
As soon as the figure was swaying, Ye Xuan’s figure came out of the interior of the compartment and appeared on the side of the vestibule of the car.

Almost as soon as his body shape suddenly appeared, not far ahead, like the miserable howl of the fox scorpion has been passed over, the hearer shed tears, let Ye Xuan, who has not had time to figure out the situation, Shivered a chill in the spirit…

“Grandma, old man, I don’t dare anymore…”

“Guaranteed, this time absolutely guarantees, no longer escapes, no longer small tricks, let Demon Dragon attack a few aunts…”

“Seven aunts, you put the old man as a fart…”

As the voice pleaded, Ye Xuan looked stiff and subconsciously turned to the prestige.

In the scene that I saw in the eye, he immediately took a sigh of coolness, his body shape, and he even slammed it again.

Poor elephant fox licks an old bone, but now it is surrounded by seven girls… indecent!

Indecent, in fact, only Ye Xuan saw the scene, the first thought in the mind that’s all, in fact, whether it is like a fox or seven girls, I am afraid there is no such feeling.

The old man must feel that he is being shackled, and the seven girls, most of them feel that they are punishing the elephant fox… After all, listening to his words of pleading, this fellow seems to have been not very good in these three days. honest.

He even tried to escape, trying to control the nine Demon Dragon and attacking seven girls with the authority that Ye Xuan gave him. But obviously, in the end, he all failed.

These seven girls can all be Half-Step empire, and the cultivation base strength of the Tilted Immortal King First Step is only like the foxes. In front of them, there is no possibility of half-escape, how far to escape, and ultimately Was caught back.

As for the nine Demon Dragons, although they are temporarily controlled by the foxes, and the Treasure Body is so powerful, it is the Universe Venerable, which can’t be destroyed, but they have the body’s cultivation base aura, although it is Desolate Ancient Almighty. The level of combat power that can be truly demonstrated is limited by the controller’s own cultivation base level.

It’s only the Tiddled Immortal King First Step. These nine Demon Dragons are in his hands. At most, it’s how to fight, how can you hit the big rods, nothing more, and the fighting power is impossible to shake the half. Seven girls in the emperor’s realm!

It’s no wonder that he is so hard and begging for mercy. When he is old, he still screams at his grandmother. It’s really hard for this Old Fogy…

In fact, this is not the most bitter. What really makes Ye Xuan stand out is the scene that is in front of you.

Since following the scene of Ye Xuan, this Old Fogy is interesting, perhaps for the sake of a good impression. He has never changed to the appearance of Human Race. Normally, it shows the true form of a fox.

The body is a furry mole body with a long elephant nose on its head and a fluffy foxtail behind the strand…

Moreover, because it is often used as a pet in Starry Sky’s violent right shoulder, the old Foggy’s True Body form is basically kept at about one chi.

Just one foot nothing more, two Ba Changda that’s all.

Now, surrounded by seven girls is such a seemingly weird, but faint and cute little gadget.

The seven girls are obviously not interested in him. They might have liked to treat him as pet, but perhaps this Old Fogy has been inferior in these three days. Now, the fluff of his whole body is all dialed. Light… The whole is a bald squirrel with a long elephant nose!

Ye Xuan’s thoughts in the mind before that Old Fogy was insulted is the reason.

The hairs were all lighted out, and Old Fogy’s whole body of red fruit was exposed. Isn’t it a rude?

“Head, head… help!”

Just as Ye Xuan looked at it all oddly, the elephant fox, surrounded by seven girls, finally saw him.

Old Fogy’s body trembled, and the mist suddenly appeared in the shackles. He smashed his heart and smashed his throat: “Hey, you just walked for a long time, and suddenly there were seven female demons on the car.” Head, you have to take Benedict from your side, saying that it is to give them pet, this swears to die, originally wanted to escape, did not expect to be arrested again and again…”

“Then old man wants to control these nine Demon Dragon and win them. Who knows… Head, your nine Demon Dragon is simply invisible, aura is Desolate Ancient Almighty, in the hands of Benedict, actually The kingdom of the king is similar to the cultivation base, and it is not used at all!”

“Poor old man, my body hair… I tried a few times, and there was no one left, all of them were lighted…”

With the crying, a resentment thought emerged from the inside of the body, it seems that in this short three-day period, Old Fogy was really less tortured and bullied!

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, even when he introduced the two sides.

At this point, the elephant fox stunned, the original seven cultivation base terrifying girl, is actually the head of the maid, like himself, is also a genus.

However, although they are all dependents, the cultivation base strength of the seven people is there, and it is much stronger than before the Demon Ape has changed the Bloodline divine ability. He is naturally offended.

Moreover, the seven girls are so beautiful, and the head is estimated to be reluctant to punish them. In fact, even if they punish, the first person may not have played seven.

The previous grievances suffered by this stop were sinned.

As soon as I read this, Xiang Huyu sighed with sorrow and incomprehension. Under the sway, a thick fluff came out again, and his body fell into the shoulder of Ye Xuan…

Seeing this scene, the seven girls all came to Ye Xuan’s side, surrounded his figure, you said a word, chirp chirp twitter twitter is endless…

“It turned out that this fellow was the master’s pet…”

“I know so, a few of us Sister will not force it to be pet, Master’s pet, isn’t it the same as our pet?”

“Fortunately, I had to pay a lot of money before, and I didn’t kill him on the spot. Otherwise, I am afraid I will be punished by the Master…”

“Head, ahead… there are a lot of Life stars! A rich Life aura!”

Just as Ye Xuan was stunned by the seven girls, the elephant python lying on his shoulder suddenly snorted and raised his finger to the front.

In the next moment, Ye Xuan and the seven girls all turned their heads, and Divine Consciousness stretched out and was far away.

In front of the Star Territory, about 100 million miles away, a Vicious Beast Forbidden Land is visible, and its size should be similar to that of the fox, which is a Middle Level Starry Sky with Titled Immortal King. Forbidden Land.

This level of Forbidden Land, Ye Xuan has not much interest, but after all, it is a few king blood and 10 blood seals. Since it is encountered, naturally it should not be let go…

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