鍙湪杩欐椂锛屽 鐒 鐒 鈥淕 鈥淕 鈥淕 King King Host King bead 鏄镄勶纴 Ghost King bead 鏄镄勶紒鈥


鍦ㄥ満镄勬墍 chain 変 閮 閮 槸 startled 锛岃 pulp 澶 湜铡 湜铡

Sure enough, this black Ghost King bead has cracks.

杩欎唬琛纴楝 帇宸茬粡涓嶅湪 Ghost King bead

“How can this be?”

Everyone has grown up with eyes.

浠栦 涓 涓 涓 杩欐牱涓 棰楁 棰楁 棰楁 棰楁 屽ぇ 屽ぇ 屽ぇ 屽ぇ 屽ぇ 屽ぇ 屽ぇ 揿嚭 揿嚭 揿嚭 揿嚭 揿嚭 鏄湪锏 鏄湪锏 鏄湪锏

鍙〉涓€杈癸纴涓ゅ彧Resentful Spirit 涔熸槸闾d簺娌“埌Essence Soul Realm 镄勪汉鍏ㄩ儴Slaughter 娈嗗敖锛屼竴涓﹄笉鍓┿€

Then they just rushed over.

“Not good, solve these two Resentful Spirits first!”

The old man complexion changed and looked at the robot man.

杩椤崄浜 楠 楠 嶈缮鍦ㄤ簰鐩 嶈缮鍦ㄤ簰鐩 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟 鍏辫瘑锛屽厛鎶奟Quenching

Ye Xuan 涔熸槸鎶婇偅涓猽nlucky 楝 shoulder殑 universe ring 鏀 锛岀劧钖庡姞鍏ユ垬鏂椼 锛岀劧钖庡姞鍏ユ垬鏂椼

“This one I dragged first, you quickly kill it!”

闾e悕old man 镊憡濂嫔媷鍦板枈阆掳纴浠栧凡缁忔墦阃 缁忔墦阃 涓夋浔Earth Vein 锛岀煭镞堕棿鎷栦綇杩樻槸涓嶆垚闂镄勩€

The other nine and Ye Xuan paused, attacking the other one in an instant, and the ten Essence Soul Realm’s experts attacked together and the damage was bursting.

涓嶅嚭鍗佺锛岃 ful 鍙猂 鍙猂 ful ful 鍙猂 ful 鍙猂 鍙猂 鍙猂 鍙猂 ful 槸琚玨 槸琚玨 槸琚玨

“The strength of these two Resentful Spirits is not strong, but the Life power is much higher than the average Resentful Spirit…”

Ye Xuan thought in his heart.

寰埚揩锛岃 绗簩鍙猂 绗簩鍙猂 esentful Spirit 涔熸槸fallen 浜嗐€

Before they were divided into two teams, instead of choosing to drag one first, others quickly solved one because they belonged to different forces.

Key 岀幇鍦纴杩欓鐜嬫 岄櫎浜嗕粬浠 岄櫎浜嗕粬浠 鍗佷竴涓纴宸茬粡鏄 鍗佷竴涓纴宸茬粡鏄 鍗佷竴涓纴宸茬粡鏄 鍗佷竴涓纴宸茬粡鏄 鍗佷竴涓纴宸茬粡鏄 鍗佷竴涓纴宸茬粡鏄 鍗佷竴涓纴宸茬粡鏄 鍗佷竴涓纴宸茬粡鏄

鈥滃攭锛岀湡鏄け绛栵纴杩欓鐜嬬珶鐒 棭灏卞 棭灏卞 缁忕牬闄 缁忕牬闄 缁忕牬闄 man man man chain 涚潃绗洓鍒楀彴镆 涚潃绗洓鍒楀彴镆 缇 缇浣掳纴镞犲鍦 浣掳纴镞犲鍦 浣掳纴镞犲鍦 憞澶 €

To g g g g NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM 3-layer seal 锛岃 楝 楝 1-Layer 锛岄鐜嬫鍏ュ彛闾f湁2nd layer锛岃 楝 楝 楝 楝 楝

Someone asked.

鈥沧病鍑嗗 ammonia 鍦ㄨ umbrella 闄勮繎锛宐e careful 涓€浜 to €€€

Ten people are watching all around with vigilance. Now they have a common enemy, that is, the ghost king.

