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Toby’s move not only scared Elf’s elf flowers out of color, but also surprised Angel.

Toby, what are you doing? Birds and demon have no future!

Angel almost wanted to shout.

Yueling lily elf is asexual, even if you want to use Toby better, Toby seems to have no ground to drill!

When Angel was shocked, Toby suddenly let go of the insulted Yueling lily elf, and then looked at the bubble skirt that fell on the ground.

—— Yuelinglan elf is wearing a bubble skirt, which is similar to the soap bubbles floating in the manor.

Yuelinglan elf was crying in a low voice, and Toby screamed with pride in two sounds: “This skirt is not good-looking, and it is not worthy of you, you wear another one.”

be that as it may, but Angel actually found that Toby had frequently put his eyes on the bubble skirt when he was dining, obviously not as annoying as he said.

“Sure enough, it’s abnormal.” Toby has never been so rude to Yueling lily elf before, and tore all his good friends’ dresses, which is completely incompatible with Toby’s education.

In the following Dreamscape, Angel saw another series of Toby’s abnormal behavior.

For example, when Toby saw Lyon practicing sword at the seaside, he stepped forward and said that he would practice against Lyon. Then, when Lyon agreed, he would cover Lyon with his head.

In addition, Toby ran to the tea plantation and destroyed the Kurakkaka buildings, and ordered them not to build villages on the manor.

Toby’s bad deeds in his dreams are almost exhausted. Although he hasn’t gotten a life-threatening point yet, it is completely different from Toby who Angel knew.

At this moment, Toby flew to a place where Angel frowned.

Underground ice room.

Jon’s body lay peacefully in the ice husk, and Toby circled twice above the ice husk.

When Angel thought Toby was going to do something with Jon, Toby just screamed indignantly: “You hate the most!”

Then Toby coldly snorted and flew out of the underground ice room.

Angel is full of doubts. Toby and Jon are actually not familiar, and Jon has been lying in the icicles and never wakes up. What does Toby hate?

After Toby had done another piece of evil, a sound suddenly came from behind.

“Toby.” The clear wind is like the wind in the sun and the waves in the living water. In a flash, Toby’s Darkness’ mood was blocked, and even some bleak manor suddenly became bright.

Toby turned around in joy.

Angel saw himself, Angel in Toby’s dream.

‘Angel’ was leaning on the balcony on the 2nd floor of the manor. Toby waved at Toby with a smile, and Toby flew up immediately.

Angel thought that Toby would commit the wrongdoing to himself in the dream as before, but Toby didn’t really do this time, but ran to Angel’s shoulder and neck happily and put his little head intimately Melon makes intimate contact with Angel’s cheek.

‘Angel’ looked at Toby with a grin, and Toby whispered whisperingly.

And the contents of Toby’s tweet … all are complaints.

The object of the complaint includes all the people it has bullied before, from the headwoman of Mana, Oli … to Lyon. The contents of the complaint are all-inclusive, but they are basically fabricated by Toby. For example, Toby said that Lyon bullied it, duel with it, and got rid of one of his feathers … Toby didn’t mention it at all, it beat Lyon into a pig head.

It is worth mentioning that Toby not at all told Jon’s appearance, maybe it was also very clear in the dream, and Jon could not use black and white speech to slander while lying in the ice.

When Toby sued halfway, “Angel” walked into the bedroom from the balcony, and began to tinker with his laboratory equipment, and ignored Toby.

In an instant, Toby’s mood became very low.

Later, ‘Angel’ seemed to leave the room, Toby eyes shined, and shattered all the experimental equipment. When ‘Angel’ came back, Toby threw the black pot that had broken up the experimental equipment directly on Ollie.

Zhen Zhen said eloquently: “I saw Ollie entering your laboratory before. She must have done it.”

‘Angel’ believed it, and went out and scolded Ollie, listening to the scolding outside the door, and Toby happily circled the room.

The scenes in front of him, the various evil acts done by Toby, gave Angel a faint guess.

“Could it be said that Toby expressed his dissatisfaction in reality completely in his dream?”

In reality, he often ignores Toby because he is doing experiments, so Toby is unhappy and even smashes the experimental tools in his dreams; he communicates with others and gets close, making Toby feel that he is not valued, so he hates such Ollie, Lyon and the others.

According to this logic, Toby ’s behavior towards Yueling lily of the valley may be because … Yueling lily wears better-looking clothes than herself. She does n’t like it, so she tears the other party ’s clothes?

Angel withdrew from Toby’s princess system, which looks like a girl’s heart, but is full of repression and Dreamscape of Envy.

“Wake up?” Sanders’ magnetic and thick sound came into his ears.

