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“You haven’t said a little bit. The effective threshold of this rain cloud can only spread around Nitotip.” Meng strangely said.

Lu Qi froze for a moment and said, “I understand what your Excellency means.”

Other Magus also showed an expression of sudden enlightenment. After thinking for a moment, Li Vita also nodded and said to Munch: “Then follow the instructions of His Excellency Munch, but where is our Target?”

In the scorched earth yard, the Canaanites looked puzzled: “What do they understand? Why don’t I understand?”

Canaan looked towards the others in the yard, Fafner’s expression did not change, Angel continued to be responsible for the changes in the illusion, and the photo of Crystal Ball. It seems that only it didn’t understand the meaning of the Magus boss?

Canaan asked curiously, “The shopkeeper, do you know what they are talking about?”

“Didn’t expect Demon now is even more stupid than humans.” Fafner coldly snorted.

Canaan was aggrieved. Obviously, those humans spoke only half way. Who knows what they want to say?

Angel whispered replied: “Nitotipu’s rain cloud is not very effective, so there is no need to stay there and entangle them.”

“So, they mean, ready to leave with this ice floe?”

Angel nodded.

Canaan snorted: “I thought they wouldn’t avoid it. Didn’t expect finally avoided this move.”

Angel laughed, who would have thought that Nito Tip would have such a powerful mysterious thing? At present, the mysterious effect of the umbrella has not been completely explored, but the almost invincible special effects now appearing are already very powerful.

Moreover, being away does not mean avoiding. In fact, he is also testing the next move of Nitotip. Nitotip can improve the profile of the mysterious umbrella to some extent, whether chasing or not chasing, Totip’s bottom line makes judgments.

“I’m curious, where will Lord Mongoll drive the ice floes?” Angel speculated in his heart.

The same doubts flashed in Li Vita’s heart.

Staying away is a better choice at the moment, as it can make Demon’s clearing plan impossible to locate accurately, and 2 can also test the limitations of Nito Tip and that umbrella.

But where are they more suitable? If you don’t have the night Hall Master’s view of humans described by Angel before, sailing to the prey is the best choice. But since Night Hall Master is no different between humans and Demon, it is better not to annoy this prospective lord, so as to avoid confrontation with a Demon lord in the future.

But where do you go if you don’t drive to the quarry? Indifferent aim is actually also an option, but the benefits obtained in this way seem to be not at all too high.

Or, to land on the ground?

When Li Vita was suspicious, Munch looked at the direction of the prey hall from afar. A big vortex appeared in the fiery red sky. The center of the vortex had flames flowing and connected with the prey hall.

Various symbols flashed in the eyes of Monkey, and countless thoughts were like lines of glittering colorful lights, entangled in his mind. But beyond these thoughts, there is a sound resounding.

——It was what Angel said when he described Ye Hall Master before.

Monchi finally lowered his eyebrows, condensed the rays of light in his eyes, turned to Maher and said: “Go to the core area of ​​La Sudland.”

As soon as the voice of Monkey fell, all the Magus present froze. They didn’t expect, Monge would choose to go to the core area of ​​La Sudland? ! There are the real Headquarters of Demon, and there are countless powerful Demon. They go to the core area, which is equivalent to putting the Demon who was previously in the outside world into the battlefield.

Only Sanders’ eyes flashed, his eyes looked towards the core area.

Although it was also eroded by the previous Meteor Meteorites, there are not many damaged buildings because of the protection of a large number of Demon. Under the fiery red sky, the core area looks very prosperous, and even has a sacred and solemn pope’s sense in the “Xiaguang”.

The prosperous buildings are tall and stacked, and the center of the building is guarded by a towering sky, connecting the sky with a giant tower …

After floating for a long time, the ice floe finally started.

This movement immediately caused the reaction of the rain cloud. A large number of tentacles flew out of the rain cloud, launched an attack on Magus, and tried to destroy the power source of the ice floe.

However, the strength of Nito Tip’s tentacles in the rain cloud is extremely high, but once it leaves the rain cloud range, although the strength still reaches the level of the Big Demon, the resilience is much weaker.

Nito Tipp was unable to stop the drifting ice from frightening.

Watching the ice drift gradually disappear into sight, Nito Tip’s thoughts at this time are constantly turning, and he thinks that humans will try their best to destroy the 2 blood cocoons to reduce their strength. In this way, Nito Tip’s purpose has also been achieved. Not only can he hold down humans, but it is also confident that once humans break into the rain cloud, it is the human side that must fail.

But now the situation has changed. Not only did they continue to struggle, but they also avoided it.

This made Nito Tip feel tricky.

Once chased up, the recovery speed of Blood Cocoon will inevitably be affected, and if you want to cover the rain cloud again, it also needs a buffer time. During this buffer time, it will not heal indefinitely. As long as Magus seizes the opportunity to launch a fierce attack, Very bad for it.

