“I can’t think of a parent star, but I still can’t avoid this kind of scene. It’s really disturbing…”

At the end of the day, Ye Xuan’s face showed a touch of disappointment, and he waved his hand impatiently: “They were scattered, and they were all scattered immediately. This is a lot of tiredness for this kind of arrangement! It’s hard If you come out, you can’t be quiet!”

With the export of this discourse, the pressure aura, which was originally converging with the body, also seemed to leak out inadvertently.

It is the Titled Immortal Emperor First Step.

At this time, the seven major repairs in the front court were also behind, and the lotus steps were lightly moved. They walked out of the vestibule with Void, and all of them had a faint horror, and they bowed to Ye Xuan.

“Little young master is angry!”

“It’s just that some foreigners have nothing more, and they don’t know much about it. I hope that Young Lord will not be guilty of what they don’t know, don’t be angry!”


At the same time as these words are spoken, the seven majors within the body also have a taste of the Half-Step Aura of the Tilted Immortal Sovereign Ninth Step Great Perfection.

All of this was completely captured by the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign, which was nearly a hundred miles away. They immediately made them pupil shrink and breathed again in the mouth!

Mother star?

Little young master?

Micro service tour?

So young, it is Titled Immortal Emperor, and even the seven prostitutes who are serving around are so beautiful and alluring, they are all Half-Step?

All of this together, instantly gathered together into a heaven-shaking bomb, in the brains of the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign, bursting open, making them tremble slightly, snorting And heavy, Mind, has been completely messed up!

Come to heaven-shaking!

This is just the so-called little master master no more. In general, the young young master is a grandson, otherwise, if it is a son, it will be called Young Lord.

It seems that the background of the mysterious so-called small young master, the backing behind it, is clearly the existence of his grandfather generation.

The grandsons are so powerful, the cultivation base, seven and a half imperial women, and seven Desolate Ancient Almighty Demon Dragon trips…

So, what kind of terrifying exists for this mysterious grandfather?

The cultivation base strength is probably not even able to be unlocked by Universe Venerable. After the emperor, it is Universe Venerable. How can grandfather be only a big realm than grandson?

In this way, people must at least have the existence of Universe Lord and Universe Supreme level, and even most likely Desolate Ancient Almighty, Desolate Ancient Supreme!

Even if it’s just the Universe Lord, it’s oh, right, and for Titled Immortal Sovereign, it’s definitely a look-ahead… I’ve never seen these characters in my life!

To be precise… it should have been heard that I have never heard of it!

More importantly, people come from the parent star!

The legend about the parent star, in this Great Desolate Heaven and Earth shard Void, is no longer a secret, the Desolate Ancient relics above Immortal Realm and Forbidden Land Vicious Beast, almost certainly know some.

After the Desolate Ancient dying of the Great Desolate Heaven and Earth collapsed, the mother star did fly with the galactic river it was in, and did not know where to go.

It now appears that the mysterious Galaxy Star Territory is clearly transferred to the Primal Chaos Void in the legend.

The so-called little young master, who is terrifying, can be scared to death, is clearly from the parent star of the Galaxy Star Territory in Primal Chaos Void.

For all Desolate Ancient relics in this Great Desolate Heaven and Earth shard Void, the parent star is the source of the Bloodline.

So, in a sense, the little young master in front of them is the existence of their Bloodline Old Ancestor level.

Although young people are young, but the level of honor of the generations and Bloodline is there, this is absolutely indelible…

As these thoughts flashed in my mind, the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign hearts all set off raging waves, and all around the distance of the countless survivors powerhouse and Starry Sky Vicious Beast, they are all cool If you are chilling.

At this moment, the whole piece of the vast and innocent Star Territory once again fell into the complete yet stillness.

Because the words of Ye Xuan and Corpse Ancestor Drought Demon and other seven savvy talents seem to be random and the voice is very light, in fact, the power of Divine Consciousness is invisibly used.

The entire Emperor Star Territory is shrouded, even if it is a blind man, you can hear it clearly!

No one doubts this, because both the terrifying cultivation base of the little young master, the semi-emperor Strength of the seven stunning maids served by him, and the nine Demon Dragon Desolate Ancient Almighty powerhouses. Pressure… All of this is the fact that is in front of you!

Only Yin Emperor and Yin Qi and other tens of thousands of Yin Demon Race clansman, at the moment, although the look on the face is as shocking, and also did not dare to breathe, but their bottom place, but there is still a clear Incomparable suspicion!

All that happened in front of me has a sense of deja vu.

It’s not just a few people’s minds. In fact, all the tens of thousands of Yin Demon Race clansman have this feeling at the moment.

After the humiliation of Huan Ge Old Ancestor that caused the entire Yin Demon Race to become the laughing stock of Starry Sky’s countless powerhouses, all the Yin Demon Race clansman, subconscious will give birth to one of the first time. Kind of questioning intuition.

Just like conditioned reflexes, it is more like instinct!

And this scene that is happening in front of us clearly gives them a feeling of familiarity, just like the Linghu Young Lord who faked Huan Ge Old Ancestor and harmed Yin Demon Race… and suddenly appeared, coming to the front!

A short lag, the closest to Demon Dragon, the Titled Immortal Sovereign, which is only a hundred miles away, finally returned to the world and broke free from this unprecedented shock.

Sixteen people turned their heads to each other and exchanged their eyes. They quickly reached a consensus.

Then, several of them turned to the countless survivors of the black Void Abode, and the complexion sank and reprimanded on the spot…

“What are you doing here? Didn’t see the small… Xuanyuan young master has already been unhappy?”

“One by one is too ignorant, who told you to come? Ming knows that Xuanyuan young master does not like this kind of arranging, is it not speeding up?”

“If it is against the Xuanyuan young master, are you waiting for it? Simply don’t have this…”

“Roll! All give old man Fuck off, where to go…”


“hōng lóng lóng ……”


With the screams of these Titled Immortal Sovereign, the countless remnants of the 3-Layer group, which were originally surrounded by the black Void Abode, immediately started, and turned around in Void, following the panic. Come on, hurried away…

Until then, the sixteen Titled Immortal Sovereign had a sigh of relief, and after switching to another look again, they immediately piled up a deliberate smile on their faces, no longer hesitating, swaying, looked towards Demon Dragon driving over 100 million miles ahead, screaming away…

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