鑻ユ槸涓 涓﹄笉鎱庯纴浠栦 涓﹄笉鎱庯纴浠栦 涓﹄笉鎱庯纴浠栦 杩欎簺浜哄緢鍙兘浼 杩欎簺浜哄緢鍙兘浼 叏閮╢ 叏閮╢ allen 鍦ㄦ銆傛镞 粬浠 粬浠 粬浠 粬浠 绁 绁 绁 绁 绁 纴杩椤彧楝 帇 帇Strength 涓崭 澶 澶

They looked at it for a few minutes, but they did not find it.

鈥滆 楝 楝 楝 帇锛屾垨璁 s s s s s 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 锛岀敋镊 傗 傗 傗

鈥渘ot bad 锛屽鏋滃畠杩 湪镄勮瘽锛屾 湪镄勮瘽锛屾 湪镄勮瘽锛屾 嶈偗瀹 嶈偗瀹 嶈偗瀹 嶈偗瀹 嶈偗瀹 嶈偗瀹 嶈偗瀹 嶈偗瀹 嶈偗瀹 嶈偗瀹

“Then we…”

At this time, the group suddenly fell on Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan 镒熷 浜嗕粬浠殑鐩厜锛屽綋鍗 浜嗕粬浠殑鐩厜锛屽綋鍗 鍑哄幓锛宒 umbstruck 阆掳 fine 鈥滀綘浠兂 pot hydrogen 粈涔堬纻鈥

He is very strange, these people are still desperate, but now it is full of attention to his body, both in the killing intent.

But the next moment, they are also scattered and divided into seven teams.

There are two people in the old man, there are two people in the robust man, and the remaining six are in a team.

鈥沧棦鐒禛host King bead 鏄 curtain鐗╋纴杩欎簺浜哄张骞蹭粈涔堬纴鐩笂浜嗗叾浠栦汉镄剈niverse ring 浜嗕箞锛熲€

Ye Xuan in the secretly said in one’s heart, so that it also fits his intentions, after all, he is also for the universe ring.

杩欐椂锛宱ld man 澶у0阆掳细鈥滃悇浣嶏纴镞(3)劧Ghost King bead 垚搴熺墿锛屼綘浠槸涓嶆槸璇ヨ叉垚搴熺墿锛屼綘浠槸涓嶆槸璇ヨ蛋浜嗭纻鈥

When the words came out, the robot man immediately retorted: “Old Fogy, do you think I don’t know? We are gone, let you swallow it?”


钖潃涓や汉镄勮瘽锛孻e Xuan 娣娣劅璇劅璇纾锛岄毦涓嶆垚杩欓鐜嬫纾锛岄毦涓嶆垚杩欓鐜嬫岃缮岃缮

鈥淟ittle brother 锛岀湅浣犵殑镙 瓙锛屼綘搴旇鏄笉鐭ラ 瓙锛屼綘搴旇鏄笉鐭ラ 銆傛垜鍦ㄨ 屽啀搴 屽啀搴 屽啀搴 屽啀搴 屽啀搴 屽啀搴 屽啀搴 屽啀搴 屽啀搴嫔悗锛屽繀鐒跺帤璋簬浣狅紒鈥漮ld man 鍐嶅

Because he can see that Ye Xuan is much stronger than others.

“Are you stupid?” Ye Xuan coldly smiled.

鍏跺疄锛屼粬绁为┈閮戒笉鐭ラ死锛屽彧鏄湪婕旀垙nthing more 銆

“You have heard of it.” old man eyes.

He originally thought that Ye Xuan was just like he said, but he passed by, but did not expect Ye Xuan to understand.

鈥渌ld Fogy 锛屼笢瑗 兘杩樻 兘杩樻 潵锛宒 on鈥檛tell me 灏辫寮 € gallium 掳纻鈥濅竴钖岴ssence Soul Realm x xpert 闂 銆

“Okay, if that’s the case, then find out what to say first!”

Old man nods.

King读岃缮 chain夊叾浠栦笢瑗匡纴姣擥host King bead 杩樿鐝嶈吹锛佲€漎e Xuan eyes 涓€浜€

涔嫔墠姣掔帇瀹楃殑闾e悕middle aged 浜 monkey 纴鍙︼浜咷 host King bead 镄勪簨鎯咃纴鐒 岃 岃 岃 浜涘叾浠栭镄 x xpert 鍗存槸鐭ラ亡旋村锛岃锛岃灏灏灏湁镣湁镣尓澶尓澶墍镐濅墍镐濅

“Okay, then each depends on the ability!”

The robust man is also agree.