If you do n’t chase, you ca n’t suppress the pace of humanity, which will lead to the deviation of the location of the Void Concussion. If there is a slight error in the control, it is possible for the entire La Sudran to be buried.

“Why don’t we have to chase it and wait for the two idiots to break the cocoon?” Iiyadase was helping the blood cocoon treatment, but it also found changes outside.

Komodo’s eyes were gloomy, staring at Winchester with his mouth covered on the ice floe: “As long as you help me kill the man who has been vomiting blood, my strength alone can stop them all.”

“It’s not easy to kill the man under the protection of the human Magus.” Nito Tipeng looked at Komodo with an unabashed disgust in his eyes: “If it wasn’t for you before, now How could it be so stale? “

Komodo’s eyes burst into anger, and he wanted to scold Nitotip, but with the sound of “Xie Li Xie Li”, Komodo’s expression changed, with a little fear in the expression, the real one will have reached his mouth Bian’s rebuttal weighed down again.

“As Iyadasai said, our best response now is to rescue these two idiots first, and then when we face them, we will not fall into the disadvantages.” Nitotip said, ” Moreover, their Target is Ao LuXi Ya, so it is very likely to go to the prey hall, if it annoys the night Hall Master … “

When this was said, Nito Tip suddenly stared.

“No, they didn’t go to the prey hall ?! Where are they going … Hey?” Nitotip’s expression became suspicious: “They moved towards the core area … No, it was moved towards the location of the void giant tower. went!”

“Oops, Iyadasai, don’t hesitate to treat that guy first, hurry and stop them!” Nitotip exclaimed anxiously.

Nowhere else, Nitotip is not so nervous, but there is the giant tower of the void! It is created by Ningyuan Magic Eye and stands eternally as a pivot tower!

According to human strength, it is impossible to destroy the building of Ningyuan Devil’s Eye. But the reason why Nito Tip is so anxious is because it is Jupiter who controls and stabilizes the Space energy equipment! That fool who doesn’t care about anything other than eating!

If Jupiter is reckless at that time, he still aligns the coordinates of the Void Oscillation with humans … Humans cannot destroy the Void Giant Tower, but the Void Oscillation is okay!

Because of this, Nito Tip is also anxious.

Iyadasai also knew that the matter was urgent, and immediately turned into a huge real body, flapping the bone wings and rushing out of the rain cloud.

When Iadass went to block, Nitotip also fell into thought. It always feels that everything is a bit wrong. According to human logic, there is no reason to go to the core area, but also go straight to the void giant tower?

Also, before they beat Edesinos and Minotaurs to near half-kill, should n’t they think of a way to kill them according to human position? Why did you suddenly change course?

The doubts in Nito Tip’s mind are getting stronger and stronger, and it always has a feeling that humans seem to have clearly understood their purpose. However, the time for the decision to clear the plan is very short, and as soon as the news spread, all the Demon except the core area entered the different Space Watch. Even if humans have penetrated Demon, shouldn’t it spread so quickly?

At the time of Nitotip’s doubts, Iyadasai had appeared on the ice floe flight path.

If according to the previous situation, the ice floes will stop on the spot, and then try their best to confront Iyadasai. But at this time, Munch just sent Nereus to entangle with Iyadasse, while others continued to fly on the ice floe toward the core area.

Seeing this, Nito Tip was almost certain in his heart that the human race must have gotten the news, or guessed what came out.

“Iyada, stop entangled, go to the giant tower of the void immediately. Turn on the defense mechanism of the giant tower, and then replace Jupiter. You control the Space Energy Stabilizer. If humans continue to fly to the giant tower of the void, they must never turn on Void concussion. “Nito Tip quickly gave instructions.

After receiving the message, Iyadasai resisted Nereus for a moment, and then transformed into a Shadow rushing towards the core area.

Nereus watched the shadow of Iyadasai disappear from the sky, his beautiful face evoked an unpredictable smile.

The other Magus on the ice floe also saw the scene of Iyadasai’s departure. They looked at the shadow of the sky, and then looked back at the rain cloud in the distance, and there was an unsmiling smile at the corner of their mouths.

As the ice floes get closer to the core area, the more you can feel the shock of the empty giant tower.

At this moment, the fiery sky suddenly flew out a large group of Demon, preventing them from moving forward.

“Sure enough, can’t help it?” Magus murmured, and at the same time there was a fighting intent in their eyes: they could not deal with the big Demon, but these little Demon wanted to block the road, but a mantis trying to stop a chariot!

Without the instructions of Monge, the melee began.

However, in the melee, the Magus did not find that a gray Shadow turned into a phantom, escaped in the energy of chaos, moved towards the rain cloud and flew away.

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