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Maher came to Monch and whispered the status of Mu Ying: “… He is almost unable to hold it now. Once he is released to Demon, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

Maher said for a long time, but found that Munch seemed not at all listening, but fell into contemplation.

“Sir Monge?”

Munch came back to his senses, pondered for a moment, and nodded to Maher: “Since that is the case, then take out Primal Chaos Demon cannon, it has a relatively long startup time, let Mu Ying hold it for a while.”

Maher nodded, Primal Chaos Demon cannon is actually one of their trump cards, from the R & D institute of Sky Machinery City, developed by Muse, 5 years ago, Monge went to the R & D institute, and did a muse with Muse This was a secret transaction.

Primal Chaos Demon cannon formidable power is so powerful that it can smash the continuous void, even if it hides in a different space, it cannot be avoided.

But it has a startup time, which is about one minute. Such a long buffer is enough for the opponent to escape, and it is really not used. On the contrary, it is very suitable for the three Demon bound by the puppet show.

Maher was about to do it, but Munch suddenly asked him an irrelevant question.

“Do you think Angel will be watching here?”

Maher looked puzzled and wondered why Munch suddenly mentioned Angel? Isn’t Angela and Kanter responsible for Angel’s situation?

When Maher opened his mouth, thinking about how to answer, Munch waved his cane: “Forget it, you are busy with you.”

After Munch finished speaking, he walked to Sanders with a gentle pace, leaving only a back for Maher.

When Maher went to fetch Primal Chaos Demon, he looked back with confusion, faintly seeing what Munch seemed to be saying with Sanders.

On the ground, Angel has been looking forward to variables.

The puppet show is ridiculous and weird. It can turn a group of big Demon to play together. After all, the strength of Ke Ying is not enough. If there are no variables, it is estimated that it is difficult to continue.

Finally, when Mu Ying’s face became almost deadly pale, Angel noticed that there was a change on the ice floe.

I saw Maher carrying a black box and came to the front of the battlefield under the protection of a large number of Frost Moon Guards.

Maher opened the black box solemnly. At this moment, Frost Moon’s escort team used a powerful defensive technique to surround Maher in the middle.

Angel looked at Maher curiously, wanting to see what he would take out of the black box?

However, Maher cautiously took out a dark gray shell.

When the cannonball touched the air, the surrounding Space was obviously twisted, like Darkness and chaotic gray mist, which spread from the unknown void and filled the twisted air.

Maher’s fingertips ignited, and flicked light, and the fire fell into the shells … to be precise, it fell into the twisted gray mist, and suddenly disappeared.

Maher held the shell with one hand, and slowly, the shell floated.

From the inner core of the dark gray shell, there was a faint orange light. The moment the light emanated, Angel felt his heart suddenly pause.

An uncomfortable palpitations suddenly rose.

Behind him, Fafner’s face also changed, and he looked at the shell that gradually changed into an orange Fireball with a surprised look.

“This feeling of panic tells me—” Favner frowned, and the halo of orange Fireball reflected in his eyes: “Its formidable power is enough to threaten my life.”

Enough to threaten Fafner’s life? !

“What the hell is this?” Canaan exclaimed.

“It’s something from Sky Machinery City.” Angel also didn’t expect the variable he had been expecting, which actually made him see the familiar mark.

Angel took out a metal card from the bracelet.

The metal card is the access card of the R & D Institute, and the logo on it is exactly the same as the logo on the black box.

“Sure enough, it is a mechanical Alchemy weapon produced by the R & D Institute.” Angel sighed softly. He had not seen Magus in the Sky Machinery City on the ice floe before, and thought they did not participate in the Munch’s plan, but didn’t expect In this way, they support Munch.

Angel simply said about the Sky Machinery City: “The things developed by the R & D Institute are either hidden or not, or they are enough to affect the era of the entire Magus world. This shell is probably the one that is hidden and not sent. But its formidable power … “

Its formidable power does not need Angel to say, Fafner’s previous words have proved everything.

“Listening to the owner said that the status of the R & D institute seems to be very high, why does the owner have the access card of the R & D institute?” Canaan’s eyes were placed on the metal card in Angel’s hand, and Favner also looked over. For Angel’s Identity, she has always been puzzled-not just people outside, Fafner does not understand, why does Odkras also value him very much?

Angel shrugged: “I am a prospective researcher at the Research Institute. Although I have an access card, I have never been to …”

Canaan also seemed to want to ask about the R & D Institute. Angel quickly changed the topic: “The activation time of this shell is so long, it seems that there is a limit to where it can be used. However, it is used in large trapped on the stage. On Demon, it’s very suitable … Hey, look, the shells are sent out ?! “

While Angel was speaking, Maher had already completely activated Primal Chaos Demon.

