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“You let the materials you find for you, Ye you have it?” Favner asked.

“The rest are all there, and there are fragments of the stone passing the fire. Ye Hall Master said he would wait another day.”

Fafner frowned, pondered then said: “If you only wait one day, it should be fine.”

In fact, there is mutual suspicion between Demon. It should take a while for the awakeners’ events to ferment. And there is a reaction period after the remission period, one day, it should still be able to wait.

“Then wait another day.” Fafner nodded and said.

Since I have to wait a day, then the next day, how to spend it, was brought up by Fafner.

Angel thinks for a while, he knows that it has been stared at by many Demon, and has eyes on it anytime, anywhere, it is a little inconvenient to do anything. Moreover, this day, if he changed his past habits, it might make other Demon accelerate the time for the awakening event to ferment.

He thought about it and finally decided to wait until the wood house was repaired and continue to open business as planned.

To continue the business, you can let the Demon who secretly observes him feel a little relieved, indicating that he is still as usual, so that they can relax and perceive the condition of the Hallucinatory cabin.

If you behave too abnormally, close the shop and be cautious, it will make Demon feel guilty.

It’s better to make doubts and let Demon spend time thinking about the doubts.

Fafner has no objections to Angel’s decision. She believes in her strength. Anyway, there is only the last day. No matter what kind of difficulties she faces, she has full confidence to deal with it.

In this case, Fafner continued to rest on the tree trunk, and Angel returned to the front yard.

The speed of Canaan’s work is amazing. His deity is standing still at the gate, but it is controlling several phantom arms of water at the same time, one side is cutting trees, and the other is repairing a wood house. When he saw Angel coming, Canaan had time to greet him.

Angel nodded to it, and then moved a stump as a stool, lying down halfway to rest, waiting for Canaan to repair the wood house.

In the process, Angel noticed that Canaan looked at him from time to time, frowning, and hesitant footsteps.

“If you have any questions, just ask.” Angel said.

“Owner, I just want to know if the situation of Pan Nasi’s succubus was …” Canaan hesitated for a long time, and said the doubt that had been hidden in his heart: “Is it awakening?”

As this question came down, Angel inexplicably felt a bit cold in his back. The surroundings seemed calm, without any waves, but he noticed that Falna, who was lying on the tree trunk not far away, suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at him with coldly.

Fafner’s actions represent Angel’s feelings.

Before he talked to Fafner, Fafner didn’t know what to do so that other Demon could not sense their conversation. But now, that kind of shielding mechanism has obviously disappeared. When Canaan asked this question, there must be countless Demon’s eyes on him.

Even if these Demon observing in the dark, not at all tilted the slightest smoke, there was no energy fluctuation, but the sense of have one’s hair stand on end locked by people’s attention still made Angel find clues.

Angel knows: There must be countless Demon watching him and waiting for his answer.

He was frowned, a look of ‘again’. Rubbing his swollen temple, Angel said helplessly: “Awakening? You ask me, how do I answer you?”

“I’m not a Demon again, how do I know what awakening is, what is the state of awakening?” Angel said, waving Canaan to the side.

“Hurry up and continue to work, wait for the repaired wood house, and continue to open the shop. Today, I earned a little Demon gold coins and was demolished, waiting to receive more guests, otherwise I would be killed. “

Angel’s foul-mouthed, stunned Canaan, I don’t know how the owner suddenly changed. The owner was only closed for half a day in the past few days, and the reception is 9000Demon gold coins. ‘The situation?

Canaan was a little confused, but the shop owner seemed to have nothing wrong, so it could only be nodded and go back to the repairing post.

When Canaan left, the sense of being watched by Angel slowly disappeared.

He let out a sigh of relief. At the moment, Angel felt like an actor on stage, playing his acting skills and performing a superb performance while being watched by countless audiences.

Maybe it’s not superb, maybe it’s just poor acting, but it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, the information he should have revealed has been revealed: he does n’t know what awakening is, but my shop will continue to open, you can explore it yourself.

This is his attitude.

The repair of Canaan was quick, Angel took a rest, and the Hallucinatory shop was rebuilt, and even the smashed signboard was rewritten by Canaan.

However, the Demon text written by Canaan this time is much better than Angel’s handwriting.

