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When Canaan stumbled across the Hallucinatory hut, he found that it was not the first to be found.

In the forced little wood house, Canaan saw three half-blood Demon of Water Attribute, and a gruesome three crocodiles.

Canaan thought he might come a little late in the evening when he came, but who knew it had just entered, he heard a good sound: “This beautiful lady, are you also coming to participate in the experience tour? “

Canaan subconsciously nodded, and then looked towards the opposite side, it should be Boss, don’t know which race it will be … Hey?

Canaan carefully looked at the brilliant young man across from her. Was she not mistaken? The dark pupils represent the characteristics of the abyss native people.

Eh? ! Boss is an abyss native people?

While Canaan was still shocked by the fact, the boss opposite had already smiled and said: “That’s right, plus you have the minimum configuration of just 5 people in the future, yes, we are here to pay first and then experience, as the top 6 Guest, I only charge 200 Demon gold coins. “

Canaan was actually surprised by the identity of Boss’s native people. It wasn’t until Boss stretched out his hand in front of it that it reacted. The other party was collecting money.

When he learned that he wanted 200 Demon gold coins, Canaan’s shock at the owner’s identity all turned to doubts about the price.

200 Demon gold coins is not a small number. Canaan has lived in La Sudran for nearly ten years, and there are only more than 300 gold coins saved. This time it has to go 2/3, which makes it a bit hesitant.

After a while, Canaan found that none of the other Demon had objected to the price, did it think it was too expensive? It raised its head and looked at the other Demon, and found that they all looked calm, but the 3 crocodiles kept looking at the window behind it. Was it an illusion, how did they feel that the 3 crocodiles were shaking?

“How? If you do n’t participate this time, you will not have this benefit. If you want to experience it next time, you can only give the original price of 300 Demon gold coins.”

The owner’s words made Canaan hesitant.

At this time, it seemed that there was another step outside.

“Here is a guest again. If you don’t make a decision anymore, you will miss the welfare this time.” The owner’s sound lingered in Canaan’s ear.

Canaan looked at the half-blood Demon around him, and then looked back at a little Demon who was walking towards the store. At this moment, it remembered the picture of being deceived by the snake tail Demon, and also remembered it. That day, Tianhe was full of blue light.

“Okay!” Canaan decided to take a gamble and took 2 bags out of the natural bag attached to his arm.

When the bag fell on the table, there was a jingle of metal collision.

Canaan still wants to give it a try. Even Prapa has a breakthrough day, why can’t it? What it contains within the body is not the bloodline of UFO Demon, but the Ocean Demon!

“Well, as the sixth guest of our shop, you enjoy a discount of 6 Demon gold coins.” The owner smiled and received 200 bags full of Demon gold coins, and then turned around to look towards a little Demon coming in .

This is a floating little Demon covered with green spikes, named Stinger.

“This gentleman, welcome. Are you going to participate in the experience tour? Exactly, plus you have a minimum configuration of 6 … Our price is 300 Demon gold coins.”

The owner seems to have said that, the newly arrived stinger, he immediately returned to the original price of 300 Demon gold coins, which makes the Canaan and other Demon who paid the price a little bit in his heart.

However, the new Stinger is not buying it. He heard about it at the door before. The previous batch is 200 Demon gold coins. How come it is his turn to increase the price?

The most important thing is that the person in front of me is just a native people, and he has the courage to be so impudent to it.

The fire in the stinger’s heart came up, but he never thought about it. There was not only a Demon in the shop, but there was also a three-headed crocodile over there.

When Stinging Demon displays superiority and mocks the shopkeeper in all directions, its end is doomed.

In the pitying eyes of the three crocodiles, the stinger was grabbed out of the window by a dark-skinned woman.

Previously, because the three crocodiles were too large, blocking the situation outside the window, now Canaan clearly sees that the window is just … a mess, corporations everywhere across the field.

The three crocodiles turned their heads and whispered to the half-blood Demon next to them, “I almost did it before. Fortunately, I had a sharp eye and looked out the window.”

Canaan now understands why the guests around him have no objections. They are not calm at all, but are afraid to speak?

“Since there are no new guests, only five of you are together, ready, your experience journey is about to begin, I hope you can be satisfied with this journey.” After the owner said, he murmured: 5 It seems to be a little loss, just make ten more and open again next time?

Canaan felt that he had come to a place where every cell in his body was happily jumping up and down–the sea.

However, this sea is different from what it has seen in the past. This is a sea where storms are brewing.


Angel rubbed his faint head, and the poison stinger had poison all over him. Even when talking, accidentally knowing that it will release a slight poison mist. Although it is not a deadly poison, he is still a little uncomfortable as a human being.

