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Everyone was still talking loudly about the strangeness of the mask, because few people noticed the mask.

Only Sanders glanced at Monkey.

Although Sanders seemed to be alienated from the vortex he was talking about, he was actually observing the movements of others, especially Lord Monge.

Others may not know the truth, but as the people marked by the time thief, Sanders knows some of Munch’s ideas.

In fact, most of the “seeds” marked by the time thief, at at first, they have the same position with the time thief.

Sanders did not want to be shackled by the time thief, and even hated the time thief.

Initially, the same was true for Munch.

As a Heaven Warping Genius, Target is naturally lofty, and truth is the other side they are pursuing. How could they be willing to let the time thief steal his choice? Even if this choice was abandoned by him.

But when did Munch’s ideas start to change?

Is it when he exhausted the resources of the Frost Moon Alliance and could not go further? Was it when he saw a higher grade of World, but it was difficult to match? or is …… When he was in a cultivation, because of the quick utilitarian recently made that choice, when the thief with a ridiculous time showed him a satisfied expression, and never appeared again?

Yes, Munch has never seen a time thief since a cultivation.

During that cultivation, the time thief stole another option and at the same time gave him a lot of compensation to make his battle strength directly reach the top of South Territory. But because of this, he never seemed to be able to get in. At the same time, he never saw the thief of time again. Even if he took the initiative to make many life-changing choices, the thief of time did not reappear.

He knew that the time thief abandoned him completely.

Once the time thief abandons his “seed”, there are only two reasons why the seed itself is not going forward, or that the seed’s “truth choice” has been stolen by it.

Munch knew that he was the latter.

From that day on, Munch no longer hated the time thief, but rather looked forward to seeing the time thief again, but in the end it was all empty.

Later, he decided to sacrifice Bloodline, a descendant of Demon God, to breakthrough Legend because he hadn’t seen a time thief for a long time.

When the road ahead was hopeless, he chose the sword to go slanted.

Therefore, when Mengqi hears the time thief now, his emotions will be so complicated.

Sanders can speculate on Munch’s psychological changes, but he actually sneers at Munch’s morbid psychology.

Munch never thought about it, but his choice was not necessarily wrong. The time thief no longer appears, perhaps just guiding him to make mistakes.

After all, the time thief is an asshole.

He said that it is fair to take the choice you gave up, but in fact he is always doing psychological Suggestion to you, guiding you to make the choice he wants.

It was for this reason that Sanders was so angry after hearing that Angel was marked by a time thief.

However, it seems that Lord Monge is completely obsessed with obsession, even if you tell him that your choice is not wrong, that the time thief that bastard is wrong, it is estimated that he will not listen.

Perseverance and Heart Demon have always been roadblocks on Legend.

Sanders lowered his eyebrows, his eyes dark. When he heard that the sound of the time thief was getting bigger and bigger, he finally opened the mouth and said: “The time thief’s things are good and bad, the more speculative the more crazy. And, now I say these unrelated things Time? “

Sanders looked up: “Your Honor, the message you just mentioned, in addition to impetuous energy and abyss awakening, also mentioned a mysterious shop, what does this mean?”

Sanders ‘words successfully diverted Magus’ attention.

Indeed, the time thieves are too far away from them, and at best it is a chat after dinner. What is more urgent now is the situation in La Sudran. After all, they now hang their lives on their belts and tie them together with the entire Frost Moon.

“Mysterious shop, is it Balalaika in peace?” Senna was speaking, and she murmured in a low voice.

After the trance passed, Munch finally recovered his thoughts. He first took a deep look at Sanders. He could hear Sanders, but it was too late.

Then Mongenius shook his head to Sinaif: “The shop that revives Demoness is not mysterious in Demon’s World.”

“The mysterious store I mentioned, I do n’t know the specific situation. It seems that this is a store that La Sudland opened suddenly in the past two days. Within a short time, this store has stirred up the situation and attracted the attention of countless big Demon . “

The words of the monkey caused the attention and discussion of Magus.

“Is there such a shop in Demon? Mysterious shop, it sounds really mysterious.”

“Isn’t it mysterious thing?”

“Does this mysterious shop have anything to do with the abyss awakening that Lord Monge said before?”

Everyone discussed this small shop one after another, but they had no channel to understand the situation of La Sudran, and all discussions and speculations had no factual basis.

At the end, everyone’s eyes focused on Munch again.

In fact, Munch didn’t get much information. His “eye” in La Sudland was actually Mog Helm who had a war with him. To be precise, it is Mog Helm’s left eye.

