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Samantha raised her eyebrows: “If I remember correctly, there was a awakening Demon before, that is the one that Sinaif encountered, right? Panasi succubus, right? It should be the awakening in your shop. The effect? ​​”

Angel responded in silence.

“I heard that the experience journey is a phantasmagoria. Since it is a phantasmagoria, let me think about what is the best in Phantasmagor Island …” After a while of laughter, Samantha’s eyes looked vain: Does it have anything to do with you? “

Angel twitched the corner of her mouth, but still did not answer. Su’s awakening state almost killed Sinaifa on the spot. If he admitted, did it mean that all the culprits were from himself, so he could not admit it.

Angel left and right, not answering positively, which made Samantha a little angry.

But Kanter on the other side was squinting, remembering the “sea rhythm” mentioned by Sanders before, but this was made by Angel himself … and then looking at his performance now, it is estimated that he has not run away, This experience tour must be made by him. Kanter now understands why Sanders always feels like gnashing teeth when he mentions Angel.

Although Kanter guessed it, he could also see that Angel’s current situation and mood, once admitted, wouldn’t it be a pusher for Demon’s abuse, so Kanter could not point it out, but smiled and said: ” This experience journey can make Demon awaken, and how Angel’s ability can do it, maybe an expert will help later. “

Kanter said nothing, and waited for Samantha ’s reaction, the words changed again: “The main purpose of our coming is not an experience tour. This matter is not urgent. You can ask at any time in the future. We still mainly want to Concerned about Austria LuXi Ya and this … Ye Hall Master thing. “

Kanter gave Angel a look, and Angel would understand: “I really don’t know much about Ao LuXi Ya, I only know that it is a descendant of the Flameless Lord, and it is followed by a fire demon and a young fire Demon. Sinaif had seen it before, and the young Demon … “

Angel flashed the gnome in his head, and his expression was a little unsmiling: “The young Demon will not pose a threat to you, it is a little Demon.”

Samantha frowned, they knew everything about Demon and the Fiend, and even their names, Mog Helm had heard them before.

Samantha interrupted Angel’s words, “Do you know why LuXi Alai La Sudran?”

Hearing this question, Angel’s expression hesitated.

Samantha noticed the details of Angel’s expression: “You know?”

Angel shook his head: “I don’t know, nor can LuXi Ya tell me.”

“So what are you hesitating?”

Angel pondered for a moment. In fact, he actually had some speculation about the reason for LuXi Alai La Sudran. He even thought that the guess was right, but he was thinking, whether he would say it.

After all, Yuan Huo gave birth to Ye Hall Master. Ye Hall Master helped him. This is a fact. Although there is “Feng” in it, it is indeed Ye that helped him for free.

Does what he said have an impact on Ye Hall Master?

When Angel was thinking, on a high-altitude ice floe, Munch looked towards Sanders: “Angel knows more news than I thought.”

Although Angel hasn’t answered yet, it can be seen from his attitude that he should know something inside.

Everyone’s expressions are a little weird, and even the thing that Lord Monge didn’t detect, an Apprentice actually knew. Where did he find out?

Moreover, when Samantha asked him if he was the shop owner, Angel also supported us, is he really the shop owner? In this experience journey, Devoy awakened behind the master Envoy?

Question marks are running in everyone’s heads. What role does Angel play in this big show?

“I don’t know how he knew. However, don’t forget that Angel is also accompanied by a unique powerhouse. Its identity is still an unknown number … Demon God descendants went to their store, and maybe it was not Angel.” Sanders pointed out the role that has been ignored by everyone. Although it has the meaning of diverting attention, he is right. This unique powerhouse identity is a mystery. What relationship does she have with Angel?

Angel, as a human being, can stand firm in La Sudran, is it also the skill of this unique powerhouse? What is the purpose of this absolute powerhouse?

However, even if they really doubted, they did not have the guts to let Angel speak. After all, the powerhouse listened to their conversation at this time.

After a while of silence, Angel’s sound finally came from the communicator.

“Australia LuXi Ala Sudran’s purpose should be related to the promotion of the night Hall Master.” Angel slightly reserved.

Samantha can see that Angel’s remarks should be true, but with reservations: “Do you know the night Hall Master in your mouth?”

Angel: “Have met.”

“You haven’t learned your mentor elsewhere. But inside and outside the words, the room you have left is exactly the same as your mentor.” Samantha sneered, so-called ‘having met before’, answered Same as no answer. If you are familiar with it, Angel is the one who decides. If you think the problem is ok, then you will have a higher degree of familiarity. If you think the problem is too sensitive, then the degree of familiarity is only one side.

