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According to Angel’s idea, with Fafner’s strength, it should be possible to open Space Passage and leave this void.

However, Fafner answered Angel, still no.

“Although it is not difficult to tear a Space crack, I can’t guarantee where the crack that opens here will lead to.” Fafner shrugged. She is Fenglong, not Void Dragon. The understanding of Space is limited to the surface.

Although La Sudran has a channel to Lake Nimming on the third floor of the abyss, it does not mean that it is really close to Lake Nimming, but it is connected to that’s all by the Time and Space Dao sign on the 3nd side. Therefore, no one can tell where Fafner will reach when he tears the void.

“Then there is no way to leave La Sudran?”

“Yes.” Fafner pointed his finger to the ground: “The void below La Sudran is connected to the inner layer. Go to the inner layer, and then turn to the surface layer from other channels.

Angel eyes shined, I think this is also a method, although the inner layer is more dangerous than the surface layer, but with Fafner, it should be able to sustain it.

However, when he learned to go to the inner layer, he turned to other channels to return to the surface layer. After the required time, Angel was silent.

At least 2 weeks, and it must be smooth all the way.

In 2 weeks, everything was late. Moreover, with the formidable power of Toby Doom, it is estimated that whether they can come out of the abyss is a problem.

Angel’s face is missing, why is it that the ban will appear at this time?

Has Toby’s doom has broken through the ice?

Angel returned to the store door again, Prapa saw Angel’s lost expression, and asked with some worry: “The owner, are you okay?”

Angel: “It’s fine now, but if I don’t leave La Sudran again, I’ll be fine.”

“Is it so serious?” Prapa whispered in a low voice: “I listened to the meaning of Hall Master before. The martial law should not be too long this time.”

Angel also recalled what Prapa said. At night, Hall Master asked him not to leave the Hallucinatory cabin for 2 days.

Does this mean that this time martial law is only 2 days?

“Ye Hall Master …” Angel suddenly remembered something and he looked up towards Prapa: “You help me go back and ask Ye Hall Master if there is any way to leave La Sudran as soon as possible. Also, this time martial law How long will it last? “

Seeing Angel’s solemn look, Prapa understood that this might be really important for Angel.

Prapa nodded: “Okay.”

Prapa turned his head and left, while Angel leaned against the door of the store, thinking of countermeasures.

In fact, Odekras didn’t really set a time limit for Angel. The reason why Angel left so anxiously was all because of the curse of Toby and the others.

If he really ca n’t leave, then he must find a way to prolong the escape of the doom curse on Toby.

Is there such a talented Demon in the big La Sudran?

Angel also does not expect to lift the curse of doom, as long as he can continue to delay for a while. Anyway, he still has several 10000 Demon gold coins on his body, and it is useless to get this thing in the Magus world, so even if it is spent all, Angel will not be distressed.

There was a rustling sound in his ear, Angel raised his head and saw Canaan coming out of the grove on one side.

“Mog Helm’s left eye is really a bit strange.” As Canaan came over, he whispered in Angel’s ear: “It just stared at me just now, I just looked at it, and it started asking me again I didn’t tell it about the reason for the darkness, but it seemed to know everything, and asked me if La Sudran was martial law? “

“It keeps asking you things?”

Canaan nodded: “It always feels a bit wrong, it seems completely contrary to Mog Helm’s consciousness, just like the owner said before, as if it was parasitized by other creatures.”

Angel looked up and looked towards Mog Helm in the distance.

Coincidentally, when Angel looked over, Mog Helm’s left eye also looked at them.

Its black pupils turned into a black mist at this time, and several characters were arranged in each pupil in its pupils.

This is Demon language, unfortunately, Angel didn’t understand what it meant.

“It, yes, no, yes, come, came?” Canaan read it word by word, and after reading it was confused: “Who is coming? Who is it referring to?”

Angel shook his head. He didn’t know what happened to this eye. “Forget it, you’d better ignore it. A powerful Demon is parasitized by other creatures. It’s a dangerous thing to get close to it.”

Angel withdrew his gaze, just at this time, the sound of Prapa came from the forest path.

Prapa brought a message from the night, “Hall Master said, the dawn will soon come.”

“Just this one? I asked you, is there a way to leave here?” Angel frowns asked.

Prapa: “I asked about this sentence, but Hall Master said nothing.”

Angel fell into thought, since the night Hall Master only brought this sentence, it should also have his intention.

——The moment of dawn will soon come.

The so-called daybreak refers to the dawn through the night. The dawn of light obviously means that the light is coming.

