“The situation is a bit complicated, or you both have to go to Shennong Cauldron to avoid it…”

At this moment, Ye Xuan’s complexion was already very dignified. After a little indulging, he turned to look at Xue Ben and Xiang Huyu, and then said: “There are so many Fenghuang Fengdi, and it looks like the front. Void is one of the most promising Life auras, the weakest is Immortal Level…”

“This situation is outside the Primal Chaos Void, and even the top-level Starry Sky Forbidden Land, where the powerhouse is located, is unlikely to appear!”

“So, I am extremely skeptical that this is a Forbidden Land, even more than one place… Maybe the Galaxy Star Territory is in all directions, all of this level of starry sky powerhouse gathering place!”

“If this is the case, don’t dare to say Universe Lord, and Universe Supreme, at least, Universe Venerable, here is definitely there.”

“The existence of this level, although I have a way to escape, I can’t guarantee innocence. If you both stay outside, once the accident occurs, the chance of safe escape is almost zero…”

Having said that, Ye Xuan is no longer speaking, because Xue Ben and Xiang Huyu already understand what he means.

Recently, the two have been with Ye Xuan. They didn’t know the cultivation base level after the emperor and the level of Starry Sky after the top-level Starry Sky Forbidden Land.

But now, after this period of time, Ye Xuan’s commentary, the two people have already known this.

In this vast and vast Great Desolate Heaven and Earth shard Void, Starry Sky Forbidden Land belongs to the Vicious Beast ruling, while the survivor Star Territory belongs to the Star Territory ruled by the Desolate Ancient remnants.

But whether it is Starry Sky Forbidden Land or the survivor Star Territory, according to the level of power, it can be divided into two major categories.

The first category: Feng Hou, Feng Wang, Feng Huang, Feng Di Powerhouse, respectively ruling small, medium, large and top-level Starry Sky Forbidden Land.

The second category: Universe Venerable, Universe Lord, Universe Supreme, and Desolate Ancient Almighty, Desolate Ancient Supreme and other five realm, respectively, ruling five small-scale distinctions for the Forbidden Land, respectively, for the primary, middle, and high levels, and Top-level, Super Xeon Forbidden Land!

In front of this Star Territory, there are more than a dozen Aura of the Starry Sky Vicious Beast in a short ten-digit interest, at least a Basic Level Xingqiang Forbidden Land, with at least one Universe Venerable.

Ye Xuan is now the emperor, Universe Venerable is two big realm higher than his cultivation base, just sneaked in alone, it is extremely dangerous, if there are two oil bottles with the king’s border around, How can one situation be well imagined.

What’s more, the front is at least the Basic Level Xeon Forbidden Land, just one direction of the edge of the Galaxy Star Territory nothing more.

The entire Primal Chaos Void is dark. Only the Galaxy Star Territory exudes a lot of light and heat. The same galaxy as the same galaxy must have attracted countless powerful presences in the Primal Chaos Void.

In this way, the other directions on the edge of the Galaxy Star Territory must also be at least one of the forces of the Basic Level and the Forbidden Land. Even the stronger Middle Level and the High Level Forbidden Land are not impossible.

The location of such a strong Forbidden Land, with the cultivation base strength of Xue Ben and the two people who are only the king of the fox, is really nothing to lose, basically nothing to do with them…

As these thoughts flashed through their minds, Xue Ben and Xiang Huyu once again turned their heads and exchanged a look. The latter did not say anything more and nodded silently.

But Xue Ben seems to be indulged, and Ye Xuan is not in a hurry. He waved his hand to the Shemong Cauldron, and then quietly waited for his response.

“Ye Xuan, brother, I want to go there…”

After some indulging, Xue Ben flashed through the fineness, and the expression on his face gradually became firm. Whispering raised his finger to the direction he had previously said: “I can sense that direction, there is a strong The power of Bloodline summon exists…”

“If there is no accident, the source of this summon power should also be a pureline Desolate Ancient mosquito, and it has a deep Bloodline relationship with me, mostly… my grandfather!”

“And, his aura is very powerful, giving me the feeling that it should far exceed the aura of the more than ten emperor-level Vicious Beast coming from the front… Perhaps, you are talking about the Universe Venerable, even the Universe Lord! ”

“If you can find him, it will be of great significance to the situation we are facing now, so this is definitely worth a try.”

“However, there is a lot of Mosquito Beast’s Life aura in this direction. If there is a Forbidden Land there, 80% may be a place where somewhere Mosquito Beast tribe is located, so I enter myself. It’s not dangerous, but you are not a murderous Mosquito Beast, but you can’t get in at all…”

Having said that, Xue Ben turned around and then took a look at it: “This is a strong Forbidden Land around the Galaxy Star Territory. We don’t know about it at the moment. If you only go alone to investigate, the progress is obviously a bit too slow.”

“It’s me. If you can find the source of summon’s power in this murderous Mosquito Beast tribe, it’s very likely that you can get a lot of information easily, so… we two people, it can be launched at the same time!”

“It is such a rationale…”

After listening to Xue Ben, Ye Xuan sub frowns, and now Xue Ben is Titled Immortal King, but compared to this Xeon Forbidden Land, his strength is not enough.

Ye Xuan is still somewhat worried about his security.

However, Xue Ben is not his subordinate. The two are brothers who are worshipping. Since he has made his own choice, the only thing Ye Xuan can do is to respect his decision. Otherwise, the taste of this relationship will change. It is.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan faintly sighed, raised his hand and patted it gently on Xue Ben’s shoulder, Dun Dun: “Well, Xue Ben, you are all careful, hope that we will be heavy again soon. Gather…”


After that, Ye Xuan waved a space box filled with a lot of top-level cultivating natural resources, slowly drifting away and falling into the hands of Xue Ben: “These natural resources are taken away, Primal Chaos Void The natural resource is poor, I have more on hand, don’t delay the cultivation base into the environment…”

“So, then don’t go over! Ye Xuan, the younger brother… take care!”

Xue Ben didn’t push too much, and he doesn’t need this between Ye Xuan.

After the space box that fell into his hands was included in the body, he also raised his hand and patted Ye Xuan’s shoulder. No more words, turned and looked towards towards the far side of the Void, and the body shape disappeared. not see.


Until Xue Ben’s body shape disappeared completely in the dark Void at the end of the line of sight, Ye Xuan was faintly sighed again, still maintaining the violent form of Starry Sky under ten zhang high, and the aura of the body with the body should be converged as much as possible. This turned and turned to the dark Void of the heaven-shaking great war, which was going far…

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