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Angel is thinking.

In fact, the amount of information revealed in what I said before is actually very large.

The command that can be given to Gruda is definitely Demon, and it is still a big Demon level. So, in the current La Sudran, there are only 7 seats in the sky giant tower.

Excluding the dead Buffett, only 6 seats remain.

Listen to the meaning of the woman, that secret mastermind is a big Demon that has nothing to do with it, so Iyadasse and Edessinos should also be ruled out.

Angel also doesn’t think that Minotaur, who was in a serious injury not long ago, can recover in a short time, and also controls so many small Demon to intercept himself. If Minotaur is also ruled out, there are only three remaining.

Nito Tip, Komodo and Jupiter.

Among these three, logically, the most likely one is Nito Tip. After all, this is an Ocean Demon. According to the attribute, the Ocean Rhythm is probably still useful for it.

However, Nitotip is currently in the void giant tower, and Angel not long ago observed the situation of Nitotip through a ray of wind. Therefore, Angel does not think it is.

As for Jupiter, in Canaan ’s original words, it was a Demon who was only interested in food, and it did n’t seem to be like it.

Then there is only one person in the end.


If it is Komodo, Angel feels very absurd, because of the 7 seats in the giant tower, only Komodo is a pure Fire Attribute Demon.

or is, his guess is wrong?

Angel whispered his thoughts, and Canaan fell into thought after hearing it. Instead, Fafner, who was at the forefront, stopped suddenly.

“Sometimes, the more absurd, the more likely it is.” Fafner said at this time, she swiped Angel out of the air, and drew a Domain of Wind around her, and then she looked towards an empty direction.

As Fafner looked away, Canaan not at all saw any silhouette.

At first glance, it was an open field. Apart from being able to see the shadowy buildings in the distance, not at all.

On the contrary, Angel vaguely felt somewhere in this empty square, something seemed wrong.

Angel carefully looked at the place that made him feel strange. Suddenly, he saw Space ripples.

It is like a watermark, spreading out of thin air.

In the middle of the watermark, slowly stretch out a hand, or … that is a foreleg covered with black and red scales.

With the emergence of this hand, a crack opened in the center of the watermark.

One foot stepped out, like hands, all black and red scales. Or it is pure black scales, with fiery red lines flowing on it.

When it stepped out of the gap completely, Angel felt a strange feeling in his heart.

This is a tall Demon, covered with shiny black scales all over the body. It looks like fiery red lava is locked in the scales. With its movement, lava flows constantly. Although there are only black and red colors, Angel sees the illusion of brilliant lights and vibrant colors.

The whole body is streamlined, with a long tail like a lizard on the back.

Angel is convinced that this is a terrifying Demon he has never seen before, and his size is not much more than the troll Gruda he encountered before. However, when facing this Demon, he always has a sense of familiarity.

Especially its head, the luxuriant plow bone teeth, let him see the shadow of some kind of creature.


At this time, the gap behind Demon slowly closed up. Before the gap was closed, Angel saw a scarlet blood pool behind him, and the blood pool was covered with white bones.

When the gap closed, the Demon woke up with an evil smile, and the next second, a terrifying momentum enveloped all the nearby li.

Although the Domain of the Wind can remove this terrifying momentum, Angel knows that he is really a caged bird now.

Once leaving the domain of the wind, it will inevitably be unable to move by the terrifying pressure, even if it is used in the vein of gravity.

“It really is you, Komodo.” Fafner not at all was affected by the momentum, expressionless said.

Angel and Canaan were stunned. Is the other one Komodo? Although the head seems to have the appearance of a salamander, on the whole, it is completely different from Komodo.

Komodo is a Demon who is good at flame control. His melee combat is obviously weaker. After being approached by ‘Black Dragon’ Esek, Komodo will also avoid it. But this Demon in front of him clearly looks more like a Demon who is good at fleshy body fighting? !

“Faffner … hey hahaha …” Komodo laughed very strangely, and his eyes were glittering, sometimes gloomy, sometimes crazy.

“This shouldn’t be your real body,” Fafner said coldly. “I smell the curled Demon, and another smell of flesh that makes me sick. You, Devour, the two blood cocoons?”

“Devour? No, no, I just merged some of the insignificant advantages of them with a little means to integrate with myself. Anyway, La Sudran is going to be destroyed, and the two idiots are meaningless. Me. “Komodo did not deny that, he laughed wildly.