That night Hall Master means that the light source of the sky giant tower will be bright soon?

But even guessing this answer, Angel didn’t let go. “Soon” in Ye Kou is a pan-conceptual vocabulary. Ten minutes and ten days belong to the category of “soon” for Demon. Who knows whether Ye refers to the former or the latter?

Angel thought for a while and said to Prapa: “Help me again–“


After returning to the roof, Angel asked the silhouette on the trunk of the tree: “Favner Lord, will La Sudland have a Demon to curse doom?”

Fafner eyes opened: “Demon is not without proficiency in curses, but if you can meet it here, it is difficult to say.”

Angel sighed, can only pray, Prapa can find a Demon with a way to curse doom.

He called Prapa alone before, and asked Prapa to help him out and ask about it.

As long as you can find a Demon that can temporarily block the curse, then what he is confused about now can be solved.

While Angel was silently expecting Prapa to succeed, a natural phenomenon suddenly appeared again throughout La Sudran. In the deep night, one after another fire rune appeared.

It was like there was a flame of nothingness that was burning this night.

The moment the natural phenomenon appeared, the sky in La Sudran was once again filled with Demon looking for the source of the natural phenomenon. However, they are like headless flies, flying around in the sky, but in the end they still have not found the source of natural phenomena.

On the other side, Angel looked at the “night flames”, but his eyes were stunned.

The natural phenomenon in front of me is strikingly similar to the painting “Night” in the Quarry Museum. As if the World in the painting overlaps with the true world.

“What’s the situation?” Angel unconsciously turned his eyes to the direction of the prey hall: “Could it be that the flames in that painting have completely obscured the night? Night Hall Master intends to fade the shackles and cross over there tonight last step?”

At the same time, in a corner of La Sudran, a palace burning Nether Fire, a gnome of flames and a waitress in red robe stood respectfully in front of an icy blue flame.

The icy blue flame slowly expanded, and finally, it became a full 2 meters high.

When the flame of the flame gradually turned green, a shadow suddenly appeared in the center of the flame.


A boot glowing with silver light stepped out of the flames and landed on the smooth ground, making a clear sound. Soon, the owner of these boots also came out of You Yan.

When it appeared completely, the ice blue flame behind it slowly disappeared, and finally turned into a blue light, falling into the eyes of the comer.

“Australian LuXi Ya Lord.” As the caller stood, the flame dumplings and the fiendish demon next to them lowered their heads at the same time.

The silhouette, called LuXi Asia, is still full of flames, and its face is not clear.

Ao LuXi Ya nodded, did not return their words immediately, but moved towards the side door of the temple. When Austria LuXi Ya pushed the side door open, he immediately saw the dark night outside, and … the fire rune burning in the sky.

After staring at it for a while, Ou LuXi’s sub-lip angle slightly raised an arc.

“Yuanhuo finally appeared.”

The fire demon who came behind Austria LuXi Ya respectfully said: “Australia LuXi Ya Lord, Yuanhuo was born in Hall Master of a game house, are we going now?”

LuXi Ya looked at the fire rune of the faintly discernible sky, indifferently said: “It’s not urgent, it’s not time. Now, Yuanhuo is still in its infancy, waiting for a while.”

Since Austria LuXi Ya said so, they naturally have no opinion.

After a long time, LuXi Ya turned her head towards the flame dumpling behind the fiery demon, “Grey Wu, do you look very unhappy?”

The flame dumpling is the young Demon Greywood, who turned his head and said in a vague and grunting sound: “No.”

LuXi Ya looked at the awkward Greywood, smiled and said: “Since it is still a while before Yuanhuo is born, then I will go to the store you said?”

Greywood turned his head instantly, his bleak eyes rounded: “Really?”

Austria LuXi Ya nodded.

Greywood immediately laughed, and there were some sluggish flames, and then began to swell.

Waiting for the Lord of the Fire, Tantin, he was a bit worried: “Australian LuXi Ya Lord, you are coming alone this time, we better not get out of the way …”

LuXi Ya: “Don’t worry, I’m just curious about Envoy from Fafner and Odkras. Why did you come to La Sudran to open a shop.”

As I said, a white frost white Dragon Scales appeared in front of Austria LuXi Ya. Austria LuXi Ya looked at this Dragon Scales and whispered: “even more how, Bina Jones is still kind to me. I also think I know what’s going on with Bina Jones now. “

Let’s just say, LuXi Yaxin stretches to act, and holds this Dragon Scales back in his palm.

“Let ’s go, I want to see what magic is in that store that will keep Greve in mind.”

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