Angel smirked, but did not respond to Samantha’s sarcasm. Anyway, he knew that even if he was silent from beginning to end, Samantha wouldn’t do anything against him here.

Samantha pressed his urge to hit someone and asked with a cold face. “Then do you think that if we deal with LuXi Ya, will Hall Master deal with us this night?”

In fact, this issue is also the most concerned by Munch. The news that Angel said before, in fact, most of Meng knows that even LuXi Yahe knows it, but this sudden emergence of “Night Hall Master”, mysterious identity is extremely extreme, not only let LuXi Ya deliberately from the inside It is also the source of the flames that block the void.

If the Night Hall Master wants to deal with them, a lot of things must be rearranged, and the risk will increase.

Angel frowned: “This is a subjective question. I am not a night hall master, and I can’t figure it out.”

“Then according to your own ideas, how do you think it will choose?”

Angel wanted to continue to play a Tai Chi to push the problem back, but he saw Samantha ’s expression was already gloomy and was about to drip out of water. He has also spent time with humans. In my opinion, Ye Hall Master has a special preference for humans and Demon not at all. If you do n’t break into the prey hall, I think Ye Hall Master might not be very good. . “

After all, Angel added another sentence: “Of course, this is also my subjective idea, maybe it is also wrong.”

Angel’s words are like a thunder.

Almost all Magus’ expressions are ignorant after listening. In their eyes, the half-blood Demon competes with the ordinary Magus at most. There has never been an example where the half-blood Demon can become the Demon Lord.

Even, half blood Demon can reach this stage of Sanders, all legendary exists. But now, this lord coming to Throne is actually a half-blood Demon? !

If it is Demon, it is born and humans will not deal with it. But half-blood Demon is different. Many half-blood Demon even cooperate with humans. For example, some stronghold cities that humans have created on the surface, such as Undead Street, have the existence of half-blood Demon. At the beginning, the tomb of the undead brigade, Knight, was also composed of half-blood Demon.

Above the ice floes, although the Frost Moon Alliance is Host’s Body, there are many people from different Magus organizations. After hearing the news, everyone’s minds were alive.

Listening to Angel’s tone, this night Hall Master does not seem to exclude human beings. If they can establish a relationship with the night hall master, it is not only helpful to themselves, but also a strong foothold for their Magus organization in the abyss. Great promotion effect.

You should know that the abyss is much richer than the Magus world. There are almost no weaks in the abyss. Under the influence of a wide range of energy, there are too many “energy resources” born. Nowadays, the human power of the abyss is the Shuangyue family. If you can use this to open up your own channels, this is a long-term strategy for sustainable development!

Everyone thought about this, and couldn’t help but cast their envious eyes on Sanders.

Angel is a Phantom Island lineage, he is clearly one step ahead now!

Faced with the eyes of everyone Envy, Sanders was not so optimistic in his heart. He knew very well that reaching a certain height of the powerhouse could not be at the mercy of others. Looking at Monge or Nereus, they were surprised by the identity of the Half-Blood Demon, but they never thought about other follow-ups.

At this level of powerhouse, it is not easy to maintain a hands-on relationship, let alone go further?

However, after this, Sanders had a deeper understanding of Angel’s degree of trouble.

After listening to Angel, Samantha was also surprised by the status of “Half Blood Demon”, but she was even more surprised that Angel’s tone had already revealed that his understanding of Hall Master this night was actually deeper than they thought. .

“It seems that you should be familiar with Hall Master this night.” Samantha said in a meaningful tone.

Angel’s response is still a vague “several faces”.

“Well, I believe Lord Monge should be judged.” Samantha also knew that Angel must have reservations, but from the current information, the threat value of Hall Master was slightly reduced this night.

However, you can not believe Angel’s one-sided words.

Perhaps, Ye Hall Master does not have a preference for humans, but they do not know whether there is any other deep connection between Austria LuXi Ya and Ye Hall Master. Ou LuXi Alai La Sudran, since it is for the night Hall Master, maybe their relationship has changed and progressed.

This is what they need to consider and measure.

Although troublesome, the relationship is a mess. But for Magus, as long as the information is available, no matter how troublesome it is, it can clarify the truth and find a shortcut. The reason for their confusion before is that there is no reliable source of information, and Angel makes up for this link.

However, Samantha always has an intuition, all of which are too coincidental, Angel may play a role, and there are deeper things to dig up.

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