Angel finally understood at this time why Komodo felt a little different from before, it turned out that it merged the blood cocoons of Edessinos and Minotaurs?

However, Angel can sound like a bloodline fusion, but Komodo should not extract bloodline, right? In addition, bloodline needs a lot of matching methods and materials to integrate.

Maybe it’s some kind of Demon’s secret technique?

“Sure enough.” Fafner not at all accidents, but looked at Komodo with a pityful look: “Although you have improved your strength in a short time, the remaining troubles will always follow you.”

Komodo’s character has suddenly become treacherous and contradictory, which is actually a legacy. After all, Edessinos and Minotaurs are both powerful and powerful Demons. They were as powerful as Komodo before they were injured. Even if Komodo forced them to Devour, some of their properties also influenced Molly.

If you don’t solve this problem, Komodo is likely to change her personality in the end. Hobby, thinking, and even memory will change. At that time, Komodo is still not Komodo, it is difficult to say.

“Victims?” Komodo smiled weirdly. “Victims will naturally occur, but am I going to make up for them now?”

Komodo said that at this moment, his eyes slowly moved and moved to Angel.

It is naturally aware of the existence of the trouble, but in order to increase its strength and compete for the source of fire, it has to do so. And Komodo also thought about the solution to the problem. The first thing to do is awakening.

Once he can awaken in the abyss, with the magical strength of shedding body, exchanging bones, the legacy of his body can certainly be solved, and it can also be used to merge the strengths of the 2 stupid, it will become stronger.

But Demon wanted to wake up, it was not so easy, so Komodo hit Angel with his idea.

Although he had heard the rules of the Hallucinatory cabin before, and Demon said eloquently that the experience tour was only valid for the Water Attribute, Komodo did not believe it.

Komodo itself is a narrow-minded and stubborn character. Without personal experimentation, it will never listen to words.

And even if Angel’s experience journey is really useless, Komodo is not worried.

Once Yuanhuo is in contention, according to Yuanhuo’s miraculous characteristics, the remaining problems can be solved as well.

However, although Komodo is very confident to fight for the source of fire, after all, the identity of LuXi Asia is different, and if there are any secret methods, it may also fail. Therefore, Komodo never thought of giving up Angel.

At least, hold Angel in your hands first!


Komodo’s eyes are self-evident.

Although Angel doesn’t know why Komodo feels that he can solve its legacy, he wants to come back, it is estimated to be the impact of the experience journey.

He was in the heart secretly sighed, but he explained in his mouth: “Experience journey of the ocean rhythm, for the exception of Water Attribute …”

After Angel said, Komodo didn’t respond at all. Still looking at himself with burning eyes.

What he said is quite clear, wouldn’t Komodo use Jianzheng?

Komodo ignored Angel’s suspicious appearance, but turned his attention to Fafner. It was clear that to get Angel, he had to face Fafner first.

If it was in the past, Komodo may not be able to win Fafner. But now, the blood cocoons of the two big Demon have been merged, and the blood of countless Demon has been absorbed, and its strength has skyrocketed.

He is very confident that even if he cannot win Fafner in a short time, he will not lose!

Komodo looked towards Fafner, even if Komodo did not at all speak, but his eyes were interlaced, Fafner already realized what it meant.

Fafner understands the character of Komodo, even if she personally, the experience journey is not at all useful to you, it is estimated that Komodo does not believe it. So she didn’t say much, just indifferently said: “He carries the task of Odekras, I can’t let you take him away.”

Facing Fafner’s refusal, Komodo raised his lips and said: “There is no absolute thing, how about we make a deal?”

The confrontation between Fafner and Komodo not only allowed the surrounding Demon to observe in secret, but even on the ice floes, humans also noticed this side.

Time back to not long ago.

When Popota pressed the inscription hub, La Sudran looked calm, but in fact, there have been huge changes. It was also at this time that, above the ice floes, Lu Qi, the “bell of swinging”, felt a sign of darkness faintly, and there was a chaos in his heart.

He gave his heart sign to Munch, who also felt uneasy at this time, and the source of the restlessness was the empty giant tower.

When the dark light zone appeared before, they sent puppets to investigate the situation. Although many puppets disappeared in the dark light zone, some puppets did not enter the dark light zone and only wandered in the vicinity.

Now that the dark zone disappears, Monge lets these puppets explore the situation near the dark zone.

Although this enquiry did not enter the giant tower of the void, some demon movements were discovered.

After carefully observing the movement of Demon, Munch noticed that these Demon seem to have a common Target.


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