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Angel looked up at the battle in the sky.

Nitotip covered a space with rain clouds, temporarily protected 2 blood cocoons, Magus tried every means to want to break through the rain clouds, but the results were very small, Nitotip’s battle strength in the rain clouds, very terrifying.

Currently, the two parties are in a stage of confrontation. Nito Tip is obviously wanting to delay the time, the first is to let Demon break the cocoon as soon as possible, 2 is also waiting for the implementation of the Void Shock.

“If you want to break through and go to the news, this time is the most appropriate time,” Angel said secretly.

Without time and the others, Fafner can’t get through this road, and the only thing that can be done at present is to rely on speed breakthrough to encircle this road. After thinking for a while, Angel secretly made up her mind.

Before leaving, he needs to do one more thing.

He can’t take Toby with him when he leaves, so he has to find someone to take care of Toby when he leaves. Angel glanced at Fafner and slowly moved to Canaan … Finally, Angel looked back at Fafner.

After all, Canaan is a Demon, and Angel cannot fully trust it. Although Fafner can’t absolutely trust, but Toby is concerned about the task of Odekras, Fafner should not refuse.

Thinking of this, Angel opened the mouth and said: “Favner Lord, I don’t know … Hey?”

Halfway through the words, just after calling out Fafner’s name, Angel felt an unusual breath outside, as if someone was approaching.

Not only did Angel feel it, but Canaan frowned, looking out through the barriers of the Domain of the Wind: “The owner, there is a shadow outside.”

Angel tentacled the Spiritual Force out of the Domain of the Wind, and really saw the Shadow that Canaan said.

More than a Shadow, under the fiery red rays of light in the sky, one after another Shadow sways in the white smoke produced by the scorched earth, and the twisted refraction of the light makes these Shadows sometimes elongate and sometimes shorten.

It looks like terrifying fairy tales, those evil ghosts hidden in smoke.

Although the Shadow in White Smoke looks terrifying, Angel inexplicably feels that this Shadow seems familiar. With doubts, he tentacled the Spiritual Force into the white smoke, trying to see what was inside.

This exploration, he found a strange place, these Shadows seem to be just a plane, no three-dimensional sense.

Angel is hesitating, whether to use Spiritual Force tentacles to find out the specific situation of Shadow.

However, before he could detect it, he felt a line of sight staring at him, to be precise, his Spiritual Force tentacle. The source of sight does not seem to be the scorched earth around it, but in a distant place.

On the ruins outside several hundred meters, Samantha stared quietly at the suddenly appearing Spiritual tentacles, with strange and doubtful eyes.

“Is he?” Samantha asked softly.

“It seems like this, this Spiritual Force tentacle wraps a layer of eccentric Wind Element, can’t see through the truth and reality.” Kanter replied.

Generally speaking, the strength of the tentacles of Spiritual Force can basically determine the strength of its owner. This Spirit Force tentacle is very strange, Kanter used the night phantom to look up close, and found nothing, only to feel a burst of Wind Element attached to the Spirit Force tentacle.

“Can I find his source?”

“The source is deeper.” When it comes to this, Kanter’s face is solemn: “There is a very dangerous area nearby. I can’t get close. I just lost a phantom just deeper.”

Kanter Paused: “However, that area was the one I found in the sky before, the location of the mysterious shop. Also there, I saw the silhouette of Angel.”

“You mean, Angel should be in that dangerous area?” Samantha asked.

Kanter nodded.

Samantha thought for a moment: “putting it that way, maybe the Spiritual Force tentacle is from Angel?”

Kanter could not confirm that in the demon city full of danger, no one could be sure if it was a trap. When they rushed over before, they saw some precious special materials in a ruin. As a result, as soon as they stepped into the ruin, they triggered the explosion mechanism. Not only that, the loud explosion also attracted the Demon hiding nearby.

Fortunately, those Demon are just little Demon, and the two of them joined together and quickly cleaned up.

“Use the partition method, try to touch.” Samantha said for a moment.

The so-called partition method refers to the Spiritual Force partition method. Cut a section of Spiritual Force and connect it with attachment wire. It has temporary control of this section of Spiritual Force. It is generally used for the exploration of dangerous relics. In case of accidents, it can quickly isolate the source of Spiritual Force and avoid contamination by Spirit.

“Can give it a try, let me come, if it is Angel, I will be more suitable.” Kanter said, immediately cut off a small section of Spiritual Force, for their Magus level, lose some of the Spiritual Force top Mostly just stinging, you can reply after a rest.

