
A wave of jazzed jade bottle was caught by the Starry Sky porcupine and was collected directly.

But at this moment, the old pig’s mind is obviously not on the twenty 5th level of the jade bottle. What he really cares about now is the one that was just taken up by Ye Xuan. Canopy nine color magic medicine.

That is the colorful magical medicine, and the amount is still so large, just like a giant giant peak hanging over the valley.

With the terrifying effect of this class of medicinal herbs, even the Universe Venerable Realm’s powerhouse can be used for a long time.

For Starry Sky Porcupine, the meaning of this awning is absolutely no small matter.

Because he is now a Titled Immortal Emperor Sixth Step peak, he can step into the Titled Immortal Emperor Seventh Step.

Seventh Step, Ninth Step Great Perfection, only two more than nothing more.

If you let him practice as usual, even if you don’t have a day and night, if you want to break through these two steps, it will take at least a few years to enter the Titled Immortal Emperor Ninth Step Great Perfection.

For a Titled Immortal Emperor, it’s really nothing to say for years. It’s no exaggeration to say that a seclusion in normally has passed.

But now it is different. Now the Starry Sky Porcupine has just got a twenty 5th level. This one is the driving force.

Nowadays, he can’t wait to immediately raise his cultivation base strength to Titled Immortal Emperor Ninth Step Great Perfection, so that he can take this twenty 5th level immediately…

In this case, for a few years, for him now, simply is one kind of suffering, painful suffering.

If you don’t get it right, when you are seclusion, because of the anxiety, and the arrival of Heart Demon, in the event of cultivation deviation, it is very likely to happen.

And all this, the one that I just saw, can be easily solved!

The efficacy of Jiu Cai Shen Yao is naturally no doubt. Even Starry Sky Porcupine, the old brand powerhouse, has only heard more than more in the legend, and has never really seen it.

In fact, let alone the nine-color god medicine, he even did not even see the single color medicine.

Even the Purple-Gold Treasure Medicine under the medicinal herbs is the same…

Just after seeing the canopy and the magical aura, the Starry Sky porcupine can be determined almost instantly, without too much at all, at most 1000 Around the square, his cultivation base strength can be smoothly broken into the Ninth Step Great Perfection in just one or two months…

The gap between one or two months and several years is naturally unnecessary!

For this reason, at the moment, Yi Xuan said that this awning is not related to him, and that he saw him coming over, actually prevented the thief, and waved it and accepted it. The Old Fogy immediately became anxious…

“áo wū ……”

“Imperial brother… wrong, brother, violent brother, you can’t care about my younger brother…”

Anxiously screaming in the sky, Starry Sky porcupine slammed into the front, and the whole body almost slammed into Ye Xuan’s body, and a nose screamed in tears: “I don’t know, brother, I am younger.” Suffering in my heart…”


Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan’s face was green, and the shoulders were directly pulled back. After a white eye, they spread out both hands and said: “Don’t you want to be a colorful medicine? If you have something to say, you can’t say it.” Do you want to wipe your nose on your body?”


“áo wū ……”

A few minutes later, the Starry Sky porcupine raised a delightful long scorpion, and with the shape of 1000’s colorful medicinal herbs, he plunged into the star’s Star Nucleus.

With the opening of the Starry Sky Porcupine, Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, calming down his mind, even when he waved his hand…

He also decided to breakthrough again and try the efficacy of Jiu Cai Shen Yao!

When the sound broke, there were 500 cubic meters of nine-color magical medicine, and various other natural resources were taken out from Shennong Cauldron and hung in front of him.

Then, he was motivated by Shennong Cauldron’s domain power, compressed, and turned into a small group, blinking into the entrance…

Soon, as medicinal power spread, Ye Xuan within the body instantly added a majestic energy to the river, which quickly rolled away.


“huā lā lā ……”

It was also in the next moment, his within the body, and there was a sound like a tidal chain in an instant, and this time it once again showed two Daoist potentials 桎梏chain.

This made him feel awkward, and then he was delighted, because this means that the natural resource swallowed by the talent is extremely powerful, enough to shake Ye Xuan within the body.

And the next thing to do is that he only needs to completely tear the two 桎梏chains in the process of refining these medicinal powers.

Once this is done, his cultivation base strength will once again usher in a two-shot process without any suspense.

In the blink of an eye, the expected strong tingling sensation is like a date. Although it doesn’t hurt into the bone marrow as it used to be, it is definitely far from a good feeling. The pain is like the bones of the bones, and it always lingers…

However, Ye Xuan has long been used to the pain of tearing with the body 桎梏chain.

At this moment, under the pain that this ordinary person can’t bear, Mind has never been shaken!

Always holding the Yuan Shouyi, the Lingtai clear and bright, all the time, urging the insufficiency of the body, the rushing energy of the river, running along the limbs, recurring, no stagnation…

At the end of the day, Ye Xuan even forgot the existence of time. The whole Mind completely sank into it. I don’t know how long it took. When he felt the tingling sensation of with the body disappeared completely, Ye Xuan’sconsciousness returned. The subconscious has opened the eyes.

Almost in the next moment, the familiar System notification sound will ring again in his mind, two times in a row…

“Hey, Congratulations host, Void Abode Ancient Secret Art realm breakthrough! Current realm:Titled Immortal Emperor Eighth Step !”

“Hey, Congratulations host, Mortal Body Qi and Blood realm breakthrough! Current realm:Titled Immortal Emperor Eighth Step !”

Feng Di Eighth Step!

Not long ago, the breakthrough, if Ye Xuan cast Demon Ape’s nine-lined Bloodline divine ability to Eighth Transformation, the peak power that can be achieved instantly is the Universe Venerable Sixth Step.

Right now, as he breaks through again, now if he activates Demon Ape Bloodline, his cultivation base strength will reach Titled Immortal Emperor Ninth without demoling the Demon Ape and his body is ten zhang high. Step, finally entered the emperor peak Great Perfection ……

Once Demon Ape’s nine-lined Bloodline divine ability is cast to Eighth Transformation, he will have the power to soar to the Universe Venerable Eighth Step!

In the thought of this, Ye Xuan flashed a glimpse of the fine mans, and subconsciously clenched his fists: “With only one step, you can step into the Ninth Step Great Perfection…”

“But in fact, if I count the screaming strength of Qi and Blood in the huge mortal body of six miles in the Eighth Transformation state, my true combat power is already Ninth Step Great Perfection.”

“That is, below the Universe Lord, now I am… invincible!”

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