褰 笅锛屼粬浠 笅锛屼粬浠 笅锛屼粬浠 笅锛屼粬浠 鍝勮 鍝勮 鍝勮 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝 锛屽湪楝

Ye Xuan 涔熷镌 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 镄勬牱瀛愶纴鍦ㄩ鐜嬫 镄勬牱瀛愶纴鍦ㄩ鐜嬫 岃 狅纴灏 狅纴灏 狅纴灏 狅纴灏 狅纴灏 槸涓岖煡阆掳纴杩欎簺浜哄湪 槸涓岖煡阆掳纴杩欎簺浜哄湪 槸涓岖煡阆掳纴杩欎簺浜哄湪 槸涓岖煡阆掳纴杩欎簺浜哄湪 槸涓岖煡阆掳纴杩欎簺浜哄湪

浠栦 杩椤崄涓 浜哄湪楝 浜哄湪楝 浜哄湪楝 浜哄湪楝 浜哄湪楝 浜哄湪楝 噷寰 噷寰 噷寰 噷寰 噷寰 噷寰 噷寰 噷寰 噷寰 噷寰 粬浜 粬浜浜 槸钖 槸钖

at this time.


Suddenly a scream rang.

镓€ chain 変 杞ご涓 鐪嬶纴鍙戠幇 鐪嬶纴鍙戠幇 chain 変竴钖岴 ssence Soul Realm x xpert 鑴戣琚柀鎺夛纴 key 屾柀鎺変粬鑴戣镄勶纴姝 f槸闾d kettle old man 銆

“found it?”

Everyone thinks this way.

楝 帇娈 帇娈 噷镄勬皵姘涳纴鍙堢灛闂 噷镄勬皵姘涳纴鍙堢灛闂 噷镄勬皵姘涳纴鍙堢灛闂 涓嬫潵锛岀揣鎺ョ潃锛実 涓嬫潵锛岀揣鎺ョ潃锛実 涓嬫潵锛岀揣鎺ョ潃锛実 涓嬫潵锛岀揣鎺ョ潃锛実 涓嬫潵锛岀揣鎺ョ潃锛実 涓嬫潵锛岀揣鎺ョ潃锛実 涓嬫潵锛岀揣鎺ョ潃锛実 涓嬫潵锛岀揣鎺ョ潃锛実 涓嬫潵锛岀揣鎺ョ潃锛実 涓嬫潵锛岀揣鎺ョ潃锛実

“Kid, I think you have been unhappy for a long time, go to hell!”

An Essence Soul Realm’s expert loudly shouted, moved towards Ye Xuan killed the past.

“You court death!”

Ye Xuan 鍙岀 鐖嗗皠鍑 鐖嗗皠鍑 鑺掞纴 east east east east east east east east east east east east Ber Ber Ber Ber Ber Ber Ber Ber Ber Ber Ber 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪 湪勶纴浣呜兘鎻愬崌涓€镣笋镣trength 鏄竴镣广€

杩椤悕 Essence Soul Realm x xpert 劧涔熷彧鏄墦阃 劧涔熷彧鏄墦阃 劧涔熷彧鏄墦阃 竴鏉 th th th th th in in eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng掓槸not bad 銆

Unfortunately, he met Ye Xuan!

“Secret Dragon Sword Art, Hidden Dragon Spurs!”

涓€阆揷old glow 娌”叆浜呜 umbrella钖岴ssence Soul Realm expert 镄勮剳琚嬶纴鐬棿灏嗗叾killing 銆

浠栨 庝箞涔熶笉浼氭兂鍒 庝箞涔熶笉浼氭兂鍒 纴 Xu Xu Xu Xu ret ret ret ret ret ret ret ret ret ret X X X X X X X X X X X X X

铏 劧钖屼 挞 挞 挞 竴鏉 th th th th e e e e e e e e e eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng


Ye Xuan a coldly snorted, used to confuse this person’s universe ring.

鈥滃彯锛宧ost 宸 墦阃 墦阃 墦阃 tharth Vein 锛佲€

涓€阆榷otification sound 鍝嶈捣銆

In Essence Soul Realm, every time you open an Earth Vein, you can call more Heaven and Earth Essence Qi, Ye Xuan. This time, Strength has a huge leap.

After he killed this person, he turned his head and found that the other side of the nine had already hit.

The old man, who has become the target of everyone, was launched into a group attack.

“No, that Bloodline Seed is not here for me!”

Old man hurriedly shouted.

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