Angel was hesitating whether to touch the Shadow. He always felt that when the Shadow showed normal shape, he looked a little familiar.

Just when he was hesitant, a Spirit Force tentacle suddenly appeared nearby, and a familiar Spirit Force wave was issued.

This wave does not have any meaning, and instead of Demon to solve, it is estimated to be confused. But Angel can understand the meaning of the other party, which is to confirm the identity and confirm whether it is friendly.

Angel has a happy heart, and can send out this Spiritual Force fluctuation, which means that the other party is definitely a human Magus. As long as he can confirm the identity of the other party, he might not need to take risks to break into Demon’s defense.

Thinking about this, Angel immediately sent a Spirit Force fluctuation and responded to the other party.

Kanter felt the fluctuation of the Spiritual Force, his expression froze.

Samantha: “How is it?”

Kanter nodded: “It’s him, Angel is right.”

After being confirmed, Samantha looked slightly pale, but there were still doubts in her eyes, just like all other Magus who heard Angel’s name on the ice floe: What is the purpose of Angel’s appearance here?

Samantha didn’t think much, since it was confirmed to be Angel, just ask me directly. Thinking of this, Samantha and Kanter glanced at each other, nodded, and the figure moved at the same time. It was like 2 arrows out of the string, passing the low altitude, and quickly came to the scorched earth.

Before Kanter said that it was a dangerous area, Samantha had not understood what it meant. It was only after she came here that she felt the danger and depression that existed all the time.

Samantha could detect the source of the danger, but she dared not go deeper. She could feel that once she crossed a certain line, those dangers that were just on the side would be turned into real blades.

“That’s it.” Samantha fixed her body, her eyes locked in the white smoke, the Spiritual Force tentacles that seemed ethereal and intangible.

At the same time, Angel also found a visitor in the white smoke.

The first thing I saw was Samantha, whose posture was swaying, and the black waterfall fell on the two peaks, wearing a glazed blue dress, which made her look cold and charming.

Angel had seen her at the Watch Fortress, and Sanders had said something about Samantha. She had a connection with the Barbaric Cave. But Angel’s biggest impression of her was the phrase Sanders mentioned from time to time: a broken glass.

at first Angel thought Sanders was referring to Samantha’s lip gloss, her lips were crystal blue cracked lines and looked like broken glass. One time later, Angel heard the second half of Sanders’ sentence: “Broken glass can never be spelled again.”

Sanders seemed to mean something, not just her lip gloss. Reminiscent of Samantha, who also grew up in a savage cave, and was in the same generation as Sanders, there may be some unknown cats.

After seeing Samantha, Angel was excited.

Speaking of that, Samantha is also a high-level leader of the Frost Moon Alliance, and passed on the news of her human eradication plan to her.

At this time, the shadows around were suddenly closed. When all the shadows disappeared, Angel saw another silhouette-Kanter.

When Angel saw Samantha, he was excited, but after all, he had not been in contact with Samantha. He just heard that Samantha was quite harsh on the savage cave people, so he was still a little nervous. But after seeing Kanter now, the trace of anxiety disappeared completely.

No wonder Kanter was not seen on the ice floes before, but he was also sent to the ground. Angel whispered in a low voice: “However, why did Kanter Lord come here, wouldn’t he also come for the purpose of LuXi Ya?”

Earlier, I told Sinaif that the current situation of the quarry is now. Didn’t expect them to dare to send people. It seems that His obsession is really deep.

But no matter what, at least their arrival saves Angel from taking the risk to go through the customs, which is good for this.

“Angel?” Minoru’s Spirit waved, spreading from Kanter.

Angel immediately replied: “It’s me, Kanter Lord.”

“Angel, tell me, where are you now? Your previous message, the confirmation is true? How do you know these messages? What else do you know?” A series of questions came out of Samantha’s mouth .

Kanter glanced at Samantha and shook his head secretly in the heart. Samantha’s attitude is not wrong in other places. After all, she knows Magus as level 2 and asks about an ordinary Apprentice.

But in this place, at this time, it is too ignorant.

Not to mention that Angel’s news is extremely important. Just because this place is the site of the powerhouse, you must lower your head and lower your posture. Unless the absolute powerhouse has determined to fight against humanity, this question will easily cause counter-effects.

Thinking of this, Kanter did not wait for Samantha to finish, and took the topic: “Angel, are you okay now?”

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