Angel nodded, looked around the environment.

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He spent a long time in Toby’s dream, but now he finds that Gondola seems to be still hovering outside the gloomy mountain range. Obviously when he was sleeping, he had entered the gloomy mountain range. Did he stay in Toby ’s dream for only a few minutes?

When Angel was puzzled, there was a sudden noise from the frosty wings in the distance.

Angel looked over and found that several Apprentice, with a panic expression, talked to the people from the Frost Moon Guard who heard the news.

The two Apprentice who took the lead, Angel also happened to have seen, one is the chunky Apprentice named “Daschi”, and the other is the Zhengtai with a pigtail.

The two Apprentice were the ones who told him yesterday that Toby might be in Shadow Hill.

“What’s going on there?” Angel curiously asked.

Sanders glanced, “After you fell into a dream, another battle took place. This battle lasted 2 hours and there were a lot of casualties. Now the battle is over. When I counted the number just now, I found that an Apprentice was missing. , So there was noisy noise over there. “

“Fighting happened again?” Angel froze for a moment. He now understands why he is still outside the dark mountain range after coming out of his dream.

Speaking of the previous battle, Kanter sitting opposite seemed to have countless bitter waters, and chirp chirp twitter twitter said for a long time.

Angel realized that they had encountered a flaming gargoyle in the previous battle, which was not over yet, and a large Demon that made gargoyles appeared.

It was a tough battle, and even Kanter was injured. Moreover, Kanter not only had to deal with the Great Demon, but also responsible for cleaning up the monsters near Gondola, because Sanders was still guarding his dreaming self.

After listening to Angel, it was somewhat sorry.

“The encounter itself is random and has nothing to do with you.” Sanders took the previous battle and redirected the topic: “How is it? Is there a problem with Toby’s Dreamscape?”

“It’s hard to say, but I think there is a problem.”

If Toby is a human being, there is nothing wrong with his dream. Human beings are complicated, and there is a critical line between likes and dislikes. Between black and white, there is a gray buffer zone.

It was like Angel respected Jon very much, but in his childhood, there were times when he was dissatisfied with Jon.

The externally expressed emotions are positive, but if there are dissatisfaction hidden in the subconscious, maybe these dissatisfaction will be released when dreaming, so it is also possible for a kind person to dream “brittle” .

But Toby was different. Angel had also entered Toby ’s dream before. At that time, the Dreamscape he saw was: Toby rolled in a pile of fishy and salty fish, and then he saw Angel and ran to find He is coquettish.

Toby is not as complicated as human beings. He likes to like and hates means to hate.

So, when it makes such a “complex”, even a little bit of intrigue, full of Envy and impudent dreams, Angel thinks that it may really be a problem.

After listening to Angel’s statement, Sanders thought for a moment: “The emotional field of the giant snake may have amplified some of the negative emotions in Toby’s heart that he did not pay attention to. In the end, these evil thoughts are manifested in his Dreamscape. “

In short, the emotional field opens up some suppressed emotions in Toby’s heart and gradually releases them.

For humans, this may be a good opportunity to “look at the heart and face oneself”.

However, this is not a good thing for Toby.

Because Toby has five tastes of disaster, once the suppressed emotions have a channel to release, even if it is just a small sip, it may leak out of the flood.

Moreover, the robbery of 5 tastes is related to Toby’s survival and destiny.

“From the light breeze and drizzle in his dreams, although the 5 Taste Tribulation has not been officially opened, there are signs.” Sanders tapped the table subconsciously, and Toby had experienced “extreme anger”. , It has 4 robberies left, namely love, hate, resentment, and sorrow.

Envy and possessiveness manifested in his dreams are very likely, and Toby is facing “the grudge of resentment”.

The anger has not disappeared, but the grievances are in my heart.

Angel’s mood at this time is also mixed feelings. These two days, I always feel that all kinds of bad news are coming to the door, and it is endless.

“From the current situation, there should be no problems for the time being.” Sanders pats Angel’s shoulder, comforting.

Angel nodded, silent.

Suddenly, he thought of something. In Toby ’s dream, there are actually some details of violations, such as why Pat Manor is on the island, and why there are 7 colorful bubbles everywhere …

The former can be interpreted as that the island alone hanging overseas will make Toby feel that Pat Manor is his own place and a safe paradise in his heart.

The latter 7 colorful bubbles can also be interpreted as this is Toby’s inner impression of Pat Manor, and feels that it is a dreamy existence for it.

However, there is one detail that Angel cares about more.

“I found that Toby in its Dreamscape often eats not dried fish, but crabs with anemones on their backs. Does this signify anything?”

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