Mog Helm, a middle grade Demon, why can he fight with Munch for so long? But it is the layout of that’s all.

Mog Helm’s left eye, which is the secret chess piece of Monge, can only appear when Mog Helm itself is dormant or unconscious. But now, Mog Helm not at all plans to take a break, and he still gets too little news.

However, it is not entirely absent.

“There is another news.” Munch hesitated for a moment: “The mysterious shop deep in the rumors is called Hallucinatory.”

“Hallucinatory?” Everyone sucked at the news. There was no clue, but he made himself look at the Hallucinatory.

When Sanders heard the name, somehow, the heartbeat was inexplicably out of order.


On the other side, Angel’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated a few points.

He rubbed his eyes and raised his eyebrows again towards the gradually disappearing red silhouette on the street in the distance.

“Yes, this feeling, so familiar …” Angel murmured in a low voice.

He is now on the roof of the Hallucinatory shop, not far from the tall branches spreading over, covering a trace of shade, and also mottled tree shadows on his face.

Fafner rested on the branch of a big tree not far away.

The reason why he chose to stay here is actually because of the aura around Favna. In this field of wind, no big Demon can see in his eyes.

Originally Angel was meditating here, but suddenly, his afterglow glanced at a fiery red silhouette on the street in the distance. Although it was only a flash away, Angel felt a familiar wave.

“It should be the chain I refined …” Angel asked suspiciously: “But wasn’t that chain given to Popota? Also, Popota also performed Blood Soul sacrifice, and should not appear in other In the hands of people. “

The fiery silhouette, also looks like Demon, not human? Is it really his illusion?

Angel rubbed his temples, his face confused. If you think about it carefully, even if it is really Popota, he should not appear in La Sudran at this time.

“It should be my illusion.” With this thought in mind, Angel was lying on the roof again, shaded by the leaves, and made a false sleep like Fafner.

As time passed, about half an hour later, the sound of Canaan suddenly passed from the courtyard into Angel’s ear.

“Owner, I found it outside! It was the former pig Fiend!”

Angel opened some misty eyes and looked down with a puzzled expression, but saw Canaan standing at the gate of the yard, pointing to the white skinny Demon lying down on the ground.

If you take a closer look, it is the Mog Helm who participated in the experience tour in the store.

“How can it lie down here?” Angel asked suspiciously.

Canaan shook his head: “I don’t know what happened. It fell from the sky and fell directly here. It looks like it’s coma, the shopkeeper, what do we do now?”

Angel frowned, and he was about to leave La Sudran soon, so he didn’t want to have a relationship with Demon here. In particular, Mog Helm is a powerful Demon who has fought against Monarch for a long time.

However, it is not good to just let Mog Helm fall in front of his store.

Angel thought for a while: “You move it aside, as long as you don’t block the guest, it doesn’t matter how comatose it wants to be.”

Canaan is nodded. In fact, for these comatose Demon, the local residents of Rasudran usually grabbed the light and then saw whether they could sell the money. But this pig Fiend, whose cause of coma is unknown, is very powerful, and it is easy to roll over if he is robbed.

So Angel ignored what he said and Canaan agreed.

It created two phantom arms of water, put Mog Helm up, and put it under the big tree at the end of the forest.

Canaan was settled and was ready to return. But at this time, in the unconscious Mog Helm, his left eye pupil appeared strange again.

The pupil of black becomes the character of each and everyone.

Because there were no guests for a while, and Canaan did not rush back, standing beside him, all these characters were taken into his eyes.

“Tell your eyes? This is not enough.” Canaan shrugged: “In other words, are your left eye and body two kinds of consciousness?”

The left eye not at all answered Canaan, but continued to develop new characters.

This time the character did not call Canaan to sing its eyes, but asked, “What’s going on with your shop?”

“Aren’t you experienced it? Oh, yes, you didn’t experience it, it was your noumenon experience.” Canaan laughed. This left eye looks really separate from the ontology consciousness of Pig Fiend, could it be Some kind of creature? or is, the consciousness born on its own?

Anyway, Canaan thought it was quite interesting.

“What is your shop managing?” The characters change again.

Canaan: “It’s a journey of experience, what do you ask to experience? It’s the rhythm of water, the rhythm of the ocean. Anyway, you are just an eye and you can’t experience it. Why do you ask so much?”

The characters are still changing, but at this time, there are footsteps in the woodland in the distance, and there are obviously guests coming. Canaan waved his hand: “If there is a guest, I will go first.”

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