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tone barely fell, native people suddenly opened their eyes.

As his eyes opened, a terrifying momentum came under pressure with endless pressure!

Iyadasai ’s pupils shrank: This is actually the existence of an abyssal dragon no weaker than before!

It seems that this defense mechanism has completely prevented the giant tower of the void to the extreme. Even the secretly thought that has been missed has a strong presence to guard.

“Oops, I’ve been found! I’ll drag him, and you find the opportunity to enter the void giant tower!” Nito Tip said.

Black Eagle long cry, the air stagnate.

Fight, at the touch of a hair!

At the same time, inside the void giant tower.

In the empty corridor, a silhouette of a flame covered the corridor. The Yin Hong chain wrapped around his body touched the smooth ground, and as he walked, a crisp collision sound of “clang dong clang dong” was made.

When passing by a window, he paused his feet and looked towards the window.

Dark light spread outside, and Shadow flew in the sky. At this time, a mass of Shadow floated out of the window, and he looked up towards this huge Shadow.

——In his perspective, this Shadow is the head of a Giant Dragon.

Giant Dragon’s eyes are purple, and when looking towards him, there is a trace of doubt in his eyes. With a snort, the windows of the purple flame crackled.

Through the flames of Dragon Breath, his face could be clearly seen.

5 The official is like a deep gully, and between light and shadow, it seems crazy.

He is the Popota who is a pseudonym.

Popota looked directly at Giant Dragon’s eyes, without fear.

Instead, the abyssal dragon was slowly moved away by the head of Popota, and disappeared out of the window.

After the abyss dragon silhouette disappeared, Popota slowly lowered his eyebrows, covering the strange patterns in his pupils. As he lowered his eyebrows, the chain on his body made a hua hua sound.

He lowered his head, stroking the chain with a fascinating look: “Are you full?”

The chain moved, as if to answer his question.

“That’s the time to go.” Popota’s sound at first was calm, even to the point of indifference, but suddenly, a crazy laugh came from his mouth.

“Huh hahaha ——” After the laughter, Popota’s eyes kept dividing in the blur and the Qingming, and the corner of his mouth was a strange arc.

He continued to move forward, and soon, he came to a gate covered with mysterious patterns.

The door was not opened, but there was a broken hole in the middle of the door. The ground was littered with glowing metal fragments. From the extent of the fragmentation, we could see how violent the effort was when the door was broken.

Behind the cave, there is a black staircase, the staircase spirals down, and the end is not visible at a glance.

Popota’s expression became stranger at this time, and the information revealed by his eyes was completely confused and disqualified. If Angel is here, you will find that Popo Tower is not only exactly the same as it was in the Savage Cave, but also different from what was seen in the lava pool not long ago.

Becoming even more mad, like having another personality, was forcibly stuffed into Popota’s within the body.

Popotah hummed in a strange tone, burrowed into the hole, and walked down the stairs. At the end of the stairs, there was still a door with a hole in it.

There was a clicking sound inside the gate.

Popota was like going home, walking into the door in a stroll. Behind the door is a spacious rotunda. The first thing you see when you enter the hall is a statue directly opposite, but this statue can not see the specific details, because it is surrounded by black wings, you can only see the wings. Inside, there seems to be a silhouette curled up.

Under the statue lies a comatose Demon.

The clicks I heard before came from this skinny Demon.

Almost half of this Demon’s face is a mouth full of teeth. It can be seen from this feature that this is a greedy Demon.

Demon’s body has always been very plump, huge like a ball. But it is completely different, the stomach is shrivelled, and even seems to be hungry.

A chain similar to Popota’s body was wrapped around Greedy Demon. At this time, a section of the chain was inserted in Greedy Demon’s belly button, constantly sucking Greedy Demon’s flesh and blood, making a rattling noise.

Suddenly, the bright red light that entangled Demon’s body was drawn from his belly button.

“Already full?” Popota raised her eyebrows and looked down towards the chain on her body. This chain on her body ate dozens of Demon in the shadow fog area before barely feeding. But the chain left in the giant tower of the void, this greedy Demon alone is fed … and this greedy Demon has not been sucked dry.

——One of the 7 strongest Demon in La Sudland, it really is not ordinary.

“Full meal, come back.”

The words fell, and the chains wrapped around Demon’s body were connected to the chains on his body.

The intense scarlet light immediately emanated from the junction of the chain, illuminating the entire underground hall.

At the same time, Popota’s face began to become grim, and his body began to explode, as if there were countless worms moving under his skin. Popota felt an unspeakable pain, but instead of crying, he laughed madly.

