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There is a clear difference between the shadow fog area and the outside light.

There is very little light received inside, or even approaching none, so it will form a dark light area that is entirely different from the outside world. Moreover, there seems to be a shadow swaying inside, and I don’t know what it is.

Angel listened carefully, and still could not hear the sound in the shadow fog zone, as if there were 2 worlds inside and outside.

This reminded Angel of Xeno Space.

“Isn’t this usually the case here?” Angel looked towards Canaan.

Canaan nodded: “I haven’t seen this in the past ten years when I was in La Sudran. This is the first time … Did anything happen in it?”

Canaan knew very well that Angel certainly did not know the specific situation, so his eyes glanced secretly at Fafnir. Before there was no illusion, Fafner was watching the movie. Maybe Fafner had already discovered the greasy cat in this dark zone outside the giant tower.

Angel also turned his attention to Fafner, he didn’t really understand the importance of this matter, just pure curiosity.

“The change here occurred when Nito Tip went to the sky to save the field.” Favner said indifferently: “The dark light area is called the shadow fog area by the nearby Demon, and it originally spread out from the giant tower of the void. . As for the situation in the shadow fog area, I do n’t know, but a lot of Demon went in, but never came out … “

Fafner that said, in fact, she had manipulated a ray of wind into the shadow fog zone, but as soon as the ray of wind entered the shadow fog zone, she immediately lost contact. It seems that there is something Strength, shackled Wind Element.

Fafner didn’t care at the time, and she was also very clear that even if the ray of wind was successfully entered into the shadow fog area, but certainly could not enter the void giant tower. So, afterwards, Fafner focused on the rain cloud side, and he didn’t care about the shadow fog area. Until now, Fafner only set his eyes on the shadow fog area for the second time.

“Do you want to go in and explore?” Angel asked.

Fafner coldly glanced at Angel: “I don’t care, as long as you don’t regret it.”

I do not regret? Angel at first did not understand the meaning of Fafner, until Fafner controlled the ray of wind into the shadow fog area …

After a while, there was a miserable cry in the courtyard of the Hallucinatory hut.

Not far from the intersection, Kanter frowned and said to Samantha: “Have you heard any sound?”

Samantha nodded: “It seems to be a scream, don’t need to make a fuss about nothing, it’s strange that you can’t hear the scream in La Sudran.”

Kanter looking thoughtful nodded, he always felt that the screaming sound came from behind the scorched earth, and the Hallucinatory hut was in that direction … was thinking in Kanter, was Angel being called when he was called? A sound of “da da da” sounded on the main road blocked by white smoke.

Kanter immediately put away his complicated thoughts, raised alert with Samantha, looked towards the source of the sound.

——As the smoke burst, the woman with frost and flaming eyes came under the fire and stepped on the fog.

At this time, in the courtyard of the Hallucinatory hut, Angel was holding her head, screaming like tears. His Spirit sea tumbled for a while, and a strong tingling sensation continued from deep inside his brain.

After a while, the pain gradually stabilized. However, Angel still panted heavily, slumped on the bench, and his whole body seemed to be strained.

When Angel slowed down, he immediately said, “Lost!” In the second sentence, he said: “Toby, what about Toby?”

“The Ice Curse is here with me.” Canaan hurriedly said that before Angel suddenly screamed, the whole person was trembling and could not control the Ice Curse, and Canaan helped take it. Now that Angel is slightly relieved, he controls a soft arm of water and returns the ice spell to Angel.

To make sure that Toby was stable in the frozen spell, and Bina Jones’ scales did not have an accident, Angel was only relaxed.

Canaan looked at Angel with sweat beads on his forehead and asked with some concern: “The shopkeeper, are you okay?”

“It’s much better now than before.” Angel panted replied while detecting the condition of the Spirit Sea. It was so painful before, that kind of feeling like the Spirit sea of ​​ten thousand li calm and clear sky, suddenly set off a rainstorm.

Fortunately, after the inspection, Angel confirmed that there was no major problem.

The screaming just now was that his Spirit consciousness was crushed. Although it was very painful, he was only traumatized by Spirit Force. Even if you don’t drink potions, a few days of rest will gradually recover.

After confirming that there was no problem, Angel looked back towards Fafner.

In the wind that had been crushed before, not only Angel’s consciousness, but also Favner’s consciousness also existed in it. However, Angel was so painful that Fafner felt nothing. For her, the pain of losing a consciousness was no different from being bitten by a mosquito.

