“hōng lóng lóng ……”


“mole crickets and ants, you dare…”

Almost at the next moment when Ye Xuan just opened the konjac blood body of the konjac mortal body, waving the income within the body, outside the atmosphere of the star, the right Void number is 10 million, a huge heaven- The shaking came, Void was torn open with a crack, and a black Demon Tiger of 10 million rushed out of the crack.

As soon as he appeared, he screamed and screamed, and the roar of anger and anger rang through the piece of Void.

This time, Demon Tiger was clearly angered. His head was quite stunned by his konjac flying tiger. He was actually bombarded under his own eyes, and simply made him hate.

What made him even more unacceptable was that the existence of the bombing of the konjac flying tiger was only recently tossed in the Greedy Wolf Star Territory, and then fell into the void crack, which was swallowed up by the endless Void Turbulent Flow. Starry Sky is violent…

This simply Damn!

In just a few days, Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land was in the same hands, falling three Titled Immortal Emperor, which is clearly the face of the red fruit.

The most lethal Demon Tiger can’t stand it, this fellow knows that he is sitting here, but he was almost hit hard by his own glimpse, and fell into the void crack before he escaped tribulation.

Now I don’t know what to hit the dog, actually let him find the path of return, after living back, actually do not know low-key, and actually dare to continue to ravage in Greedy Wolf Star Territory.

Even ran to the distance of one billion miles away from his own nest star, killing the konjac flying tiger on the spot…

This simply is not in the eyes!


The thought flashed through my mind, and the Demon Tiger only felt guilty in the chest, didn’t spit, and looked up again with a heard-shaking roar.

In an instant, the entire star of the konjac flying tiger’s nest below, the earth is cracked, Mountain Collapsing Earth Splitting, like World Extinguishing.

This is a giant star, but it was destroyed by the scream of Demon Tiger, and it was broken into pieces of stars. A powerful and powerful aura, also at this moment, enveloped Ye Xuan…



Almost at the same moment, in the far left and right rear of the Void, there were two heard-shaking roaring sounds.

Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land The other two Titled Immortal Emperors in the Star Territory on the left side of the center were finally alarmed and rushed over.

These two Tiddled Immortal Emperors are all in the middle stage, one is the Fifth Step and the other is the Sixth Step.

As for the form, the figure has millions of giants, one is Mad Lion and one silver beetle!

After the arrival of these two Vicious Beasts, they were not close, but one left and one right, staying in the Void outside the five or six 10 million, with the aura of the body all dispersed, faintly guarding there.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, the cultivation base strength of their middle stage is not the violent opponent of Starry Sky of Ninth Step Great Perfection. If it is really rushed, it may be directly crushed by others. Killed.

On the other hand, Demon Tiger is here, and the konjac flying tiger that he is fancy is terrible. Demon Tiger is obviously furious and can’t wait to kill Starry Sky.

Therefore, the Mad Lion and Silver Beetles of this matter do not dare to do it even if they have this Strength.

In that case, no difference will once again anger the Demon Tiger, making him angry!

The reason why they are kept in the far side of the Void on the left and right sides is obviously to intercept the escape of Ye Xuan.

After all, he has the cultivation base strength of the Half-Step. If he wants to escape, he may not have this opportunity.

And if it is really intended, there will be a sub-blood Mad Lion and silver beetle on his way to escape, and the rear Demon Tiger can catch up in the first time…

“Mole crickets and ants, your courage is really not big, this time, you can’t escape the wings…”


Looking up and screaming, the Demon Tiger within the body’s stalwart pressure, a sudden glimpse, because of the extreme angry in the discourse, vaguely revealed a sense of playfulness, clearly revealing the feeling of the old cat playing the mouse: “how What? Is it your own surrender, or is it true by the true body to kill you on the spot?”

“It seems that your self feels good!”

Ye Xuan didn’t move at all, it seemed to be taboo, but the sound of Divine Sense at the moment was so relaxed.

Instead, he is still mocking the Demon Tiger.

This is indeed his true performance, not artificial and false.

But it fell in the eyes of Demon Tiger, but it was clearly nothing more than bluffing.

Even the wild blood Mad Lion and the silver beetle, which are waiting in the distance around the Void, are stunned and each has a contempt.

“mole crickets and ants, the opportunity has already been given to you, you don’t want to… then go to hell!”


Demon Tiger didn’t say much, the cold glow flashed, and once again screamed, when even the body slammed out, Aura screamed, heading towards Ye Xuan, blinking into 10 million… …

“This sentence should be true body… give it to you!”

Within 10 million, the other party has no chance of fleeing.

I thought about this and Ye Xuan wouldn’t hesitate, even if I looked up and screamed: “Demon Ape is nine…Eighth Transformation!”


As his words fell, a huge explosion came in an instant. This time, his body’s skyrocketing speed was faster than before, and the strength of the body was more like a big river roaring.

There are endless fierceness in the limbs, and there is a rush of terrifying aura, which was originally only under the shape of a zhang high, with a speed of one-shot speed stand up……

Short before and after the three interest rates, it has reached a billion-foot giant, that is, six million, which is absolutely comparable to the real giant stars, and even more than it!

Moreover, while the body is skyrocketing, the cultivation base aura that Ye Xuan within the body has also climbed at the same speed as one kind of, and the three interest rates have been reached from the previous Titled Immortal Emperor Ninth Step Great Perfection. Now the Universe Venerable Realm Fifth Step !

Fifth Step!

The Demon Tiger, which is facing him from the opposite side, is only the Universe Venerable Realm Second Step nothing more.

There are three small steps between the two.

When the cultivation base level is low, the three small steps may not be anything, but the later, the higher the level of the cultivation base, the smaller the difference is often the difference.

Today, Ye Xuan and the Demon Tiger show up the universe foundation Venerable Realm’s cultivation base.

Within this large realm, a small-order gap can almost represent an absolute advantage. If there are two small-order gaps, it is basically crushed.

But now, Ye Xuan has three small steps.

Coupled with the giant terrifying body of the six million, with the body’s majestic to the horrible Qi and Blood, the difference between the two has reached four small steps…

In the four small steps, in the face of this gap, Demon Tiger does not say that Ye Xuan is facing up, he even has no chance to turn around and escape.

Already destined to be here, being bombarded on the spot…

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