“Demon Ape is a nine change…Fifth Transformation!”


As the noise of the heaven-shaking movement rang, the violent body of Ye Xuan hundred zhang immediately expanded rapidly, and when it was less than half interest, it reached the giant of the million. Demon Insect, which is the same size on the sky, is not weak.

At the same time, its cultivation base aura with the the body quickly climbed to the Titled Immortal Emperor Ninth Step Great Perfection in a short period of time, which is Half-Step Universe Venerable Realm!

This scene is like a drama. In the blink of an eye, the previous moment is like the crickets and ants. The Starry Sky temperament immediately becomes a Half-Step sage that he needs to look up and fear!

These thoughts flashed through my mind, and the whole person at the height of Demon Insect was dumbfounded, widened his eyes, and stayed at the top of Ye Xuan’s head, and the whole brain thundered… For a moment, he forgot. Do anything in response to this.

It’s no wonder that all changes are too fast. Anyone who faces this kind of situation can’t keep up with it.

However, these moments of work, for the powerhouse level of the emperor level, is enough to decide to live and die!

“go to hell…”


At this moment, as the state of Demon Ape Fifth Transformation is instantly stable, Ye Xuan’s sly cool glow flashes, without hesitation, and a low whisper sounds in his mouth, followed by a sudden roar, his body shape is like a skyrocketing The meteors in general, quickly spurred up.

In the blink of an eye, it is near the bottom of this full-body Demon Insect!

With a punch, Void is smashing, and the horrible terrifying enthusiasm shrouds the full body of Demon Insect.

At this moment, he seems to have suddenly fallen into the mud, and like a heavy giant peak on the back of his back, he can’t move at all…

The strong life and death crisis hit, but the brain still slammed into the stagnation of Demon Insect. After the whole body shivered, the smashing of the serene glow was awkward. It was an instant return to God.

“Cracking Tigers… please me!”

In the next moment, the sturdy serene glow in Demon Insect’s shackles turned into a deep fear without any suspense, and it also revealed endless despair.

But he did not give up the struggle, although his body shape could not move, but the sound of its Divine Sense, under a burst of incomparable, but extremely fast, strange ripples, quickly stirred and opened, and instantly rushed Out of the pale blue atmosphere of this Vicious Beast star, spread in the outer Void…

At the heart of the most key life and death, Demon Insect once again used his Bloodline Innate Skill to rescue the Demon Tiger, which is far beyond 10 billion miles, with this unique and strange biological frequency.

Although the distance of tens of billions is extremely far away, it is not too far away for the existence of the powerhouse, especially the Titled Immortal Emperor Seventh Step.

Especially at the moment, Demon Insect, in the life and death crisis, this help message not only uses the Bloodline Innate Skill, which is very different from the biological frequency, but also pushes it at all costs.

If this kind of jealousy is together, his distress signal will spread out at the fastest speed. According to Ye Xuan’s derivation, I am afraid that I can’t use two or three breaths. The Demon Tiger with the Second Step cultivation base is the Demon Tiger. You can tear the Void directly and arrive here.


Almost at the moment when this help message from Demon Insect was sent out, Starry Sky’s violent punch was like a punch, and it fell directly under the belly of Demon Insect.

The huge roaring sounds, the huge body of the giant Demon Insect million, instantly blasted into a black and green blood mist, the height of the star below the pale blue atmosphere, just like a sudden blow The most violent hurricane, the clouds are instantly empty, and even the light blue atmosphere above is blown out of a path of ripples.


Without hesitation, Ye Xuan waved his hand for the first time, and an invisible temperament spread from his with the body. In the blink of an eye, the Void in 10 million was shrouded in a circle, and the black-green blood that had just spread Mist, all coming.

After the income within the body, I was sent to Shennong Cauldron in the first time, and I went to the flame pool at the bottom of the volcano in the central area of ​​the cauldron space.

The cultivation base strength of this full-scale Demon Insect has reached the Titled Immortal Emperor Seventh Step, which is the cultivation base of the late stage. At this moment, all the black and green blood mists that appeared after his mortal body exploded, all swept away, and There is no missing point.

In this way, the refining of the blood of this time, although not up to the extent of Top Grade, but at least can also be high-grade, this for Ye Xuan’s subsequent refining of the twenty 5th level. Great help.

For this reason, although there was a slight accident before this fight, Ye Xuan was still very happy.

In his view, the current Demon Insect has been smashed, and all the black and green blood mists after the body exploded have been put away. It can be said that everything is over.

He only needs to activate the Interstellar Coordinate Jump Ability immediately, and he will be able to stay away from this place in an instant, and his body shape will disappear. Even if the cracked Demon Tiger arrives in the next moment, there is no meaning for him!

However, at this moment, Ye Xuan was about to order the Devouring System with the body, and immediately activated the Interstellar Coordinate Jumping Ability. As a result, unexpected accidents suddenly occurred…


The cracking tiger star, the hollow star of Demon Tiger, the light blue atmosphere of the crouching of the hundred feet of the magic foot, there are tens of billions of miles!

The distance of tens of billions, even the full-fledged Demoline Innate Skill of Demon Insect, is still full of urging…

In order to pass his distress signal to the fission tigers beyond 10 billion miles, and then the Demon Tiger received the message, the first time it rips Void and rushes… indeed, as Ye Xuan deduced That way, it takes two or three breaths.

But unfortunately, when Ye Xuan entered the Demon Insect nest star, the Demon Tiger broke out from the cracked tiger star where his nest was located because of other things.

And the direction he went to is exactly the side of the Demon Insect nest star!

When Ye Xuan slammed into Demon Insect, forcing him to pay the price, when the lifeline and the Bloodline Innate Skill sent a distress signal, the Demon Tiger was only two of the Vicious Beast stars with a light blue atmosphere. More than one billion miles away.

Compared with the original one billion miles, 80% has been shortened!

So, when Demon Tiger received this distress message, Ye Xuan just made a punch to Demon Insect.

At this time, the sudden startled Demon Tiger, under the slight change of the face, is also directly smashed the front of the universe void, the cold glow flashes, a flutter, directly into the front In the void crack, it disappeared!

Undoubtedly, after a short period of time, when his figure reappears, he must have arrived inside the pale blue atmosphere of Vicious Beast…

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