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La Sudran standing in the void is a great monument.

At this moment, in a wild forest on the southern outskirts of La Sudland, a purgatory slave who had just crossed through from Lake Nimming was looking at the shadowy architectural aura in the distance with his amazing eyes.

“Is this La Sudran? Nightless City that never falls.” He whispered: “Compared to the Sky Machine City, it’s not much easier. Is it because of the peerless Great Demonic God standing behind it?” “

It is strange to say that it is obviously a purgatory slave, but he is talking about the common language of human beings.

“Finch, what are you whispering about?” A buzzing buzzing sound came out of the mouth of another purgatory slave holding a fiery giant axe in front.

“It’s nothing, just emotion, La Sudran is so magnificent.” After changing the previous human lingua franca, its lips that were stained with fiery red lava lightly opened, with secretive murmured Demon words from the sparrow’s mouth. Came out.

“Sure enough, it is a wild species without knowledge. La Sudran is actually only average in the Demon cities in the barren side.” Giant axe Yannu looked disdainful.

The barren side? what is this? There were some doubts in the sparrow’s heart, but instead of asking, he used a complimented expression: “It seems that Kaiduo Lord has seen many Demon cities?”

The purgatory Yan slave holding giant axe is Kaido. It held up its gritty head, and a breath of fire erupted from its nasal cavity: “That was natural. I followed Nigal Lord before! Even Mozambique, where the lord returns, has been seen from afar It ’s the real Gods Vestige. “

Kaiduo triumphantly talked about his past experience, but listening in the ears of sparrows was extremely boring. Because many words in Kaiduo’s rhetoric are “far seen”, “I have heard”, “herald” … It is estimated that the city of Demon it has experienced is actually 2 or 3, and La Sudran It is also the largest Demon city it has experienced.

Seeing Kaido seems to be addicted, the sparrow suddenly said: “Kaido Lord, Mozambique you just said, sounds like a great Demon city, I don’t know what it is like?”

Kaido was stunned. As a slave, he glanced far away, and he was blinded by the flames of purgatory. How do I know what it looks like.

But in front of the newly-received younger brother, Kaiduo was not clear that he did not know.

It lasted for a long time, and finally said: “Anyway, it’s very big and magnificent … You, the Ono species who don’t know the origin of the family, can’t go in this life, ask so much.”

It is said to be a wild species, and the sparrow is sad for a moment. This was caught by Kaiduo, thinking that he had found a break. This Ono species actually dared to ask questions to make it difficult for you. Uncle Kaiduo, when he was excited, he said it was more addictive.

“No ethnic origin, no emblem, a male Yan slave actually took the name of a succubus? Sparrow? What’s this name, it’s almost the face of our Yan Yan clan!” Kai Duo’s huge nostrils spew white murky, squinting the “low” sparrow: “Also, as a male slave, the weapon we exercise should be the giant axe hammer, you actually learn females, make a chain … who are you going to tie? ? Tie yourself? “

When Kaiduo scolded similarly, they had already reached the periphery of La Sudran.

A few silhouettes of Demon had appeared not far away, and Kaido shut up in due course. They are purgatory Yan slaves. In terms of status, they are worse than the half-blood Demon by the first class. In fact, they are mostly Demon’s domestic slaves. Moreover, it is not the role of steward or personal servant, it is the kind of cannon slave that can be abandoned at any time.

They only look fierce, but their strength is very low. In the abyss, all Demon despised the Yan slaves.

But the Purgatory Flame Slave is also good, at least Demon will not kill them casually.

For Demon, Purgatory Flame Slave is much better than some so-called half-blood Demon, at least the bloodline of Purgatory Flame Slave serves Demon from the root. But half-blood Demon, because bloodline confuses, has also produced a lot of anti-bone.

Kaiduo suddenly shut up, and the intentional opening and closing movements became cautiously after entering La Sudland. This kind of acknowledging performance made the sparrows behind him sneer in the heart.

Sparrow is the first time he has visited La Sudland and the first time he saw Demon’s trading fair.

He turned his head curiously and looked at this city, which was completely different from what he had imagined, and now he does not have a panoramic view, maybe it won’t take long, and he will never see it again.

However, he is now on the edge of the suburb of La Soutran. Even if there is a building, it is not exquisite. For example, in the jungle on the right, there is actually a simple little wood house ——

“Hallucinatory? With this name, what kind of business is this wood house doing?” Sparrow spooked in the heart.