“Favner Lord, you know it’s dangerous, right?” Angel now understands why Fafner said before, let him not regret it.

“I said before that all the Demon did not come out after entering, you should be aware of it. Do you think the wind I control at will is stronger than those Demon?”

be that as it may, but Angel actually wants to ask more, since you all know that this situation will happen, you should stop him before entering the shadow fog area …

“The shopkeeper, what happened?” Canaan curiously asked. The illusion was only until they entered the shadow fog zone. Angel screamed and screamed, and the illusion naturally stopped. Canaan did not know what happened to them.

Angel shook his head and sighed: “I don’t know what happened. It was like being involved in vortex as soon as I entered, and then my consciousness of Spirit was crushed.”

Angel said at this point looked towards Fafner, he could not see anything in his vision, but Fafner might have found something.

Fafner was in deep contemplation at this time, frowning from time to time, and came back to his senses for a while.

“Favner Lord, are we sneak attacked after we entered?” Angel asked.

Fafner shook his head: “It’s not a sneak attack, it should be that some defense mechanism of the void giant tower is turned on. However, this shadow fog area is indeed a bit weird.”

“Where is weird?”

Fafner is silent, she always has an illusion, faintly feeling some kind of abnormal breath in the shadow fog area, this breath may come from an unspeakable existence.

Fafner didn’t answer. Angel was thinking about the next situation, and Canaan was not easy to intervene. For a time, the courtyard fell into a long-lost silence.

Silence was not broken until Canaan reached out to act suddenly and pointed to the sky.

Angel looked at Canaan’s fingers, but found that Nitotip’s rain cloud was slowly fading, and at the end, the rain cloud disappeared completely.

Unfortunately, without Fafner’s help, Angel looked at the ground from a distance, and could only vaguely see the changes of the rain cloud, but could not see the inside of the rain cloud.

However, as far as the situation in front of him is concerned, is Nito Tipo planning to chase away the rain cloud?

“Nito Tip moved towards the drifting ice … No, Nitu Tip went around in a direction, it went to the void giant tower!” Canaan could see probably, although there was no clarity in the illusion, But at least let Angel know about the sky today.

Canaan’s sound also awakened Fafner.

She looked at Nitotip’s whereabouts. Nitotip’s expression looked calm, but there was a trace of panic in her eyes.

Fafner secretly thought: Sure enough, the situation of the empty giant tower is not simple.


Above the ice floe, Magus also noticed the movement of Nitotip.

“Eh, Nito Tip seems to have moved towards the core area too.” It was Li Vita who was speaking, because the previous summon ceremony failed and was backlashed. The Wind Element technique could not be used in a short time. Now it is left on the ice floes.

“Oh, my God, this is a good opportunity given by God. Now that Nitotip is not surrounded by rain clouds, we can take advantage of this opportunity to wipe it out in one fell swoop!” Muying eyes shined.

“Don’t think about it, even without rain clouds, Nito Tip’s strength can’t be simply killed. Even more how, the most important thing now is to kill these small Demon who are blocking the road.” Same: “I think it might be easier to spend some time looking for those two blood cocoons than to deal with Nito Tipp.”

Nito Tipp left alone, but Komodo and the two blood cocoons disappeared, and he must have gone into hiding. It is much simpler to annihilate at this time than to deal with Nitotip.

“Nito Tip’s expression is a little bit wrong, and the atmosphere around him is full of panic.” At this moment, Lu Qi, the “you swinging clock” suddenly said.

Lu Qi’s words puzzled everyone. Nito Tipo bypassed the ice floe and went to the void giant tower, and the expression was not right. Is there something wrong with the void giant tower?

Everyone unconsciously looked towards the monkey.

There was also doubt in Munch’s eyes. He could still feel the silhouette of Iyadasai, but when Iyadasai entered the dark zone, everything disappeared. And soon after, Nito Tipp gave up Nimbus and took the initiative to return to the void giant tower. These series of things seem to be connected.

However, the connection between them is temporarily unclear.

“Lucy, come over and look at the dark zone.”

After a while, Lu Qi frowned: “The calculation of the wheel of time appears blank again, but this also means that the dark zone is very dangerous. If we continue to approach the void giant tower, it is best not to dabble in the dark light. region.”

The dark zone is dangerous, not only for humans, but also for Demon.

At such a central location in the void giant tower, this kind of accident happened, and Monkey was a little puzzled. Is it true that there is something wrong with the giant tower of the void?

“Send a few puppets and take a look at the dark zone.”

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