This change lasted for several minutes.

At the end, the ground was covered with a layer of white flesh and blood flesh, and Popota stood among them.

At this time, the size of Popota was almost comparable to the transformed Iyadasai.

Covered with pimples and sharp horns, green viscous liquid kept dripping from the pores of the skin, and even a pair of terrifying flesh grew.

I could still see the human form before, but now there is no human appearance at all, and it is even more alien than Demon. However, a strong sense of danger spread out from him!

“Beh hahahaha—” In the weird laughter, the clarity of Popota’s eyes almost disappeared, leaving only blur and madness.

In a frenzy, Popota struggled to stand up, step by step toward the statue below the center of the hall.

Under the statue wrapped by the wings, there is a protruding stone. This stone looks ordinary, but with the current strength of Popota, it can be clearly found that there are countless light patterns hidden in Space. These light patterns cover the entire underground hall and spread to the giant tower of the void, even to the different Space.

And the core hub of all the light patterns is that ordinary stone. As long as you press it, all the light patterns will be interrupted!

Popota is almost crazy.

Reasonable and clear thinking is replaced by crazy emotions.

There are many people whispering in his ears: press, press …

Popota also obeyed these whispers and raised his hands covered with green slime: “Haha haha, it’s time for La Sudran to call the curtain.”

He slowly reached out to the raised stone.

The light patterns around them all moved at this moment, as if blocking it. But it didn’t respond at all, and continued to stretch out, but the speed was slower than before …

Outside the sky giant tower, suddenly all Shadows were still for a moment.

Nitotip, who was originally pressed by native people, also took the opportunity to react and shouted to Iyadasai: “I got through the secret thought with tentacles, you rush in!”

Iyadasai hearing this, did not think about why Shadow stopped, the silhouette flashed, and immediately rushed to secretly thought.

Native people only stagnate for a short moment, and Nito Tipp comes forward, and the crazy gray tentacles want to suppress him.

However, the strength of the native people is much stronger than it thought. It was just a time of swinging the cane, cutting off Nitotip’s tentacles.

But this is also enough. Through this instantaneous gap, Iyadasai rushed into the secretly thought.

Although Nito Tip was seriously injured, he was believed at this time. It knew that Shadow had his own mechanism and could not enter the giant tower of the void, and secretly thought was already within the scope of the giant tower of the void.

Now that Iyadassé has been sent into secretly thought, Nito Tip’s mission has been completed, and now he must find a way to evacuate.

Only when it leaves the shadow fog zone is it truly safe.

But just when Nito Tipp wanted to retreat by war, the entire La Sudran suddenly shook.

In the fiery sky, black clouds suddenly gathered.

The violent wind rose for no reason. Blowing into La Sudran, there is a huge wu wu sound.

Magus above the ice floes all looked at the big changes around in doubt. The wind blew everyone’s clothes and made a loud noise. Magus, who was fighting with Demon, also stepped aside at this time, just to stabilize his body.

The surrounding black clouds are getting denser and denser.

In the sky, the uppermost layer is a flame floating, the middle layer is a black cloud, and the lower layer is a continuous and gloomy wind.

“What happened?” Everyone was asking, but no one could answer. However, everyone’s heart is covered with a shadow, which is born again and again, and accumulates deeper and deeper. Today, everyone has an ominous omen.

One can only say that by chance, but everyone feels wrong, then this is really a problem.

Maher came to Munch and asked what to do.

Munch was standing on the tuyere, his eyes patrolling in La Sudland, and finally fixed in the void giant tower.


Hallucinatory hut.

When La Sudran suddenly shook, Angel’s heartbeat suddenly sounded like drums.

Just when he was puzzled, mutations appeared in the sky of La Sudran, the black clouds gathered, and the gust of wind suddenly started.

The wind blew Angel’s hair upside down, and the endless black clouds projected in his pupils.

“What’s going on?” Angel asked Favner, turning around, and he didn’t find it himself. There was a little undetectable confusion in his question, and even the title was not called.

Fafner’s brow furrowed tightly.

She didn’t know what happened, but, like the Magus in the sky, Fafner also produced ominous signs, even more so than others.

Favored by this unforeseen danger, Fafner even stood up.

She ignored Angel’s inquiry, but looked towards the direction indicated by the omen—the void giant tower.

Angel didn’t wait for Fafner’s response, but Canaan said in a trembling tone:

“Me, I seem to hear La Sudran whimpering.”

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