鈥淲elcome to Old Ancestor!鈥?/p>

Seeing this one-piece blood robe, the middle aged man from the dignity came out of the stars, with the body’s cultivation base aura, which was powerful enough to be dumbstruck, and the countless Demon powerhouse in the whole Void was all excited. Trembling, with a deep surprise, holding a fist and a single knee is crisp…

Even the Demon executives, including Demon’s second-generation ancestors, did.

Demon Sovereign Guard Commander Zha Nasi of Wen Xing Old Ghost body possession also squatted on his knees. Just now, after seeing Demon’s ancestors, I felt the cultivation base aura that was with the body. When the Universe Venerable Realm was reached, the bottom of the fascinating color floated, but it flashed away and quickly settled down.

It seems that although I am surprised, I don鈥檛 feel too shocked…

From this, it is inferred that the real cultivation base of this Old Fogy, I am afraid it will never be too simple!

鈥淗as it been so long? It鈥檚 good for me, Sealing the Heaven… and finally breakthrough to Universe Venerable Realm!鈥?/p>

In the distance, Demon’s generation of ancestors squatted in the Void far away from the stars. They turned around and looked around. They frowned slightly: “There are so many cultivation base ordinary people… No, Demon is a family. Is there a huge change that cannot be resisted?”


When the voice is not falling, a bloody man has been shot from his between the eyebrows and landed on a Demon. In a moment, Mo Sealing Heaven鈥檚 eyes floated a comprehend and understand, and more cold glow Flashing: “Great Desolate big world, is it coming? So… it’s time to use the guide jade plate that Primredial Ancestor left in the past!”

While speaking, as he turned his hand, a blood color jade plate with only half a palm appeared in the hands of Mo Sealing Heaven, ancient and plain, and faintly exudes a glimpse of the ancient Primal Chaos rule aura.

Seeing this blood color jade plate, Demon Sovereign Guard Commander Zha Nasi, who had risen up with the high-end Demon high-rise, once again flashed a fine mans, and even the brows were slightly picked, but they quickly disappeared. Obviously, for this blood color jade pendant that reveals the ancient Primal Chaos rule aura, he seems quite moving…

“Call all the clansman, bring all the natural resources, all three, after three days, the family migration, this ancient Ancestral Land … we will not come back!”

Hanging in the hands of the blood color jade pendant, Mo Sealing Heaven’s mouth is like a whisper, the sound of the words, all the Demon powerhouse hearing this, all phylently shaken.

The news was so amazing. No one expected that a generation of ancestors had just broken out. The entire Demon Tribe immediately gave up Ancestral Land and went to the unknown.

However, the heart was shocked, but no one asked anything. The Demon executives immediately acted and mobilized all the Demon powerhouses in the entire black Void Abode space to clean up the supplies and set sail for the family after three days. And fully assembled…

After three days, all the preparations are in place. Demon Tribe’s tribe in the black Void Abode’s remain is able to take away, all of which have been put away. All the Demon powerhouses have all entered the scale. Within this Battleship army, you can sail with just one order!

“k菐 ch膩 ……”


Without any words, a generation of ancestors, Sealing the Heaven, directly crushed the half-palm big color color jade pendant in his hand. With the clear k菐 ch膩 sound, the blood color jade pendant turned into a bloody mantle. With a sharp, unbroken sound, shot to the front of the Void!


A shocking scene appeared, and as the blood spurted away, the black Void Abode in front of the darkness was directly torn open with a huge void crack, behind the crack, clearly revealing a strong Primal. Chaos Void’s aura, Ye Hao, the innocent Dark World at the moment…

A small blood man, there is such a terrifying power, remaining his existence, I am afraid at least have to be the universe base of the Universe Lord.

Seeing this scene, Demon Sovereign Guard Commander Zha Nasi slammed the singer again…

“Void after the crack is where my Demon Tribe Primordial Ancestor is. When Premoldial Ancestor left, he remained this blood, and said that when the Great Desolate big world is about to come to life, it can be crushed. Guide me to clansman and go to reunite with him…”

While speaking, Mo Sealing the Heaven raises his hand and points forward, suddenly violently screaming: “All the children are listening, go all out, my Demon Lineage, and this… the family is born!”


鈥渉艒ng l贸ng l贸ng ……鈥?/p>

With the order of Mo Sealing Heaven, the hundreds of millions of Battleships that had already been ready to go were all open, the huge roaring sound continued, all the Battleships moved together, all of them were torn away from the front of the road by the blood color jade pendant. The void crack rushed away.

In just a few hours, all the Battleships entered the void crack and disappeared. This old Demon ancient Ancestral Land became an empty nest…


Just as the Demon family abandoned the nest and entered the Primal Chaos Void, in a mysterious Void with a secret passage in the First Universe, a size compared to the Demon Tribe, hundreds of millions of Battleship, how many times the size is huge. The battleship army, at this moment, is also full of kinetic energy, to a blood color like a diaphragm-like curtain, to launch a blasting shock!

This Battleship army belongs to Heavenly Machine Race.

This ectopic Void, which has a secret passage with First Universe, is the mysterious Void that Heavenly Machine Race migrated when it moved.

This mysterious Void and Ye Xuan originally discovered the Origin of All Evil core interior. Void has a large number of Treasure Body wrecks of powerful desolate ancient creatures, including even the Desolate Ancient Almighty and the true Desolate Ancient Almighty level.

Heavenly Machine Race’s Patriarch Emperor One decided to move the entire Heavenly Machine City and the entire Heavenly Machine Race to this mysterious Void, taking advantage of the change of Heavenly Machine City at the time. The purpose was to use this Void. The Treasure Body, the wreck of the powerful desolate ancient creatures, can be seen everywhere, allowing the entire Heavenly Machine Race to complete a glorious evolution in a short time!

Today, it has been around for almost two decades.

In the past 20 years, a lot of things can happen. Heavenly Machine Race has the power of the whole tribe. There are countless intelligent robots as the sleepless labor force. Now the tribe’s overall transformation and evolution has already achieved astounding results.

The original Heavenly Machine City was just a small star, but now, after twenty years of overall and comprehensive upgrade, Heavenly Machine City has even surpassed some extremely rare giants. Stars, became a true Starry Sky giant plug.

In fact, the change in volume is actually just one aspect of the evolution of Heavenly Machine City, and it is not even the most important change.

The original Heavenly Machine City, built with the to the the body, is made of the hardest new Universe alloy, with a conventional continental form and a wartime fortress form, and now it has been fully consolidated and upgraded…

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