After saying goodbye to Zhao Dong and Qiannan’s four people, Ye Xuan left alone, and his body disappeared. After a short while, he went outside the tiny Black Hole star that entered the Primal Chaos Void.

This miniature Black Hole star, the central Star Territory in Xusheng Forbidden Land is not eye-catching, the location is relatively small, and the scale is small, it is empty after entering, there is nothing at all, even the universe dust in Void No.

It can be said that it is extremely safe.

Ye Xuan, although he revealed to Zhao Dong’s four people the entrance to Primal Chaos Void, somewhere in Xusheng Forbidden Land, but did not point out the existence of this Black Hole star, Primal Chaos Void is of great importance, even Zhao Dong The loyalty of others has no doubt.

However, due to careful consideration, he still decided not to leak.

At this moment, after urging the Spiritual Force Secret Art perfect to sway all the airs of the whole body, Ye Xuan did not hesitate and rushed into the Black Hole.

The Interstellar Coordinate Jumping Ability is then launched directly, and this time the coordinate jump point he locked is the coordinate position imprinted in the Void near the source nestHeadquarters star when he left.

Today’s Ye Xuan, with the body Devouring System’s System title, has reached the 6th level, which is the Interstellar controller.

The Interstellar controller has reached three Interstellar Coordinate jump points in the same universe.

Before entering this Primal Chaos Void, Ye Xuan had branded an Interstellar Coordinate jump in Sangzhi Star Territory.

After entering Primal Chaos Void, he branded a second Interstellar Coordinate jump point near the strongest source of stars that gave birth to the power doppelgänger.

Later, while leaving the other source nest Headquarters star, Ye Xuan branded the third Interstellar Coordinate point in the nearby Starry Sky.

Originally thought that these three Interstellar Coordinate points were consumed, here he could no longer brand a similar Interstellar Coordinate point.

But in fact, it left here on the same day, back to Xusheng Forbidden Land, and killed eight Titled Immortal Sovereign in Forbidden Land, after all other Forbidden Land Vicious Beasts were plucked.

Ye Xuan came to the edge of the Black Hole star at the entrance to the Primal Chaos Void at the Forbidden Land Central Star Territory, and tried to re-print the Interstellar Coordinate jumping point. I didn’t expect it to be successfully branded.

If this is not the case, he will not be able to return to Xusheng Forbidden Land in this way, directly from the Emperor Star Territory.

The accidental branding of that time was successful, and Ye Xuan realized it for a moment.

According to System’s judgment, the Great Desolate Heaven and Earth shard Void of Forbidden Land and Forbidden Land, the Emperor Star Territory, and the Primal Chaos Void within the Black Hole whirlpool are not the same universe. Plane.

Yes Xuan’s 6th level’s System title, Ability, is able to brand the next three Interstellar Coordinate jump points in any Universe plane.

That is to say, in the Primal Chaos Void, and the Great Desolate Heaven and Earth shards outside the Black Hole singer, Starry Sky, Ye Xuan now only branded two Interstellar Coordinate jumping points.

There is also an indicator, not consumed!

For him, this is definitely a big good news.

The Great Desolate Heaven and Earth Shard Starry Sky, which is outside the Black Hole, is that’s all, and it’s no longer important.

However, the Primal Chaos Void in the star-hole whirlpool is the most important one. The remaining indicator of the Interstellar Coordinate jumping point remains. Ye Xuan intends to stay in his hands and wait for an opportunity to try to see if it can break through the Milky Way. The Primal Chaos outside the Star Territory is able to enter the Galaxy Star Territory in advance.

After all, Ye Xuan is different from other people. He has a glimpse of Primal Chaos Qi Transport. Although the Galaxy Star Territory is not yet open, it is protected by a powerful invisible Primal Chaos.

But others can’t get in, but it doesn’t mean that Ye Xuan has no chance.

If it can enter, this last indicator, he will be consumed in the Galaxy Star Territory.

In this way, even in the years when the Galaxy Star Territory has not been lifted, he can quietly and freely travel back and forth…

This thought, in his original singularity at the Forbidden Land Black Hole, accidentally branded the next Interstellar Coordinate point, and thus consciousness to himself in these two places, when there is still one indicator, it is already in Ye Xuan’s mind has grown.

Back this time, the main purpose of Ye Xuan is to get close to the edge of the Galaxy Star Territory, look for opportunities, try this plan, and whether there is a possibility of implementation!

Of course, all this is afterward, now just return, the first thing, or first return to the source nest Headquarters, to see if the situation in your backyard is stable, and then plan!


The faint sound of the empty sound, Ye Xuan’s figure instantly appeared, turned around, all around Void is quite familiar, not far away, it is the source nest that looks like a giant abandoned star. Headquarters.

This Void is very empty, and it is also far from the Galaxy Star Territory, so there is almost no Forbidden Land Vicious Beast and the legacy powerhouse that are normally nearby.

Ye Xuan expanded Divine Consciousness and quickly saw the situation of the source nest Headquarters.

There is no figure outside the stars, but in the stars of the stars, there are some sporadic Forbidden Land Vicious Beast wandering, apparently the parade of the flying centipede, the silver scorpion and Bada Jingang.

It seems that everything is as usual, and nothing happens.

Under the sudden spur of the heart, Ye Xuan’s figure swayed, and after a short time, he fell to the surface of the nesting star.

After wavering back and screaming Vicious Beast, who was surrounded by the news, he entered the interior of the star for the first time, reaching Star Nucleus.

When he entered Star Nucleus, Ye Xuan was shocked.

This source nest star is extremely huge, just Star Nucleus, the diameter of its internal space is more than the size of an abandoned star.

Before leaving, Ye Xuan threw the Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life giants here, letting the World Insect in the life giant plug the naked body, and let go of the rich Innate energy in the absorption source nest.

At that time, if the entire Star Nucleus internal space was likened to a watermelon, then the Roaring Tyrant Dragon Life is equivalent to an apple stuffed into the watermelon.

This is roughly the ratio.

But now, the apple that has been put into the watermelon has grown up, and it is not too big. It is clearly a small watermelon. It is only a few laps less than the entire Star Nucleus internal space.

As this continues, the entire Star Nucleus will be stuffed with the soaring Roaring Tyrant Dragon, and even more likely, it will continue to expand outward.

At the end of the day, this source nest star may no longer exist and will be completely blasted by Roaring Tyrant Dragon.

“Heavens, this is one of the most top-level giant stars, if the Roaring Tyrant Dragon can grow to this level…”

Looking at the Roaring Tyrant Dragon in front of him, Ye Xuan was dumbfounded for a while.

Until the flying centipede, the silver grotesque and Bada Jingang came and woke him up.

Ye Xuan whispered: “That is the real Starry Sky giant plug, driving it in the Void, and encountering any stars, you can directly hit it!”

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