. In a short period of time, Angel did not find any changes. The 2 heads were dark, silent and static tunnels.

After a while, one of the puppet puppets finally saw something different.

-The light spot, and the wall at the end.

The puppet saw one end of the tunnel, and at the end was the wall, which looked like a dead end. However, a spot of light remained on this wall.

This light spot is actually the ember of a pattern.

In other words, this wall is covered with a weird pattern, the lines that make up this pattern are glowing, but at this time, more than 90% of this glowing pattern is extinguished, leaving only the last spot.

Moreover, the light spot is still shrinking. It is foreseeable that in the near future, this luminous pattern will be completely dimmed.

This pattern gives Angel a strong sense of both sight.

By looking into the puppet’s line of sight, Angel seemed to see a vortex appearing in the light spot, sucking his consciousness into it, and at the end of the consciousness were all strange light patterns. These lines of light surrounded him and prevented him from escaping.

Angel even has a hunch, if you want to touch the light pattern, it is estimated that this consciousness will be stunned. These light patterns gave him a very dangerous feeling.

The only luckier thing is that these light patterns gradually disappeared, and it didn’t take long for the light patterns to disappear completely.

At the same time, his consciousness was kicked out of vortex.

After came back to his senses, Angel found out that the light spot on the wall at the end of the tunnel had completely disappeared, and the area was reverted to darkness.

“That kind of feeling, like …” Angel murmured, and his thoughts seemed to be back. Not long ago, he had seen LuXi Ya in the Hallucinatory hut, and the armor on it had a similar pattern: “This should be an inscription ? “

Thinking of this, Angel was suddenly bright.

On the wall are inscriptions. The reason why the light spots on the inscriptions gradually disappear is that, as Komodo said before, someone destroyed the underground inscription hub. This leads to the gradual failure of these inscriptions.

Angel is also a bit lucky at this time. After feeling that he was sucked into a light pattern vortex before, he roughly guessed that the inscription painted on the wall must have the effect of “trapping the enemy”. If it is not the inscription is destroyed, it is estimated that his That ray of consciousness stayed there completely …

Since there are inscriptions here, Angel suddenly had a guess about this underground tunnel.

To support this speculation, Angel set his sights on the puppets flying to the other direction of the tunnel.

This detective puppet has been flying forward, and according to Angel’s estimate, it flew nearly 2 kilometers.

According to his guess, this distance has been reached, then he should soon be able to see the change-

Sure enough, when Angel was silently muttering a negative distance, the puppet finally saw something different.

At the end of the tunnel, there appears to be a gate made of metal.

The door is closed and cannot be pushed open.

Although it is impossible to know what is going on behind the door, Angel’s guess is evidence. Since he fell into this underground tunnel, Angel has synthesized the external information obtained before and judged the Space coordinates of where he is now.

Then, Angel silently constructed a holographic sandbox in his mind.

This is also due to the power of Dreamscape’s door, which makes Angel’s understanding of the holographic sandbox very deep, so it is not too difficult to build.

Angel roughly made the important landmarks in the core area of ​​La Sudran into this sand table. Then, with the help of this sand table, Angel measured the forward and backward directions and distance of this tunnel, and finally got a conclusion:

The direction of this tunnel is precisely moved towards the empty giant tower in the center of La Sudland.

Before he silently counted the distance in the heart, he was also calculating the distance between the puppet and the giant tower in the sky. When the puppet enters the negative distance of the void giant tower, and a door appears, Angel is almost certain that this tunnel should be the underground tunnel connecting the void giant tower!

After drawing this conclusion, Angel is still not good.

Because he has no knowledge of the sky giant tower, or even the Demons who live in La Sudland, know nothing about the sky giant tower. Half-blood Demon such as Canaan, even dare not to go near the giant tower of the void, afraid to meet the big Demon to see it not pleasing to the eye, and then … there will be no more.

The only thing that Canaan knew about the situation in the void giant tower was that no one except the 7-seat Demon could enter.

So, even if Angel knew where it was, he couldn’t do it.

Moreover, based on the information obtained before, it can be roughly judged that Iyadasai should be in the void giant tower … Although Angel has had a relationship with Iyadasai, he is not sure if he encounters it here. The other party will let him go.

apart from this, there is another unknown character in the void giant tower.

Before speaking with Komodo, Iyadasai clearly stated that the intruder who destroyed the inscription hub was also in the void giant tower.

Iyadasai didn’t do anything with the intruder, he wanted to be a powerhouse of the same rank. Angel did not dare to face this kind of existence easily.

He thought about it and felt that he would stay where he was and wait for the situation outside to be clear.

Angel exhales one breath saying: “Although there is little gain, but at least sure, this underground tunnel is still safe.”

However, what made Angel didn’t expect was that it didn’t take long for his sentence to fall, and a detective puppet sent out a danger warning.

The warning signal was the puppet that Angel had left at the other end of the wall.

Angel froze for a moment and put her gaze back to the puppet over there. When he looked clearly at the current situation, he was surprised to find that the wall with the inscriptions on it had cracks after the light spot completely disappeared.

Not only that, this crack is still expanding at the speed that naked eye can see, not only spread to the wall, but also the surrounding top wall also appeared branch-like cracks.

With the appearance of cracks, a large amount of gravel fell from the top wall. With the bang, the bottom of the tunnel … collapsed.

And this collapse has not stopped. With the spread of cracks on the top wall, the collapse is still spreading to the entire underground tunnel at a very fast rate.

It won’t take long for the crack to spread to where Angel is!

This sudden series of collapses surprised Angel, especially since he only said that the underground tunnel was safe not long ago. Didn’t expect this situation to happen in the next second!

Angel couldn’t help but looked back at the frozen spell floating on her side … Bina Jones’ Dragon Scales didn’t have a problem, and Toby’s curse of disaster didn’t spread out.

Why is this happening? !

Angel now understands that once a person is bad luck, it is more tormenting than cursing!

Angel’s thinking turned quickly. How should he face this sudden disaster now?

If this collapse is just like a superficial accident, in fact, for Angel today, it will not cause much damage, even if he does not need defensive skills, just Fleshy body can resist.

But terrifying is terrifying, once the tunnel collapses, it means that the turbulent energy above will immediately pour in.

Angel even wondered if the previous inscriptions disappeared and could not bear the disordered energy above, which led to the collapse of the tunnel today.

The rumbling in the distance got closer and closer.

Seeing that the crack was about to spread, Angel finally made up his mind. He ran a distance into the dark tunnel, and then took out an exploration puppet, and moved towards the only exit above his head.

He intends to test the situation outside, wondering if the fight between Fafner and Komodo has stopped.

But as soon as the detective puppet left the exit, Angel could no longer sense its condition.

This is also what he expected.

As the detective puppet was blocked, his Spirit Sea felt a slight tingling. When this tingling appeared, Angel moved towards the other end of the tunnel without looking back.

After all, the detective puppet wrapped Angel’s Spirit. As long as the detective puppet was destroyed, even if the exit blocked the information, the tingling sensation connected to the Spirit sea was still passed on.

Since there is a sting, it means that the detection puppet is destroyed as soon as it goes out, and it also means that Fafner and Komodo have not stopped.

In this case, Angel naturally dared not leave the exit and could only move towards the darkness.

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