“What are you looking at?” Kaido also looked at the small wood house in the forest not far away, following the eyes of the sparrow. When I saw the size of the wood house, Kaido snereed: “This small building, and this door, is actually shorter than my height. It is estimated that this store will not be able to attract business in this life.”

As soon as Kai Duo’s voice fell, he saw that the door of the small wood house was pushed open, and a blue-skinned half-blood Demon came out of it, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

“It’s definitely not a guest!” Kaido said firmly: “It is estimated that this store is an employee.”

Then, the second half-blood Demon came out.

“This … this is also an employee, certainly not wrong.”

The 3rd, 4th … Until the tenth half-blood Demon came out, Kai Duo’s eyes were already squinted, how could such a small shop have customers come to visit? Are n’t the half-blood Demon in La Sudland proud? Such a short door, they are absolutely impossible to step in?

“Aren’t these half-blood Demon guests?” Sparrow winked, looking curious.

Kaido wanted to blurt out “yes,” and finally choked back. If it’s just two, that’s all, so many half-blood Demon came out of that store, and it couldn’t help it.

Kaido couldn’t help but say, “I haven’t seen this wood house when I came last time. Probably just a few half-blood Demon are in the crowd and can’t afford any waves.”

After Kaido’s sentence fell, an ice-blue Demon came out of the wood house.

Although it is only a small Demon, it also belongs to the well-known figure in the small Demon, which is completely different from the weak half-blood Demon.

“This … this is just an example.” Kai Duo blushed.

At this time, the ground suddenly shook a few times, but saw behind the small wood house, in the yard where there was nothing, suddenly there were more ripples, and a troll with ice crystals all over the body stepped out of the ripples.

“Is this ripple the Illusion technique for shielding? This is the ice troll!” The sparrow can’t help cry out in surprise. The ice troll is already a middle grade Demon, and it is related to the winter troll. Relationship, the Winter Troll also belongs to the top in middle grade Demon!

The appearance of the ice troll in this small shop in the wilderness made Kaido completely unbelievable.

Kaido shivered and pointed in the direction of the wood house, and seemed to want to say …

But at this time, the sparrows are a little unbearable, and it said: “Kedor Lord, you don’t have to say it.”

Kaiduo’s mouth is like being cursed by Ling Ling, and whatever he says, it will be reversed.

The sparrow shook his head, and Keiduo, who was already smoky above his head, walked deep into La Sudran.

While leaving, Sparrow suddenly felt that someone was looking at him.

He looked back, but found nothing. On the roof of the Hallucinatory hut not far away, a dark-skinned woman was yawning and stretching.

Is it his illusion?


Fafner stretched his lazy waist and rested on the roof lazily for a long time before recalling a strange message he had captured when he woke up.

Fafner bowed his head for a moment, and she recalled a silhouette in her mind.

It was a purgatory slave that she saw a while ago, with a slightly thin body, a light flame burning on her body, and a scarlet chain, like a fire snake, slowly moving around him.

At first glance, this purgatory flame slave is not at all.

However, Fafner raised her eyebrows. She found obvious traces of camouflage on the purgatory Yan slave, and the soul of the Yan slave was obviously a humble human.

“A man has come to La Sudland?” Angel is now in the 2-Layer loft of a small wood house, and the windows opened here are just connected to the roof of the wood house.

Fafner was lying on the roof halfway, her side was the skylight in the attic: “Yes, you don’t seem surprised.”

“There are many human beings, it has nothing to do with me anyway.” Angel shrugged. He had heard when he watched the fortress. Magus would sneak into the inner Demon city to gather intelligence. So there are humans here. It is not unacceptable.

He has more concerns now than these irrelevant things.

For example, make money. As another example, complete the model of the half door in the Thinking Space.

A sound of wind chimes sounded from the courtyard below.

“It seems that a new group of guests has arrived again.” Angel took out the ocean rhythm and said to Favner, “I’m going down first.”

As she walked down from the second floor, Angel saw Canaan using a fluent Demon language, explaining with a new group of guests a tongue-in-cheek, while extending to act to draw a circle in the air and wrap it up. Fresh water steam hit the wind chimes outside the courtyard.

The previous wind bell was the signal that Canaan passed to him.

At this time, Canaan did not look like the ragged clothes she wore yesterday, but used the mimicry of Water Attribute to create a set of unpredictable water skirts for her. One is beautiful, and the other is to show you the Water Attribute to the guests. Of affinity.

Canaan spoke quickly, and Angel knew nothing about Demon. Only the last sentence understood.

—— “The owner is here, everyone’s experience journey will start immediately.”

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