While the first group of guests began to experience the rhythm of the ocean, Angel took out a bottle of antidote, he did not drink it, just smelled it, and slightly relieved his head dizziness.

“It’s worthy of being a weak human being, not even this kind of poison resistance.” Not accidentally, Fafner’s sarcasm followed.

Angel did not refute this. Humans are indeed weak in the Intelligent Races of the Pan-plane, and Magus also admits this. That’s why there are many Magus to replace parts for themselves. Sometimes, don’t look at the appearance of Magus on the surface. It is estimated that it is more scary than some of the terrifying games in Earth after its recovery.

Speaking of transplantation, Angel unconsciously looked towards the 3 crocodiles immersed in the rhythm of the ocean.

speaking of which, one of the most popular bloodlines in the abyss, has the bloodline of 3 crocodiles. According to legend, although the three crocodiles are small Demon, its bloodline seems to be related to the well-known figure in the Big Demon, Three Headed Hound. It turns out that the two bloodlines are very different in terms of strength, but The contact really seems to be a little bit. Because after transplanting bloodline of 3 crocodiles, Cerberus transplantation, whether it is organ or bloodline, the success rate has been significantly improved.

The three-headed crocodile bloodline was too popular, and it was too clean to be attacked by humans on the outside, and even Magus wondered if it would be extinct. But didn’t expect met such a one in La Sudland.

“I heard that the three crocodiles were almost killed by humans. Why, are you going to take advantage of it?” Favner’s sound came, and when he talked about fighting and killing, there was a little excitement in his speech.

Angel shook his head. Although the three crocodiles were indeed valuable, he wanted to earn magic crystals. The more common way was that there was no need to put himself a black shop sign on the first day of opening.

“I was just thinking, what should I do if the guests who come to the store are so big, or a little bigger?” Angel looked sad. Before, he thought that the store was smaller and it didn’t matter. Anyway, he couldn’t stay long, but now When there are more guests, Demon’s body shape is different. If there is a big guy in the store, what should I do?

“You don’t worry about customers now?” Fafner remembers, not long ago this mankind was still thinking about how to open up new channels for making money.

“There will be visitors, and as Ye said, there will be more and more.”

Angel is confident now, he has learned that Prapa is helping them to promote the shop outside. The wine is indeed afraid of deep alleys, but what if someone takes the initiative to promote the wine to others?

Angel was inconvenient to publicize before, because its identity is easy to expose, and Fafner can’t do this kind of thing, so all he can do is wait for the guests to take the initiative.

Now that Prapa has helped him propagate, it has really brought popularity. Once these guests have experienced the experience journey, they naturally understand that the value for money is excellent.

If there are more guests, even if you do n’t advertise, as long as there is another kind of “exciting natural phenomenon” similar to Prapa, there will definitely be a curious Demon, and then the problem of customer sources will naturally be resolved.

Even if there is no natural phenomenon similar to Prapa, as long as the Demon experiencing the experience tour is slightly changed and found by other Demon around them, they will find the “Hallucinatory” hut.

Therefore, Angel believes that the problem should be in a good direction.

It’s just hard to tell if you can get enough Demon gold coins in a short time. Therefore, in order to reach this Target earlier, Angel set a price of 300 Demon gold coins.

After all, he wrote the rules at the door: “This shop will not repeatedly receive guests, and the experience tour is only once, hopefully.”

Therefore, in the one-time experience, Angel wants to pour more wool, and the natural price should be set higher.

In order to get more wool, Angel decided to circle the backyard after this group of guests experienced the journey. If there is a big one, it would be a direct experience in the backyard, but for care For privacy, it is better to set up a phantom.

When Angel was thinking, a half-blood Demon slowly opened his eyes.

When it woke up, it was confused for a moment, and it seemed that it could not distinguish between reality and illusion.

Until it felt the vigorous Water Attribute energy within the body, it suddenly awakened, showing a look of ecstasy.

It was still sad that it had been “ransomed” by 200 Demon gold coins, but who knows, the harvest will be so great! Not to mention the improved Water Attribute affinity, which actually makes it feel wonderful, is some kind of enlightenment that is difficult to explain.

This kind of enlightenment will be difficult to clarify its benefits for a while, but it can feel that in the future, it will bring changes in Heaven and Earth turning upside down in the manipulation of its own energy.

It was even a little difficult to suppress her mood at this time. When looking towards the owner of the native people who had made it hate gnash the teeth before, she was a little more grateful.

“Quiet.” Angel compared it with a mute action, and then whispered: “You can choose to leave now, or you can stay here and wait for them to leave together.”

It looked at the other Demon around the eyes and was still experiencing closed eyes, and decided to stay and observe for a while. Its own improvement is very large. It also wants to see what other Demon has improved?

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