Now, the hanging cannonball supported by his right hand has become a burning blazing sun. The violent high temperature even burned the surrounding Space into a black hole, like a chaotic virtual ring, wrapping the sun in it.

However, in just one minute, Maher’s state is almost the same as that of Muying. It can be seen that starting Primal Chaos Demon cannon is not so simple.

“Remove the defensive technique!” Maher shouted loudly.

Surrounded by his Frost Moon Guards, the heavy defense was immediately cancelled, and the shells were also loaded by Maher into the empty fort that appeared out of thin air, aimed at the stage of the puppet show, and launched directly!

The long beam of aurora flashes away——

“Stupid idiot, hurry away!” Iyadasai has been paying attention to the movement here. When Primal Chaos Demon can appear at first glance, there is a sense of palpitations, but it has always been entangled by Nereus. There is no way to send a message to the big Demon caught in the stage.

It wasn’t until the shells were fired that Nerous’s attention was distracted, and Iyadasai found an opportunity to shout.

But it is too late.

In that terrifying beam, Iyadasai could not rush into the stage, he could only watch, and the blazing light burst forth.

Iyadasai heard a few screams coming from the direction of the stage of the puppet show, but soon, the screams were annihilated by “buzzing”.

Not only that, at this moment, the whole sky and the world were all illuminated by violent white light. All the people who are close to the stage of the puppet show are blackened by this blazing white light.

Even Angel, whose consciousness blends into the wind, can’t help but shift the main consciousness to the ground.

White light is still going on. For a time, heaven and earth became silent at this moment.

“They … will they die?” Canaan’s sound shook with a trace, even if it was not at all enveloped by the beam of light, but the powerful formidable power still brought it unprecedented shock.

Canaan used to think that humans are weak. But nowadays, no matter whether the shop owner reawakens the woman by the ocean rhythm, or the stage of the puppet show or this powerful artillery shell, the waves are telling it again and again that human beings are not so weak in their imagination.

Angel’s question cannot be answered by Angel. He can only know the specific situation after the white light has dispersed.

“Will you die? It’s hard to say. Humans have a trump card, but it doesn’t mean that Demon doesn’t have a trump card.” Fafner looked towards the dazzling white light in the sky, “This is La Sudran, after all, is Demon’s home, and nobody Know what will happen. “

Angel’s heart moved. Favner’s words meant that the three big Demons could still be alive?

Under this powerful attack, can you still live?

Angel didn’t believe it. After the shells were fired, Angel couldn’t see the specific situation on the stage, but clearly saw the trajectory of the shells, which shattered the entire Space.

This powerful attack of formidable power, Angel has never seen before.

He even suspected that if it were Space Law’s very strong abyss, it would be replaced by a normal World. Perhaps this blow was enough to sink Continent and toss the ocean.

Those 3 big Demon have been hurt by the puppet show stage, can they be caught in the face of such a powerful attack?

After about half a minute, the white light slowly dissipated.

Angel also moved the main consciousness back to the wind in the sky.

Although the wind is controlled by Fafner, Angel can still feel the energy fluctuations, even if there is only a hint of consciousness.

Now the nearby energy is not just a disorder, it can even be said to be “boiling”, showing how terrifying the previous attack!

Angel turned his attention to the position of the stage of the puppet show, but he wanted to see, in this case, Big Demon can really survive?

The stage of the puppet show has disappeared. At the position of the previous stage, there is a gruesome dark vortex.

It is estimated that it was the Space crack that came out of the shell strikes.

And around the dark vortex, it was empty, and no life existed.

There was a burst of cheers from the ice floe.

Angel looked back, and the overall mood on the ice floes was clearly in a high state.

Muying was lying in the pool of blood, and he looked seriously injured, but the corner of his mouth was hooked upwards; Maher ’s condition was also very bad, but his eyes were shining, and he solved 3 big Demon at once, even if he lost one. A Primal Chaos Demon cannon can still not lose.

The expressions of other Magus are also very relaxed.

However, when Angel looked towards Sanders, he found that Sanders was talking to the monkey around him, and his face was not as relaxed as others.

When Angel was wondering, Sanders looked up suddenly, looking towards Angel’s position.

He opened his mouth slightly and meditated–


There was a loud noise in Angel’s head, and he looked at Sanders stunnedly. There was only one thought in his mind: I was found?

“How did Sanders find me?” Before this idea was born, Angel suddenly discovered that Sanders’ eyes turned to the other side–

At the same time, the emotions of Magus on the ice floes suddenly frozen at this moment.

Angel looked in Sanders’ eyes, but in the previous black vortex, there was a faint light and shadow.

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