After a modest price adjustment, Ye Xuan finally nodded and promised to give him a Twenty 5th level treasure for breaking through to Universe Venerable Realm after the Starry Sky Porcupine’s cultivation base strength reached Titled Immortal Emperor Ninth Step Great Perfection. Dan.

Of course, it is not without requirements. For this Baodan, Starry Sky has made an all-out effort to serve Ye Xuan as an intelligence officer and lead the pig. In short, the two people formed a hunting combination, ready to fight. Those of the Star Territory’s Basic Level Xeon Forbidden Land are under the black hands…

After the agreement, the two men immediately hurry, because the black-stained Forbidden Land is not far from the other side of the Galaxy Star Territory, but it is not near the left and right, but on the right side of the Galaxy Star Territory edge nearly tera billion Lot.

At such a long distance, Ye Xuan is on the road with the Starry Sky Porcupine. Even if it is not sleeping, it will take a month to drive at full speed.

Of course, he can also take the Starry Sky Porcupine into Shennong Cauldron and enter the state of Demon Ape Eighth Transformation, with the Universe Venerable Realm’s cultivation base strength.

That will be a lot faster.

If you can do this, there are many drawbacks.

On the one hand, Starry Sky porcupine Ye Xuan does not dare to fully trust, and he is also the powerhouse of the emperor, the means is extraordinary, in case of income Shennong Cauldron, he was plagued by the treasures in the closed cave at the bottom of the central volcano, then it would be a bad thing. .

On the other hand, it is because this is a Periphery Zone that is very close to the Forbidden Land around the Galaxy Star Territory. In the state of Eighth Transformation, Ye Xuan is more than a giant star, and the speed is too high. .

So eye-catching, going straight and pointing in one direction, obviously will be bad for secret hunting…

Therefore, after some trade-offs, Ye Xuan finally decided to go on the road honestly. Although the time of one month is not short, it is not very long after all!

On the way, Ye Xuan also had a general understanding of the Starry Sky Porcupine in other cases in this black-stained Forbidden Land.

As a Basic Level Xeon Forbidden Land, the Blackfield Forbidden Land has one less than the Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land, and the only Universe Venerable, the only one is the top-level Heaven and Everything else is similar except for the huge flame star of Earth.

In the Forbidden Land, the Tilted Immortal Emperor is also a total of ten. The ten Titled Immortal Emperor and Ye Xuan also did not intend to let go, and listed it as the 2nd level.

Of course, everything is still based on hunting the one-legged crows…

After a month of rush, Ye Xuan and Starry Sky porcupine finally arrived at the edge of the Blackfield Forbidden Land.

Without any hesitation, the two people went straight to the black for Forbidden Land. Anyway, there is only one Universe Venerable, and Ye Xuan is coming to him. Sooner or later, there must be fight, so There is no need to hide the tail again.

Instead of delaying the time, it is better to rush in directly and start the battle immediately!

As for the Starry Sky Porcupine, the cultivation base strength has reached the Titled Immortal Emperor Sixth Step, and it is still only one step away from the Seventh Step. It is extremely powerful, and Ye Xuan does not have to worry about his safety.

So, this time I entered the Forbidden Land, Ye Xuan didn’t intend to put the Starry Sky porcupine away. After all, there are ten Titled Immortal Emperor in the Basic Level Starry Sky Forbidden Land, but it has reached the late stage. No, the strongest one is just like the Starry Sky Porcupine, Titled Immortal Emperor Sixth Step nothing more.

This old pig is completely fearless.

In fact, he is not only fearless, but even deliberately pretend to compare, after all, it is rare to encounter such an opportunity, with a Universe Venerable Lord behind him, spurting into a Basic Level Starry Sky Forbidden Land without restraint Slaughter Naturally, it will not be easily missed…

After the body rushed into the black-eyed Forbidden Land, Ye Xuan did not hesitate, and the first time he looked up and screamed: “Demon Ape is nine…Eighth Transformation!”


As his words fell, a huge explosion came in an instant, his body suddenly soared, the speed was so horrible, and the strength of the body was like the roar of the river.

There are endless fierceness in the limbs, and there is a rush of terrifying aura, which was originally only under the shape of a zhang high, with a speed of one-shot speed stand up……

Short before and after the three interest rates, it has reached a billion-foot giant, that is, six million, which is absolutely comparable to the real giant stars, and even more than it!

Moreover, while the body is skyrocketing, the cultivation base aura that Ye Xuan within the body has also climbed at the same speed as one kind of, and the three interest rates have been reached from the previous Titled Immortal Emperor Seventh Step. Universe Venerable Realm Sixth Step !

Sixth Step, middle stage peak Universe Venerable, is three stronger than the one-of-a-kind Venerable Realm Third Step.

Even if the other person has a canopy of Heaven and Earth, Ye Xuan has the confidence to easily kill him… After all, Ye Xuan is a great tool for this kind of Heaven and Earth.

He has Shennong Cauldron, and the Shennong smog in Ding has evolved to the extent of the eight-color flame, and it can be swallowed up by the strong monochrome Heaven and Earth fire.

Swallowing the canopy of Heaven and Earth in this black-eyed Forbidden Land, the one-legged crows can’t breathe for a long time…





As Ye Xuan’s roar rang and enveloped the vast expanse of Blackfield Forbidden Land, the numerous Starry Sky Vicious Beasts in Forbidden Land were instantly alerted.

A path of roar and whistling sounds, countless Starry Sky Vicious Beast rushing out of the Vicious Beast stars, with the wrath of the sky.

But then, after they rushed out of the atmosphere, they felt the terrifying sacred pressure of Void in the first place.

For a moment, the roar and whistling sounds that had become hiding the sky and covering the earth all came to an abrupt end. Forbidden Land Vicious Beast, which had just rushed out of the Vicious Beast stars, either rushed out with one kind of The faster speed immediately shrank back.

Or, just trembled in Void and swayed, shivering…

“áo wū … Little, your pig uncle, I am coming!”

Seeing this scene, the vast and innocent Basic Level Xingqiang Forbidden Land was shaking. The Starry Sky porcupine immediately stood up, screaming at the inky big belly, screaming and screaming, endless smug Do your best.

This is clearly in comparison, and Ye Xuan is looking straight at the eye, and he is too lazy to pay attention to the fellow. The shape of the body, the giant terrifying figure of the six centuries of Panda, is one kind of horrible. The speed, like a superb meteor, spurred toward the interior deep place of the black-eyed Forbidden Land…

The speed of the Universe Venerable of the middle stage peak is naturally terrifying. Although the black-eyed Forbidden Land is vast, it can’t help Ye Xuan to rush along this terrifying state.

Soon, before the convenience of a Super huge star, and his current body is almost the same, with a diameter of nearly six million.

It is obviously the place where the lair of the one-legged crow is located, because the whole star is swaying with sallow blackness.

It’s also this moment, Ye Xuan’s face is slightly changed, and the sound is out of surprise: “This is… World Extinguishing?”

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