The word “Hallucinatory”, under the faint appearance of water, really has a taste of Hallucinatory.

“The shopkeeper, it’s ready.” Canaan Road.

Angel murmured in his heart: Why is it so fast?

But on the face, he praised Canaan’s nodded: “Very good, sort out the situation in the store a little, and prepare to open the store.”

After all, Angel walked indifferently into the store and returned to the attic on the second floor. Canaan has also re-engraved the previously destroyed tables, chairs and bed cabinets.

There was a hint of water vapor in the air, as well as the unique scent of Xinmu.

Angel sat back in his chair, did nothing, and his mind was empty, purely in the dark and quiet attic, waiting for a little time to pass.

After re-opening the shop, Angel thought that there would be a peak immediately, but there was nothing.

After opening the shop for an hour, there were no guests.

“Don’t the Demon who watched in secret send outposts to investigate?” Angel asked doubtfully, but thought about it and thought it was good, no one came there, it was better, anyway, he is now delaying time, time one You can leave when you pat on the ass.

In this way, one hour, 2 hours … Time slowly passed.

It wasn’t until late at night that the light source of the tower of La Sudland was dimmer than before, and finally the first guests were welcomed.

But these guests are not here to participate in the experience tour.

These are three small demon with thin body, porcelain white body, and a head like a mushroom head, with four pairs of green muscles with exposed wings.

According to Canaan, this is a kind of Demon called “little gargoyle”. It is named because of its similar appearance to gargoyle, but in fact the two are not at all.

The little gargoyles are generally the slaves of Big Demon.

When the three little gargoyles flew from the sky in the distance, they came with a leather bag together. After landing, they put the leather bag in the yard and explained their intention.

“This is the compensation sent by my family’s Master.”

Angel at first has n’t responded yet, but remembered later. He told Concubine before that compensation for damage to the shop is necessary. And this is the compensation from the concubine.

After the gargoyle brought the compensation, he flew away non-stop.

Angel, with curiosity, untied the leather bag. As the tight leather bag was opened, a bloody head rolled out of it.

This seems to be the head of a monster, like a bull’s head but without horns. Its skin looks a bit familiar.

While Angel was thinking, a tanned leather sheet appeared out of thin air, falling like a feather, falling down on Angel’s hand.

There is a familiar water-cooled charm on the paper, there is no doubt that it must have been left by Nu.

“I don’t like to eat the head of the little fly, it should be your compensation.”

Little flies? ! Angel seemed to think of something. In his mind, he built the “server” of the Eye of Nalda. With the server running, the head, which seemed very “fresh”, became an aggregation of countless information in Angel’s eyes.

“Void Demon!” Angel’s eyes burst into ecstasy: “It really is the head of Simos!”

Previously he only got bones and skin from the concubine. At that time, he was a bit puzzled. If the concubine only eats meat, should the skull still be there? However, Angel had doubts at that time, but sorry asked the exit.

didn’t expect, I actually sent the head of Simos over!

The skull of Simos is the hardest part of its bones. It can be said that whether it is armor or weapons, it is the best material.

The eyes of Simos are also essential materials for many spatial equipment.

Angel couldn’t help but find out the Spiritual Force tentacles inside the skull … the brain is still there, but this is the material for refining Peak potions, and I heard that some of the high-level techniques of the Space Department Magus also need to use the brain of Simos as Casting materials.

Perhaps it was the least worth mentioning to the woman, and it was given to it by Iyadasai. But for Angel, this is probably the most precious item he got in La Sudland.

This is the complete head of a monster of true knowledge!

Moreover, this monster is a very special Space monster!

Angel took out the polymer of the floating water, diluted it with water, and immersed the head of Simos directly in it.

After all this was done, he cautiously put it in the bracelet.

Instructing Canaan to continue to greet guests here, Angel returned to the attic with a happy face. After returning to the attic, Angel couldn’t help but take out the head of Simos and watch it repeatedly, his face full of satisfaction.

“It’s also worth your pleasure in this thing? Sure enough, it’s an ignorant human being.”

Fafner’s sound came from the skylight, but after a sarcasm, the words turned and said: “A guest came to the door. By the way, there are several Demon inside, there is a smell of disgust.”

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