
As the tail-tailed leopard was slain, its mortal body exploded and the Qi and Blood, which was also condensed by the old pig into a human-sized blood, turned and swayed with a sharp The sound of the emptiness came to Ye Xuan.

In a wave, this blood bead was taken up by Ye Xuan and sent to Shennong Cauldron with the body, and the blood and blood refining was carried out together with the Qi and Blood, which was previously smashed by the White Tiger.

This campaign was so easy, but it was harvested with two precious bloodstains.

At this point, Ye Xuan’s blood in the hands of the Sayādaw has reached eight, if it is now refining twenty 6th level Baodan, according to his derivation, with the power of Shennong nine-color flame, at least five!

Even the chances of releasing six twenty 6th level Baodan are above 50%!

But this is just the case. Obviously, it is not enough to satisfy Ye Xuan. Twenty 6th level Baodan can make the existence of Ninth Step Great Perfection and smoothly break through to Universe Lord Realm in a short time.

This is the second realm of the last five realm, and it is extremely important.

However, the most important raw material needed to refine this twenty 6th level is the Vicious Beast blood essence condensed by the Qi and Blood formed by the Universe Venerable mortal body.

This is the existence of the last five realm, the number is too horrible, even in this Primal Chaos Void, I am afraid there is not much more.

Ye Xuan and Lao Pig Jing are now holding all the Xeon Forbidden Land without any vigilance and awareness, so it was easy to collect eight in such a short period of time.

But once the sound of wind of this matter has been leaked, it is hard to think like this.

Those Universe Venerables will either unite or seek refuge in the Universe Lord or even the Universe Venerable. After all, it is not easy for anyone to go to this step, no one is simple, and there are various means and connections!

Therefore, for Ye Xuan, if you can still start now, you must make a big fortune, collect more blood of the Sacred, and then start to condense.

What’s more, he said before to the old pig, refining two twenty 6th level Dan, need ten Vicious Beast blood.

In terms of time, it is almost at this point, and then collect two more. The news of this matter… should be spread.

“The last two, our speed is going to speed up, I have one kind of premonition, the news of this matter will soon leak out…”

These thoughts flashed through my mind, and Ye Xuan broke free from the state of Demon Ape Eighth Transformation and re-formed it to ten zhang high.

While turning to the old pig who was rushing to the front, he looked at the past and then said: “I will immediately scrape the white tiger and the nesting star of the ringing demon leopard, then immediately leave and rush to the whole speed… Black Tortoise Forbidden Land !”

The old pig nodded, did not say much, and his body shape shook his head and rushed to the nest star of the ringing demon.

Ye Xuan is the same, rushing to the leftmost of the former giant blood white Tiger, the largest giant star, after entering the atmosphere, the powerful Divine Consciousness spread directly, after some search, wave, All the natural resources that can be put into his eyes are all involved in the Eternal World with the body…

After doing all this, Ye Xuan and the old pigs did not stagnate, even when they left the White Tiger Forbidden Land, the goal was to index Black Tortoise Forbidden Land!


The most powerhouse in the Black Tortoise Forbidden Land is a black blood Tortoise whose cultivation base strength is the same as the one that was recently smashed by Ye Xuan, the Eighth Step.

In addition to him, another Universe Venerable in Black Tortoise Forbidden Land is a Starry Sky Insect Race in this Second Step…

Undoubtedly, this time the hunting plan, Ye Xuan and Lao Pig Jing are still responsible for one opponent and shot at the same time.

The cultivation base strength of the old pig is originally a black Tortoise, so he can only deal with the Starry Sky Insect Race of the Second Step, and the Black Tortoise of the Eighth Step. Ye Xuan is responsible.

Although the two people did not discuss this matter, but they tacitly agreed to each other, they have already allocated their opponents invisibly!

This time, the two started under the speed, but still spent sixteen days before finally arriving at the edge of Black Tortoise Forbidden Land.

This is the last shot, so neither Ye Xuan nor the old pig essence has any scruples. The only thought in my heart is to use the shortest time to blast the two prey in this Basic Level Xeon Forbidden Land. Kill it.

Then I immediately turned around and will not be shot in a short time.

“áo wū ……”

“The Magic Pig is a Nine Change…Third Transformation!”

Just entering the Periphery Zone of Black Tortoise Forbidden Land, the old pig sperm had almost no hesitation, and even if it screamed directly, it entered the Third Transformation of the Magic Pig.

In the blink of an eye, the old pig essence was only only ten zhang high, and the body shape instantly swelled, and half of the breath, it has reached about 10,000.

Cultivation base Strength also surged Third Step, a single step of the Fifth Step, the pressure of the aura, quickly spread from his within the body.

On the other hand, Ye Xuan is also the same. Without waiting to see the target, he has entered the battle state…


“Demon Ape is nine…Eighth Transformation!”


The roar of heaven-shaking came from the violent mouth of Starry Sky. As the voice started, a huge explosion came, and only a short break, its body shape has soared, and the strength of the body has been rolling. Just as the big river is roaring, the limbs are rushing out of endless fierceness.

Originally only the shape of the ten zhang high and low, under the rapid expansion, the blink of an eye reached six million.

The cultivation base aura, which was spread from within the body, also climbed up. It was reached by the former Lord Step, and now reaches the current Universe Lord Second Step!

A Starry Sky Porcupine at the Universe Venerable Fifth Step, a Starry Sky of the Universe Lord Second Step!

Two such powerful presences rushed into the Black Tortoise Forbidden Land, and this vast and innocent Basic Level Xingqiang Forbidden Land fell into a death stillness.

Within the Vicious Beast stars, countless Forbidden Land Vicious Beasts are all chilling, and they simply don’t dare to take their heads. They are crouching on the ground inside the stars, shaking and shaking.


Only the area of ​​the deepest place on the left side of Forbidden Land, a sharp voice of whistling sound, reveals a powerful aura of the elite stage.

Then, in the direction of a giant star, its atmosphere suddenly violently rushed up, a semi-circular continuation of the land, full of 10 million square, I do not know the power of one kind of terrifying, from the stars Throw it out…

With a dumbstruck imposing manner, with a kind of like a meteor-like speed, toward the rear of the Black Tortoise Forbidden Land deeper place, spurt away.

This scene fell into the eyes of Ye Xuan and the old pig, and they immediately started the two.

Then, Ye Xuan in the eyes bright glow flashes, screaming a loud voice: “This is not what continent, this is a … Super huge king eight shell!”

“Damn, this old son of a bitch egg, actually indentation in the shell, it will change into a land, to deceive in this way, taking advantage of this Star Lord did not react, this escape ……”

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