“This Star Lord decided to take out the Desolate Ancient Almighty Demon Dragon Treasure Body and smelt it into a real…Demon Dragon!”

In the face of a group of girls swarming around, gathered around the body, all showed a strong interest in the Kowloon Qing dynasty in his hands, Ye Xuan even expressed his attitude.

But in fact, when he said this, he did not have much confidence in his own heart.

Desolate Ancient Almighty Demon Dragon wreck Treasure Body, he does have it in his hands, and the number is exactly nine. In addition to Demon Dragon, he has many other remedies for the desert ancient creatures, not only Desolate Ancient Almighty, but even There is also the Desolate Ancient Supreme class.

Of course, more, it’s still Desolate Ancient Almighty, and at low level.

However, at the beginning, Ye Xuan tried to use a wrecked Treasure Body of Desolate Ancient Almighty, which was used to refine the treasure and directly roast.

But at that time, he had not yet been shot, and the corpse lamp tattoo on his left chest immediately became hot and warned.

The Desolate Ancient Almighty and the 1st level are below the desolate ancient creatures. Ye Xuan can be used casually. The headless infant corpse will not interfere, but the Desolate Ancient Almighty and Desolate Ancient Supreme powerful Treasure Body wrecks are not here. Column.

This is because the Desolate Ancient of the year, although these Desolate Ancient Almighty and Desolate Ancient Supreme have fallen, but the Deserte Ancient Inheritance Tower drifted over the battlefield and collected a Remnant Soul.

In the future, when Ye Xuan’s cultivation base strength reaches a certain height, it is possible to resurrect these Desolate Ancient Almighty and Desolate Ancient Supreme with the Remnant Soul contained in the Desolate Ancient Inheritance Tower.

Even if you can’t resurrect the wreckage of the past, these Desolate Ancient Almighty and Desolate Ancient Supreme’s Remnant Soul, with the past Treasure Body True Body, will obviously be easier to reinvent the current True Body, once resurrected, cultivation base strength The starting point will also be higher.

For example, Zixia Fairy, that’s it.

Therefore, Ye Xuan has always used the Desolate Ancient Almighty below the desolate ancient creatures Treasure Body wreck, the real Desolate Ancient Almighty, and the Desolate Ancient Supreme, which he has never used.

The collected levels of the desolate ancient creatures Treasure Body wrecks are all properly housed in a closed cave at the bottom of the volcano in the central area of ​​Shennong Cauldron…

For this reason, when it comes to the use of the nine Desolate Ancient Almighty Demon Dragon’s Treasure Body wreck, Ye Xuan actually has some drums.

The fear of the voice just fell, the corpse light tattoo at the left chest, immediately hot again to refuse.

But perhaps it’s because this time it’s just the wreckage of the nine Desolate Ancient Almighty Demon Dragon’s Treasure Body, which is used to refine the Demon Dragon, not to refine the liquid, or to bake directly, without causing them. The reason for the destruction.

Ye Xuan’s words have been exported for a long time, but the corpse lamp tattoo at the left chest still has no reaction.

It seems that the headless infant corpse does not object to this matter.


In a wave, Ye Xuan sacrificed Shennong Cauldron and nodded to the seven brilliants beside him. Then he stalked into the colorful fog of Shennong Cauldron, and closed his eyes and sat down.

At the same time, Shennong Cauldron internal space, the bottom of the central domain volcano!


“xiū xiū xiū ……”

The faint sound of the emptiness sounded in succession. A path of serene glow spurted from the height of the Dingkou above the volcano in the central domain. It appeared directly above the flame pool at the bottom of the volcano, and suddenly hovered for a moment, it was exactly Ye. Xuan prepared a variety of refiner forgings and nine Desolate Ancient Demon Dragon Treasure Body wrecks for the Demon Dragon.

These nine Desolate Ancient Demon Dragon are all black and inky, each of them is above the million, with the body exuding a strong fierce aura, even if it is already endless years, it is still eye-catching and shocking.

Then, from the top of Shennong Cauldron’s tripod, a series of shots was shot by Ye Xuan, who was thrown by Ye Xuan.


In the next moment, underneath all the materials, in the flame pool at the bottom of the central volcano, a sturdy Shennong Seven Colored flame whistled and instantly condensed into a colorful furnace cauldron of about one zhang, small and ancient and Plain, reveals an out of the ordinary aura.

With the formation of a small flame that was condensed by the Shennong Seven Colored flame, the various materials and the Kowloon Green Car, as well as the nine Desolate Ancient Almighty Demon Dragon Treasure Body wrecks, all fly automatically. From the field power of Shennong Cauldron, it was reduced to the flames of Ding Ding, which is only about one zhang.

Since then, the refining of Demon Dragon has officially started!

Unconsciously, time is slowly passing…

This time refining the Demon Dragon, in fact, Ye Xuan himself is slightly nervous.

On the one hand, he used Shennong Cauldron’s Seven Colored flame barbecue, refining flesh and blood Great Medicine and various kinds of Baodan. Although it is commonplace, it can be used as a refiner, but it is still the first one.

What’s more, Jiulong Qingyi was originally Desolate Ancient Great Treasure. This time, Ye Xuan wants to upgrade his power and refine it directly to the level of Desolate Ancient Supreme Treasure. The difficulty is also one.

What’s more, this time he also directly used nine Desolate Ancient Almighty Demon Dragon Treasure Body wrecks, which is absolutely unprecedented…

All of this together, even Ye Xuan, is not awkward!


I don’t know how long it has passed. Suddenly, a huge roaring sound is heard above the flame pool at the bottom of the central fire.

The furnace cauldron, which was condensed by pure Shennong Seven Colored flames, was scattered, and a colorful flames like a river rushed back to the flame pool below. The one above the flame pool was a palm-sized one. Drive the treasure.

All the top-level refiner forgings that were previously invested in it, as well as the nine Desolate Ancient Almighty-class Demon Dragon Treasure Body wrecks, have all disappeared…

Undoubtedly, this time the refining was successful, all the materials have been fully merged together, and it has become the bottom of the volcano in the central area. It is somewhat similar to the original Kowloon Green, but it is completely different. Drive Magical Treasure!

The thought flashed through my mind, and Ye Xuan’s face instantly showed a pleasant color. Before he responded, the familiar System notification sound suddenly rang in his head.

“Hey, Congratulations host! Discover Demon Dragon!! :Desolate Ancient Supreme Treasure !Quality: perfect Nothing! Is there a refining?”

Desolate Ancient Supreme Treasure !

And the appearance is still perfect!

This time, the refining system was completely successful…


With the excitement, Ye Xuan took a look at Shennong Cauldron, who was carrying a colorful mist, and waved the treasure cauldron with the body.

Immediately afterwards, the Demon Dragon, which had just been refining, appeared in his right hand.

The Grade has been upgraded to the Desolate Ancient Supreme Treasure level’s Demon Dragon, which is more luxurious than ever before. The entire Purple-Gold color, all around surrounds seven small Black Dragons, exuding ancient and plain Powerful aura.

The previous Kowloon Green Car has no defenses and attacks on the Ability, but now the Demon Dragon is a powerful Supreme Treasure. After all, this time, Ye Xuan has spent a lot of top-level forgings. Nine Desolate Ancient Almighty Demon Dragon Treasure Body wrecks…

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