
“hōng lóng lóng ……”

Storm whistling, hōng lóng lóng’s thunderous voice, always ringing.

With the lasing of the Eight-Colored Flame Bridge, it ran across the Void, and the head was placed on the surface of the Black Flame Star. The impact was instantly felt like a boiling water in the boiling hot pot. Beads in general.

The movement is too big, hiding the sky and covering the earth’s World Extinguishing black inflammation rolling in, with a violent aura, rushing to the Eight Flames Bridge.

However, the time of the semi-column has passed, and in the process, the endless World Extinguishing black inflammation has been endless, and has never stopped to attack the Batangyan Bridge.

The Vary’s Wanliyan Bridge in Void seems to have changed from beginning to end…

However, the Shennong flame pool in the center of the bottom of the volcano is completely different. When the first World Extinguishing black inflammation was sent to the flame pool, the originally calm flame bridge was convenient for the first time to pick up the raging waves.

The endless eight-color flames swelled and almost filled the entire vast volcano bottom plain. These Shennong flames were originally only eight colors.

However, with the World Extinguishing black smear that was swallowed by the Eight-Colored Flame Bridge and then sent into the flame pool, among the eight colors of the original Shennong Ignition, there is a distinctly black color.

However, this pure black color is still extremely unstable…

From time to time, sometimes disappearing, like a flash of illusion among the eight colors, for all of this, Ye Xuan’s Divine Consciousness is always closely watching the changes in the Shennong flame pool at the bottom of the volcano.

Right now, when he saw the World Extinguishing black inflammation swallowed up by the Flame Bridge, it began to transport again into the flame pool.

Among the original eight colors in the flame pool, the glittering endless, like the illusory transparent color, finally began to gradually solidify, which is a long-awaited breath, has been raised in the eyes of the blind, but also quietly put down at this moment half.

“Sure enough, it is worthy of World Extinguishing black inflammation, the effect is quite out of the ordinary, the time of just half a column incense, actually let Shennong eight-color flame, a new appearance, pure black color… ”

“Just, the evolution from the eight-color flame to the nine-color flame is not comparable to any previous evolution, and it will obviously be more difficult…”


“hōng lóng lóng ……”

Just as Ye Xuan heard a whisper in his mouth, the black flame star in front of him suddenly heard a huge roar.

Ye Xuan turned to look at it, and the cold glow in the middle of the moment flashed.

Obviously, this is the one-legged crow that has been squashed into the interior of the Black Flame Star. It is black in control of World Extinguishing.

Right now, under his control, the area where the other end of the Eight-Colored Flame Bridge is in contact with the Black Flame Star, within the square of the million, the original violent World Extinguishing black inflammation, instantly less than a half.

It was clearly under the control of the one-legged black crow that it was transferred to other areas. This fellow, already found wrong, consciousness to the Eight-Colored Flame Bridge, is swallowing his World Extinguishing black inflammation.

So will there be such an action, want to escape this tribulation today!

“Oh, unfortunately, now the consciousness is not right, it is already late…”

In the nose, coldly snorted, Ye Xuan did not hesitate, and waved his hand between the thoughts. The other side manipulated the black flame on the stars. Then he changed the landing point of the Eight-Colored Flame Bridge…


The sharp and unpredictable sound of the air broke out. In the blink of an eye, the front of the Void was wide and wide. The eight-mile-long eight-color flame bridge was suspended, and it was changed to a position.

Almost in the next moment, all the World Extinguishing blacks in the radius of the million, after sensing the aura of the Eight-Colored Flame Bridge, all of them are like moths, and they are rushing toward it, too much, from all directions. A spurt came.

In such a scene, through the endless madness, within the radius of the million, all the World Extinguishing black inflammation in the Void regardless of the size, regardless of quality, regardless of size, after sensing the invader’s aura, there is no half-stagnation……

All came with aura and Boom, and in the blink of an eye, one after another all rushed into the Eight-Colored Flame Bridge, causing a heaven-shaking explosion, as if the tide was roaring.

This time, only the time of the small semi-column, all the World Extinguishing black inflammation in contact with the Eight-Colored Flame Bridge, without exception, was ruthlessly swallowed by the Flame Bridge.

Moreover, these whistling, rushing into the colorful flame bridge, and then disappeared, the massive World Extinguishing black inflammation, after entering the flame bridge, the first time was sent to the bottom of the volcano by the powerful domain power of Shennong Cauldron The Shennong flame pool in the middle of the plain.

At the same time, Shennong Cauldron’s internal space in the Shennong flame pool at the bottom of the central volcano, endless raging waves, the eight-color flames that hid the sky and covering the earth, sizzling, filled the entire vast volcano bottom plain, In the original flame of Shennong, which is only eight colors, the almost pure black color of the smear is extremely unstable before…

Sometimes appear, sometimes disappear, like a flash of illusion among the eight colors!

But now, it is getting more and more solid, and gradually, it no longer flickers and disappears, seems to be melting with Shennong eight-color flame!

It’s still weak, and it’s quite unremarkable compared to the other eight colors of Shennong’s different flames.


Another sharp sound of the sound of the air rang, under the enthusiasm of Ye Xuan, like the Changhong whistling Void, the glare of the Eight-Colored Flame Bridge, immediately rushed to another direction, hanging in the black flame star The other side.

The same scene was re-enacted immediately, and the Boom bang, which had just stopped, was once again in full swing.

All the World Extinguishing blacks in this area are completely mad in just a quarter of the column time. The eight-color flame bridge is like a long whale, and all the World Extinguishing blacks in the million are short. In a short time, it has been completely swallowed up.

A similar scene is still going on…

The one-legged crow is eager to escape, just like escaping the general, manipulating World Extinguishing black inflammation to avoid the Eight Flames Bridge.

And Ye Xuan, who also changed again and again, repeatedly changed the position of the Eight-Colored Flame Bridge on the Black Flame Star, and continually swallowed a massive amount of World Extinguishing.

All of this lasted for a little while, and finally, the giant black flame in the front Void disappeared, and I couldn’t see it anymore. There was no black inflammation in the World Extinguishing. It has been completely swallowed…

At this time, Shennnong Cauldron’s central volcano bottom plain, the Shennong eight-color flame that is being steamed in the Shennong flame pool, just completed this transformation.

The pure black and translucent colors are completely stable and strong, and there is no longer a gap between the other eight colors.

At this moment, Shennong’s eight-color flame finally evolved into… Shennong nine-color flame!


The sharp sound of the air broke out, and in the outer Void, with the evolution of Shennong’s nine-color flame, the eight-color flame bridge of Void was 10,000 miles away.

Also under the enthusiasm of Ye Xuan, the condensed moment, the blink of an eye disappeared, and he was thrown into Shennong Cauldron and put into the flame pool of the bottom plain…

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