
The faint sound of the air broke out, and a mile of anger came from the end of the Void at the far end. In the blink of an eye, it was on the edge of Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land…

When I got here, the glare came suddenly and suddenly stopped. The figure stood in Void, and it was a starry Sky savage that was in the shape of hundred zhang.

This starry Sky is very violent, it is the source nest star that left his strongest power doppelgänger, followed by Ye Xuan who came to the Galaxy Star Territory.

Today, his own cultivation base strength has reached Titled Immortal Emperor Third Step.

If you activate the Demon Ape Bloodline with the body, the Immemorial Demon Ape under ten zhang high, or the temperament of Starry Sky, the cultivation base strength immediately climbs First Step to Titled Immortal Emperor Fourth Step.

At the moment, he not only activates the Demon Ape Bloodline with the body, but also displays the Demoline divine ability of Demon Ape, but only displays it to Demon Ape First Transformation nothing more.

In the First Transformation state, the figure under the ten zhang high skyrocketed ten times to reach the hundred zhang, and the cultivation base strength climbed to the First Step again, reaching the Titled Immortal Emperor Fifth Step.

Today’s Ye Xuan is exactly this state and cultivation base.

After standing in shape, Starry Sky’s violent in the eyes bright glow flashes, looking toward the galaxy Star Territory at the end of the line of sight, reveals a fascinating…

Here, the Periphery Zone in the Galaxy Star Territory is still far away, but because the entire Primal Chaos Void is incomparably dark, there are even few stars in Starry Sky, often in Void for a month or two to see An abandoned star.

Because of the darkness of the environment, the Galaxy Star Territory, which has a large number of stars emitting light and heat, is extremely eye-catching, even if it is far away.

From the location of the Void where Ye Xuan is now, the vast Galaxy Star Territory is just a little more than the stars. The stars are a little bit, gazing, giving a kind of dream. Illusion!

Nowadays, the vast Galaxy Star Territory is firmly protected by an invisible Primal Chaos rule. If you are close to the Periphery Zone, there will be disasters, namely Universe Venerable and Universe. Lord is likely to fall.

But on the edge of the All Around of the Galaxy Star Territory, the endless years have gathered a lot of top-level powerhouses from various Universe planes, fragmented Starry Sky.

Gradually, here, one of the strongest Forbidden Land, the Xeon Star Territory formed, there are a lot of idle small forces and scattered settlements… All this, the entire Galaxy Star Territory, surrounded by the center!

All the people are waiting for the opening of the Galaxy Star Territory, then rushing in, taking the natural resource, occupying the mysterious mother star, occupying the upcoming Big One’s Supreme Qi Transport!

“This day, it should come soon, my time… really not much!”

Staring at the distant Galaxy Star Territory, Ye Xuan looked at it for a few minutes before slowly returning to the heart, his heart floating up, sighing and sighing, not whispering.

But very quickly, he took this feeling back to his head, because now is not the time, since time is running out, then you must take action.

The main purpose of his re-entry into the Primal Chaos Void this time is to enter the Forbidden Land surrounded by the Gala Terri Star Territory and secretly kill the Starry Sky Vicious Beast!

Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land in front of him is his first goal!

For the general situation of Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land, Ye Xuan had a little understanding before.

Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land, Basic Level Xeon Forbidden Land, that is, the most powerhouse in the Forbidden Land, just Universe Venerable nothing more than the Universe Lord.

There is the Forbidden Land in which the Universe Lord sits, which is already the Middle Level Xeon Forbidden Land!

But the Universe Venerable in Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land is more than one.

A total of two, a Demon Tiger at the Universe Venerable Realm initial stage, a Greedy Wolf with a Universe Venerable Realm middle stage!

That’s right, Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land is named after Greedy Wolf, but in fact, the most powerhouse in this Basic Level Xeon Forbidden Land is just a Greedy Wolf nothing more.

The Greedy Wolf in the legend is a Vicious Beast of the Great Desolate Era, at least with the Desolate Ancient Almighty level of the 1st level.

And this bloody Greedy Wolf, most likely its descendant, with the body has Greedy Wolf’s bloodline, otherwise I am afraid I can’t go to this height, but I have cultivated to Universe Venerable Realm, and it is still middle stage!

In addition to the two Vivie Beasts of the Universe Venerable Realm, there are countless other Forbidden Land Vicious Beasts in the Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land.

Titled Immortal Sovereign level’s Starry Sky Vicious Beast, Ye Xuan is now too lazy to pay attention. If it is encountered, if it is allowed, if it is allowed, it will be harvested, just to harvest a royal blood, can be stocked, enough in the future, and then Refining twenty 4th level Feng Di Bao Dan, for the account of the scorpion.

But this time, if you want to kill the murderous Beast Sovereign, it is absolutely impossible, so for the royal presence of Greedy Wolf Star Territory, Ye Xuan has not paid too much attention.

Universe Venerable Below, just above the emperor, there is only Titled Immortal Emperor, which is the purpose of Ye Xuan’s return to Primal Chaos Void!

In the Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land, the powerful Vicious Beast at the Tilted Immortal Emperor level has a total of ten!

This number simply makes Ye Xuan covet, and if he can kill all ten powerful Ticious Beasts of the Titled Immortal Emperor level, he will be able to immediately harvest ten Emperor blood.

In this way, once the furnace is refining twenty 5th level, the chances of four shots will be as high as 60%!

But this is obviously impossible. In that case, Ye Xuan must be exposed. The only result of that time is to attract the two Universe Venerables in Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land, namely Demon Tiger and Greedy Wolf.

Nowadays, Ye Xuan will have the terrifying power of Universe Venerable Realm Third Step in the state of Demon Ape’s nine-lined Bloodline divine ability.

If it is plus the strength of Qi and Blood in the huge Demon Ape mortal body of the giant stars, it is the Universe Venerable Fourth Step. He is fearless, can be positive and even unbeaten.

But if it is an enemy, it would be bad. If you want to escape, you will most likely have to pay a small price…

So, the idea of ​​killing multiple Titled Immortal Emperors in this Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land is simply unrealistic.

Ye Xuan’s current tentative goal is two!

The first fight for the top secret to sneak out, then hurry and lock the second target, thunder shot to kill it.

Once you’ve succeeded, activate Interstellar Coordinate Jump Ability and get off quickly!

“So, there should not be too much problem…”

After the preliminary plan was repeated in my mind, it was determined that there was no omission, and Ye Xuan’s body shape suddenly turned into a mans, facing the Void on the right side of Greedy Wolf Forbidden Land, spurting go with.

In this direction, the Greedy Wolf Star Territory Periphery Zone has a cultivation base strength only for the Telled Immortal Emperor Second Step. It is the best assassination target…

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